Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 764

In Lingnan city government, Zhang Qiong, known as the first master of Lingnan government, is receiving the person in charge from the military camp in the lobby. According to the requirements of the imperial court, Zhang Qiong needs to establish a defense line in Lingnan city with this person in charge. Naturally, they need to discuss it.

The tall Zhang Qiong has a beard on her face and a ferocious face that looks like Li Kui. If it weren\'t for the government, it would be easy to be mistaken for the black whirlwind of Shuibo Liangshan. The man sitting opposite Zhang Qiong has a firm face and full of courage in his eyebrows. If Li Luoyang were here, he would be very surprised, because this man is Li Guo, Li Luoyang\'s brother.

"Captain Li Guo, I don\'t know what\'s your opinion about the deployment and control of Lingnan city?" Zhang Qiong took a sip of tea.

Li Guo said solemnly without expression: "I have been ordered by the imperial court to come to Lingnan city to assist Lingnan government this time. Since captain Zhang Qiong is the person in charge of the government this time, I and the people I brought will naturally cooperate with you. You can arrange the personnel arrangement."

Zhang Qiong raised her mouth slightly, looked at the young Li Guo and said with a smile: "Before Captain Li Guo came, your name was like thunder. Niu Gao and Wang GUI introduced you to the imperial court at the same time, and then joined Zhou Xiangong\'s camp. In just one month, he became a captain from a soldier. Such achievements are enough to attract other people\'s attention. As soon as I see it today, Captain Li Guo\'s reputation is worthy. Captain Li Guo\'s bravery is comparable to Zhou Xiangong in those years."

Li Guo\'s face was still cold: "compared with general Zhou, I naturally fell into a drop in the ocean. Although I have never met him, I can feel from the atmosphere of the barracks that his leadership can govern such an army."

"Oh? Since you have been promoted to captain, have you never seen Zhou Xiangong?"

"There are regulations in the barracks, and Zhou Xiangong\'s barracks are even different. The promotion depends on the number of enemies killed. Every time he fights with foreign enemies, general Zhou will arrange statisticians to make statistics on the new enemies. As long as he reaches a certain number, he will have the opportunity to become a captain. It\'s not what you think general Zhou will personally point out, so I haven\'t seen Zhou Xiangong."

Zhang Qiong smiled: "I see. The military God is worthy of being the military God. The way of training and using troops is also different. However, the legend of the military God\'s invincibility has been broken some time ago. I don\'t know how long he can last?" As soon as Zhang Qiong\'s speech peak turned, it seemed that he began to show his indifference to Zhou Xiangong. In this era, there was often opposition between the government and the military camp. He became the first expert in Lingnan government. He thought he would do better when he came to Zhou Xiangong\'s position.

In the face of Zhang Qiong\'s words, Li Guo\'s mouth tilted slightly: "general Zhou can resist foreign enemies, calm civil strife and settle mone by one person. These achievements are enough to exile for hundreds of generations. The so-called invincibility is only people\'s hope for him, but I\'m sure that without general Zhou\'s existence, some people wouldn\'t sit here drinking tea and chatting."

Zhang Qiong\'s eye muscles were trembling and was ridiculed by a younger generation. His irritable character was not allowed: "after listening to captain Li\'s meaning, our court will be ruined without Zhou Xiangong? Is this the emperor\'s or his Zhou Xiangong\'s!"

"Of course it was the emperor\'s, but it was general Zhou!"

"Be rude, you dare to speak so wildly, I can make you copy all over the house with one Memorial!" Zhang Qiong immediately stood up and stared at Li Guo fiercely.

"What\'s the problem with my words? As it\'s more difficult to sit on a mountain than to fight a mountain, the emperor can sit on the throne only if he has good governance. General Zhou is loyal to the emperor and has been ordered to fight many times, not to lay a solid mountain for the Emperor? Captain Zhang Qiong, don\'t misinterpret what I mean."

"Hum, when did you come out of the barracks? Those reckless men who only know how to kill the enemy can speak quickly now?"

Li Guo chuckled and said with a smile, "his mouth is long on himself. It\'s not that he doesn\'t say it, but he doesn\'t cut it with some people. Compared with a reckless man like us in the military camp, it seems to me that some of them are more like garbage without. They hide in a safe city and talk nonsense. If they put him on the battlefield, I hope he can maintain his momentum."

"Hahaha, well said. I really hope to kill the enemy one day and let the reckless men in the barracks see what war is."

Li Guo looked at Zhang Qiong and whispered, "if you had this ability, you wouldn\'t be here now. The emperor has ordered you to go to the military camp for a long time. You\'re still sitting here now. It can only show that you\'re not qualified!"

"You! You\'re looking for death!" Zhang Qiong turned to take out the big knife on the weapon rack and looked at Li Guo with a murderous face. This is Lingnan City, his territory. Even the magistrate should give way to him. When was he ridiculed like this.

Li Guo straightened his waist and looked valiant in his armor. He picked up the iron bar on the weapon rack. Li Guo said with a murderous face: "fist and foot have no eyes. Captain Zhang Qiong, you should be careful."

Zhang Qiong clenched her teeth and jumped up. Li Guo took two steps back. The iron bar hit the wooden stool she had just sat on. The wooden stool flew out directly to Zhang Qiong. Zhang Qiong immediately slashed with a horizontal knife, and the wooden stool was immediately divided into two. However, Li Guo\'s iron bar came one after another at the moment when the wooden stool broke and went straight into Zhang Qiong\'s chest.

"When!" a crisp sound, Zhang Qiong put the blade of the broadsword across her chest, just blocking Li Guo\'s iron bar.

Li Guo smiled, took back the iron bar and threw it directly at Zhang Qiong\'s head. However, to Li Guo\'s surprise, Zhang Qiong directly raised her right hand and grabbed the iron bar with her palm. Li Guo didn\'t expect that Zhang Qiong\'s strength was so great. The iron bar was controlled by Zhang Qiong. Facing the big knife cut by Zhang Qiong\'s other hand, Li Guo had no choice but to loosen her hands and retreat.

"You\'re a good player! No wonder you can be the captain of the barracks, but you\'re not my opponent!" Zhang Qiong threw the iron bar aside and rushed to Li Guo again with a big knife. Li Guo jumped up and a swallow turned over in the air. He successfully avoided Zhang Qiong\'s Cross cutting. After his feet fell to the ground, Li Guo took the opportunity to roll and seize the iron bar on the ground.

"Captain Zhang Qiong\'s skill is good, but it\'s a pity that without the real murderous spirit, the battlefield is not as simple as you think!" Li shouted angrily and rushed to Zhang Qiong. Zhang Qiong was surprised by the speed. He could even see the shadow of the iron bar falling on him.

"Don\'t underestimate Lao Tze!" Zhang Qiong\'s feet were slightly stretched, and her steady horse step made Zhang Qiong plan to take over Li Guo\'s stick in front. When the broadsword and iron stick collided together, the two weapons broke instantly. These two weapons are only inferior weapons used by the government for training, not weapons carried by the two people themselves. The strength is naturally very different.

Looking at the broken broadsword and iron bar on the ground, Li Guo smiled and said, "it seems that there is no winner today."

However, Zhang Qiong\'s heart was not so calm. Li Guobi smiled more than he was a teenager and was able to draw with himself, which was only an absolute disgrace to his first master of Lingnan government.