Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 766

In Lingnan City, Zhang Qiong is hesitant at this time. Now the government\'s troops have been sent to strengthen the inspection of Lingnan City, and Zhang Qiong doesn\'t want to hand over her soldiers to Zhang Yue to deal with unimportant matters. Even if they are close brothers, they have selfish intentions. As Zhang Qiong said, Zhang Yue got the jade pendant handed down by Yang\'s ancestors, which is not good for Zhang Qiong.

Zhang Yue looked at Zhang Qiong with great expectation. Unexpectedly, what she waited for after half incense was the answer of rejection. Zhang Qiong said solemnly: "I can\'t help you. Now the troops are already insufficient. If I transfer the soldiers to you without permission, the people in the military camp will think I\'m incompetent and lose the face of the Lingnan government!"

The smile on Zhang Yue\'s face gradually disappeared: "brother, we are close brothers. I just borrow a few people from you. You don\'t help me at all. I\'m also for the good of our Zhang family." Zhang Yue seemed a little worried. Although Zhang Yue often asked Zhang Qiong for help, Zhang Yue begged Zhang Qiong for the first time. He never expected Zhang Qiong to refuse so simply, In addition, he was worried that Li Luoyang in the casino would leave soon, so he was anxious.

"Zhang Jia? If you really want our family well, just stay in Lingnan city and do your business! Have I handled less for you in recent years? What benefits have you given me?"

Hearing what Zhang Qiong said, Zhang Yue understood why Zhang Qiong refused: "brother, why don\'t you lend me some soldiers and help me find the one eyed dragon? I\'ll give you the Fengyue building under my name. How about it!" the Fengyue building was built by Zhang Yue, but Zhang Yue left a heart. He only said to give the restaurant to Zhang Qiong, As for the casino with the fastest money, he won\'t cede it.

"Fengyue restaurant? Hum, would you be so kind?" Zhang Qiong was a little excited. After all, even Fengyue restaurant can bring him a sum of income, and he only paid a few soldiers a day. However, he knew very well that his brother was born a businessman and would not suffer losses in any transaction. He was willing to pay the price of Fengyue restaurant this time, Zhang Qiong knows how important that jade pendant is to Zhang Yue. Therefore, Zhang Qiong wants more.

"Zhang Yue, how many times do I have to say that now you know the situation in Lingnan city. It\'s good for me to lend you troops. Do you want me to help you catch one eyed dragons? A few dogs run away, don\'t!"

"Elder brother, you can\'t say that. If I don\'t catch and punish more than a dozen people today, won\'t my other men go away in three days or two? If this goes on, the forces I\'ve been courting for so many years will be lost sooner or later. Besides, what else can they do when the dozen one eyed dragons leave Lingnan city? I think they may set up another mountain."

"Do you mean they will occupy the quota I set?"

"Yes! Think about it. Where can they go after they leave the city? I\'m not looking for a mountain to become a mountain thief, but I know your brother. You\'ve spent a lot of time for the number of mountain thieves in Lingnan. If there are more mountain thieves, the top should blame them. If there are fewer mountain thieves, your income will naturally be less. You don\'t want to see that your hard-working land is cheaper than others."

Zhang Yue continued to bewitch her brother. He didn\'t have the strength to go out of the city to catch Cyclops and others.

At this time, a soldier rushed to Zhang Qiong. He looked at Zhang Yue and seemed to hesitate. Zhang Qiong said slowly, "if you have anything to say, there are no outsiders here!"

The soldier then said, "Captain, Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold was taken, and the bodies of Xiao Laoliu and his men were found at the foot of the mountain."

Zhang Qiong looked at the soldiers with a surprised look on her face: "was it taken? Who did it? Was it the one eyed dragon?" Zhang Qiong turned to look at Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue\'s face was embarrassed. He didn\'t expect his people to be so bold and directly confront Zhang Qiong.

The soldier then said, "we checked the bodies of Xiao Laoliu and others and found that they died in the hands of experts. Compared with the one eyed dragon in Fengyue building, we couldn\'t do it. However, when we investigated Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold, we did find that the one eyed dragon and his party were resting in the stronghold."

"What!" the two brothers Zhang Qiong exclaimed at the same time.

"I questioned the Cyclops. They said that Xiao Laoliu had been killed when they arrived here. They just replaced Xiao Laoliu as the mountain bandit there, and they asked me to give this to captain Zhang Qiong." the soldier took out one hundred liang of silver from his arms: "The one eyed Dragon said that this is the protection fee of this month. It will be handed over to you on time every month in the future, so there will be no loss to you."

Zhang Qiong took one hundred liang of silver and put it directly into her arms. Then she smiled and said, "they\'re right. As long as you pay the money on time, I don\'t care who becomes the master of Xiao Laoliu mountain stronghold!"

Zhang Yue on the other side refused: "brother, you\'re not going to catch the one eyed dragon. Are you really going to let him replace Xiao\'s Six Mountains as king? If my other men know, what face do I have to lead them?"

Looking at the anxious Zhang Yue, Zhang Qiong said calmly, "don\'t you hear? The Cyclops will pay the protection fee on time. If I kill them, I will lose a sum of income." Zhang Qiong just wants more.

"You... Brother, isn\'t it one hundred Liang a month? This is also money? How about you bring me back with the Cyclops and I give you ten thousand liang of silver?"

"Zhang Yue, others don\'t know. Don\'t I know? I know exactly how much you\'ve earned in recent years. I just charge some protection fees. A mountain stronghold is only one hundred Liang a month. Compared with the income of your casino and Fengyue building, it\'s nothing. If you only give 10000 Liang, it\'s like asking me to send troops to catch people? It\'s too serious to take me seriously."

Zhang Yueyi clenched her teeth and whispered, "then you say! How much do you want!"

"One hundred thousand." Zhang Qiong obviously had already figured out the number.


"Don\'t forget your brother\'s identity. As the first expert of lingnancheng government, you also led troops out of the city to suppress bandits. It\'s not too much to ask you 100000 Liang."

Zhang Yue stared at Zhang Qiong fiercely. He didn\'t expect that his brother was darker than himself. He had to add 100000 Liang as soon as he opened his mouth. But on second thought, in order to manage his other subordinates in the future, these 100000 Liang might be worth: "success! 100000 is 100000. Pay money and people."

Zhang Qiong laughed wildly: "now that I know the foothold of one eyed dragons, I just need to take people to make trouble with Huanglong. You can get people here tonight and remember to bring money."

"Where are the soldiers?"

"When I leave later, I will let some of my most loyal soldiers dress up as your people for your dispatch. There is only one day."

Zhang Yue finally smiled: "thank you here, little brother!"