Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 773

Zhang Qiong, who had taken the opportunity to kill Li Guo, didn\'t have any chance to do it because of Li Guo\'s speed. He originally planned to do it when Li Guo inspected the scene, but he didn\'t expect that when he brought the one eyed dragon back, Li Guo had completed the inspection of the bodies of Xiao Laoliu and others, and missed the opportunity to do it. At this time, the two had embarked on a horse to return to Lingnan city.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Li Guo ordered the soldiers to strengthen investigation and inspection. He was worried that the group who killed Xiao Laoliu would take some unknown action against Hua Rong when they entered Lingnan City, so he took precautions in advance.

Zhang Qiong ignored Li Guo. He took the unconscious one eyed dragon directly to the Fengyue building and rode to the door of the Fengyue building. Zhang Qiong looked at the guard at the door and said sternly, "Zhang Yue hasn\'t come back yet?" Zhang Qiong remembered that when she left the government, Zhang Yue should wait for the soldiers arranged by Zhang Qiong in the government, but he didn\'t expect that Zhang Yue hadn\'t come back after so long.

"The master hasn\'t returned yet." the guard bent over and licked and smiled, for fear that if he said something wrong, he would offend Zhang Qiong.

Zhang Qiong threw the Cyclops directly from the horse\'s back. The Cyclops who fell heavily to the ground showed no sign of awakening. It was enough to see how heavy Zhang Qiong was: "take him in and wait for your head to come back!"

The guard recognized the one eyed dragon at a glance. As the captain of Fengyue building, the one eyed dragon\'s personal characteristic is that it is easy to attract other people\'s attention: "this, isn\'t this the one eyed dragon captain? The leader is looking for him all over the world. Thank you, Lord Zhang Qiong."

Zhang Qiong ignored it and left directly in the direction of the government. He wanted to see why Zhang Yue had not returned and returned to the government. Zhang Qiong sure enough saw Zhang Yue still sitting in the lobby. In a hurry, he paced back and forth, looking very flustered. When she saw Zhang Qiong appear, Zhang Yue immediately welcomed her: "Brother, where are your people? Where are the soldiers you arranged for me? No one came here after you left for so long!"

Originally, Zhang Yue was anxious to take people back to the wind moon building. He was worried that Li Luoyang had left after such a long delay.

Zhang Qiong frowned and said suspiciously, "I\'ve asked people to arrange. Why didn\'t they come?" Zhang Qiong was also confused. Her order had been issued clearly. Why didn\'t soldiers come to the government to look for Zhang Yue.

Zhang Qiong turned and came to the government gate, but just saw five or six soldiers rush to him: "team, Captain, we\'re coming!"

Zhang Qiong immediately looked at several soldiers with a murderous face: "military orders are like mountains. Don\'t you know what happened? You\'re only here now!" Zhang Yue behind her clenched her teeth tightly. If these soldiers were his people, they would have abandoned these disobedient slaves.

The leading soldier looked at Zhang Qiong helplessly: "Captain Zhang Qiong, it\'s not our fault. We rushed to the government immediately after receiving your order, but we didn\'t expect to meet captain Li Guo on the road. He asked us to patrol the west gate with his people. We were forced to obey. I told captain Li Guo that you had something urgent to find us, but he said that the biggest urgent thing now was to guard Hua Rong, and everything else could only be done Give way. "

Hearing the soldier\'s words, Zhang Qiong kicked on the soldier\'s abdomen with gnashing teeth: "useless things! Whose people are you? Li Guo is from the military camp. What qualifications does he have to give you orders?" For Li Guo\'s ultra vires behavior, Zhang Qiong naturally feels ashamed. These people are trusted confidants of Zhang Qiong. The reason for their trust is that they sent these people to assist Zhang Yue, but they didn\'t expect that the action has not started yet. The most trusted people actually listened to other people\'s orders.

The soldier who was kicked to the ground covered his sore stomach. Zhang Qiong didn\'t keep his hand: "team, Captain, we have no way. He comes from the military camp. Like you, he was ordered to act by all the soldiers in Lingnan city. We have to obey."

Zhang Qiong glared at the soldier fiercely. "Won\'t you disobey me? You\'d rather disobey my orders than refute that guy? The weapons in your hands are furnishings?" obviously, the soldier\'s explanation made Zhang Qiong more angry.

Zhang Yue hurriedly said to Zhang Qiong, "Li Guo? Is that the man I saw in the government just now?"

"Who else but him! Don\'t you still want to curry favor with others?"

"Brother, I did have this idea before. After all, he is a member of the army, but now my idea is different. He doesn\'t pay attention to you at all. You are my brother. Of course I helped you. He dares to order your soldiers today and may be able to take your position tomorrow. Such people can\'t stay!" Zhang Yue\'s purpose of helping Zhang Qiong is very simple. Zhang Qiong is his biggest reliance in Lingnan city. If Zhang Qiong loses his power, his influence in Lingnan will be greatly reduced.

Zhang Qiong whispered, "I\'ve long wanted to get rid of this guy secretly. It was the best opportunity to go out of the city with him before, but this guy\'s vigilance exceeded my imagination. He hasn\'t found a chance to start. Now he\'s back to Lingnan City, and it\'s impossible to start. If he dies in Lingnan City, not only I can\'t explain, but the magistrate will be implicated on purpose."

"Brother, this is an extraordinary time. Although that guy is against you, don\'t forget his task here. After tomorrow, Hua Rong will be beheaded, and your task will be completed. At that time, I\'ll hold a celebration banquet for you and him in Fengyue building, and take advantage of this opportunity to kill him. Don\'t worry, I\'ll handle it and let him die. In this way, you can explain it like the above. The credit is natural You\'re alone. "

Hearing Zhang Yue\'s plan, Zhang Qiong raised her mouth slightly: "Hongmen banquet?"

"Yes, we can\'t start with him now. When Huarong\'s top priority is handled, we have plenty of opportunities."

Zhang Qiong thought to herself: "Zhang Yue\'s plan is good. Li Guo is still valuable. Everything needs to be done after Hua Rong is executed, otherwise there will be any accident. How can I bear the responsibility alone and start at Fengyue building? If it is traced, I can also blame Zhang Yue. In this way, I have nothing to do with me? Hehe."

"OK! I\'ll listen to you this time. When Huarong\'s business is successfully completed, we\'ll go to Fengyue building!"

Zhang Yue smiled and nodded: "don\'t worry, brother, I\'ll give it to me at that time."

Zhang Qiong patted Zhang Yue on the shoulder, smiled and whispered, "these soldiers will be handed over to you for the time being. Go and do what you want to do. I still want to remind you to do it clean. By the way, the one eyed dragon has been brought back by me, right in your Fengyue building."

Hearing what Zhang Qiong said, Zhang Yue smiled: "thank you, brother. You\'re wrong. The Fengyue building is yours."

The two brothers stood at the gate of the government and smiled. They had their own plans. One wanted to use his brother\'s hand to kill Li Guo, and the other wanted to use his brother\'s power to get the jade pendant in Li Luoyang\'s hand. They just didn\'t know that their goal was actually a pair of brothers, which was very different from them.