Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 765


When Zhang Qiong and Li Guo finished their duel, an official soldier came to Zhang Qiong. He knelt on one knee and said slowly, "Captain Zhang Qiong, your brother Zhang Yue wants to see you."

"Zhang Yue? What is he doing here?"

"I don\'t know."

"Let him in!"

Zhang Qiong tidied up her clothes and sat back in her seat. Li Guo smiled and asked, "I didn\'t expect captain Zhang Qiong to have a brother. Your brother must be the same as you, martial arts Zhuoqun?" Li Guo naturally thought of his brother Li Luoyang. He knew that Li Luoyang was in the basement of Fengyue building less than 500 meters away from him at this time.

"Hum, my brother has no ability. He is not born to practice martial arts."

"Since your brother has something to do, I won\'t bother." Li Guo walked to the gate after boxing and just met Zhang Yue rushing to come. Zhang Yue took a look at Li Guo. The government let him know Li Guo\'s identity, so he quickly smiled and said to Li Guo, "this must be captain Li Guo?" with Zhang Qiong\'s care, and Zhang Yue\'s eyes and ears in Lingnan city, Naturally, he knew the name of the camp leader in charge of leading the team. Seeing the unusual armor, he guessed Li Guo\'s identity,

Li Guo saluted politely: "it\'s me."

"Next month, Zhang Qiong\'s younger brother runs a restaurant called Fengyue restaurant in lingnancheng. Captain Li Guo is welcome at any time if he is free."

"You\'re welcome. Since you\'re looking for captain Zhang Qiong, please go in first."

"Captain Li Guo, go slowly and see you again." then Zhang Yue turned and walked to the lobby. From a long distance, she saw Zhang Qiong sitting in the main seat: "brother!"

Zhang Qiong frowned and asked, "what did you say to that Li at the door just now?"

"No matter how he is a member of the army or a captain, I naturally want to please him." he won\'t hide it in front of Zhang Qiong.

"Hum, what\'s the advantage of flattering that kind of person!"

"Brother, we have different positions. I\'m a businessman. People who are valuable to me need to use everything. He\'s a man under Zhou Xiangong\'s account. He may become a big general in the future. Wouldn\'t it be better to curry favor with and win over relations earlier? Besides, if he didn\'t become a general but died on the battlefield, there would be no loss for me. I should have lost one It\'s just chess pieces. "

Zhang Qiong looked at Zhang Yue without cutting: "this guy hasn\'t even seen Zhou Xiangong\'s face. Do you expect him to lead you to prosperity in the future? Hum, I naturally understand your city government. After so many years, do you also regard me as a tool you can use?"

Zhang Yue hurriedly said, "brother, look what you said. We are brothers. How can I use you? Isn\'t it right to help my brother?"

"You know how much I\'ve helped you for so many years! What\'s the matter today?"

"Brother, this is a great opportunity for our family. Haven\'t I always wanted to get the intoxicating recipe of the Yang family? As long as I become Yang Zhen\'s son-in-law, I can get it naturally. If I get the intoxicating recipe, I can produce good wine. It\'s a thing with a lot of money."

"Haven\'t you been brewing this for several years? Can you persuade the old man Yang Zhen to be so stubborn? Come on, what\'s the opportunity?"

Zhang Yue looked around and then came to Zhang Qiong: "brother, a silly boy came to my casino today. I don\'t know what happened. This guy actually holds the jade pendant handed down by the Yang family\'s ancestors. As long as he gets it, he will coerce Yang Zhensong. He will betroth his daughter to me."

Zhang Qiong frowned and asked in a low voice, "did Yang Zhen know that the jade pendant handed down by the ancestors of the Yang family was in the hands of a silly boy?"

"I thought the boy was a thief and stole the jade pendant from the Yang family, so I sent someone to inform Yang Zhen, but who expected that Yang Zhen didn\'t clean up the boy. It seems that he knows that the jade pendant is in the boy\'s hand. I guess the relationship between them is not simple."

"So you want to get the jade pendant?"

"That\'s right."

"You can\'t handle a silly boy with so many people in the wind and rain building?"

Zhang Yue said with a smile: "Elder brother, didn\'t you tell me this time? Don\'t make trouble. If I kill this boy, you can completely help me hide it from the world at ordinary times, but now it\'s different. There are military barracks in Lingnan city. If they know that there is a life in my Fengyue building, things will be in trouble, so I asked the one eyed dragon to wait outside the Fengyue building with more than a dozen guards, as long as that When the boy leaves, he will follow up and fight again when he knows where he is. "

Zhang Qiong nodded and said in a low voice, "well done. As long as you don\'t make trouble for me during this period of time, since you\'ve made arrangements, why do you come to me? Besides, it\'s enough to deal with a silly boy with the power of one eyed dragon alone."

Zhang Yue wanted to cry and answered, "I arranged everything, but who ever thought that the one eyed dragon guy ran away with more than a dozen of my other men."

"Ran away?" Zhang Qiong looked at Zhang Yue in surprise: "how did you run?"

"My people found that the one eyed dragon had left the city gate, and more than a dozen others had disappeared."

"You can\'t even watch your dog. What kind of boss are you?"

"Brother, now my Fengyue building is seriously understaffed. If the boy leaves the Fengyue building, I can\'t send anyone to follow him, so I, I want to borrow some soldiers from you for one day."

Zhang Qiong slapped on the armrest of the wooden stool, stood up and stared at Zhang Yue: "do you want my people to help you track the boy? Kill him and grab the jade pendant?"

Looking at the angry Zhang Qiong, Zhang Yue said slowly with tears in her eyes: "Brother, this is my best chance. I know that letting your people kill is a violation of the law, but as long as you don\'t say, I don\'t say, they don\'t say, no one will know. As long as I become the son-in-law of the Yang family, a lot of silver tickets will go into our brothers\' pockets in the future, which is faster than the money from the casino!"

Zhang Yue continued to advise, "brother, think about it. You are still risking protecting the mountain bandit stronghold for one hundred Liang. It\'s only one hundred Liang. If this time is successful, I promise I can give you at least ten thousand liang of silver every month."

Zhang Qiong stared at Zhang Yue askew: "your casino makes a lot of profits every day. How come I\'ve never seen you give money to your brother? On the contrary, it\'s very good to master Mo!"

"Brother, isn\'t my money your money? If you need a word, I\'ll ask someone to prepare it for you immediately."

Zhang Qiong raised her hand to stop Zhang Yue from going on: "I have to consider this matter. At ordinary times, it\'s a big deal that I\'ll lend you some of my confidants, but now it\'s different. You saw just now that there are people in military barracks in Lingnan city. If you act rashly, you will only lose your wife and lose your soldiers."

"Elder brother, I can\'t delay for long. You have to give me the answer after half incense."