Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 754

At this time, in Luoyang, hundreds of kilometers away from Li Luoyang, on the surface, the six gates have stopped looking for Li Luoyang. After all, Lin Luoshui has explained Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts to Mo Yuntian, and his family has cancelled the search. Mo Yuntian will not trace it to the end. However, he secretly sent Mo Jiao, Mo Fu and Mo Shou to continue the investigation, The purpose is to find the clue of Li Luoyang and give it to Sima Yingming.

The two had been secretly collaborating, ready to take over everything Li Luoyang had left while Li Luoyang was away. The secret of perfume had fallen into Sima Yingming\'s hands. He also needed the formula of the gods and even the Jade Pool dew. As long as he got these things, he had full confidence to return to the court, or to establish his own force.

Mo Jiao and others are used by Mo Yuntian. Mo Jiao, who is worried about Li Luoyang, has no idea that once she finds any sign of Li Luoyang returning to Luoyang City, as long as she reports to her father, she will send Li Luoyang to huangquan road.

During Wenjun\'s elegant building, Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er\'s injuries were almost recovered because of Li Luoyang\'s herbal medicine. Yu\'er, who was able to walk on the ground, became the support of Li\'s herbal medicine store. She maintained the operation of the herbal medicine store alone, but the business was bleak. Even with the publicity of books and periodicals, few people were willing to try this new thing that had never appeared, However, the disappearance of Xiao Si and Li Luoyang also made yu\'er invisible. She sat at the door every day looking forward to their return.

Ouyang Wenjun stood at the door of Wenjun Yazhu, next to Li\'s herbal medicine store. She saw yu\'er with a frown: "yu\'er, are you still worried about them?"

"Well, so much has happened that it\'s hard to accept it for a while."

Ouyang Wenjun sighed helplessly: "yes, first the disappearance of Li Luoyang and Xiao Si, the emergence of the mysterious woman, and Chaijin from Liangshanpo. Is it just a coincidence? I vaguely feel that Li Luoyang\'s disappearance may be related to the people of Liangshanpo."

Yu\'er stood up and looked at Ouyang Wenjun: "sister Wenjun, Wu Xinyi also left. Do you think she planned to look for them after knowing their whereabouts in Luoyang?" yu\'er and Wen Jun are smart women. Although Wu Xinyi only explained and perfunctory her excuse for leaving at will, they both knew that Wu Xinyi\'s sudden departure was probably related to Li Luoyang.

"Don\'t think about it. Since Li Luoyang\'s mother said Luoyang was all right, they will come back, but I\'m more worried about other things now."

"What\'s the matter, sister Wenjun."

Ouyang Wenjun sighed and said slowly, "you don\'t know. The raw materials for immortal drunkenness are completely gone. Originally, we could continue our business by yaochi Yulu, but when Luoyang left, we didn\'t give me the formula. The yaochi Yulu brewed in Luoyang outside the city is almost exhausted. I\'m afraid Wenjun Yazhu can\'t hold on when he comes back."

Yu\'er looked at Ouyang Wenjun in surprise: "what should I do?"

Ouyang Wenjun said reluctantly, "if Luoyang hasn\'t come back in a while, I have to go to the merchant Federation."

Yu\'er immediately understood what Ouyang Wenjun wanted to do: "sister Wenjun, do you want to buy immortal drunk raw materials from them?" the immortal drunk raw materials are now stored in the merchant Federation. It is well known that there was Li Luoyang before. Ouyang Wenjun doesn\'t have to worry about the operation of Wenjun\'s elegant building, but now it\'s different, The recipe of yaochi Yulu disappeared before Li Luoyang had time to give it to Ouyang Wenjun. In order to continue to maintain Wenjun Yazhu\'s drinks, Ouyang Wenjun had to look for the raw materials of the immortal drunk formula in his hand, so as to avoid the final collapse of Wenjun Yazhu.

After all, the guests who come to Wenjun Yazhu are all for the sake of immortal drunkenness or jade dew in yaochi. If these are gone, the guests will not lower their requirements for ordinary and impermanent drinks. This taste has reached a higher level, and it is difficult to come down.

"Sister Wenjun, do you think those people will sell you the raw materials? Don\'t forget that they are the happiest ones when Luoyang is missing. They don\'t take this opportunity to build elegant buildings for Wenjun. How can they sell us the raw materials in a timely manner?"

Ouyang Wenjun looked confused. She looked up at the sky: "There\'s nothing I can do to build for Wenjun. I have to beg them. The trees fall and the monkeys scatter. Luoyang is just missing. Those who usually flatter and flatter Luoyang disappeared in an instant. Sima Yingming didn\'t come. Lin Xu doesn\'t know how long he hasn\'t visited. Even Mo Yuntian of the six doors hasn\'t come here to drink for a long time. Only that silly boy."

Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er looked at Wenjun\'s elegant building at the same time. In the lobby, only Xiao Hui sat at the wine table and enjoyed singing and dancing. The previously crowded lobby became depressed at this time. All this was due to the disappearance of Li Luoyang.

Yu\'er smiled and said, "this silly boy is as loyal to his master as Xiao Si."

"Xiao Hui is a smart child. He knows that it\'s no good for him to stay in the six doors. There is mo Jiao above and a young generation with talents below. He has little living space for him, but it\'s different with Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang\'s future is unlimited and more human than Mo Yuntian of the six doors."

"By the way, sister Wenjun, since we can trust Xiaohui, why don\'t we let Xiaohui go out of the city to find Luoyang for us?" yu\'er thought of a way in a hurry.

"Where can I find it?"

"Sister Wenjun, you forgot. You just said that the disappearance of Luoyang may be related to the people in Liangshanpo."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled. She touched yu\'er, nodded and smiled and said, "can Xiaohui find Liangshan? The imperial court can\'t reach Liangshan stronghold smoothly. How can he deal with it alone?"

"How can we know the result if we don\'t try? Now we have only this way. Mo Yuntian of six doors can\'t be trusted. Sima Yingming is just a waste. Aunt Lin can\'t protect herself. Only trusted little ash can help us."

"Can you believe it? I\'m afraid. Although Xiao Hui seems to be loyal to Li Luoyang, people\'s hearts are separated." Ouyang Wenjun saw a lot of things about Li Luoyang\'s disappearance this time. Mo Yuntian of six doors is one of them. Previously, Ouyang Wenjun thought Mo Yuntian and Li Luoyang were friends, but now it seems that it\'s just her illusion, Sima Yingming did not have to say much more. After three hundred bottles of perfume from Mo Jiao, he never appeared again, which made Ouyang Wenjun feel that no one in the world could believe him.

"I believe! I believe Xiao Hui is sincere to brother Luoyang. I believe in him!" yu\'er said firmly.

"Silly girl, you are as naive as when you first came here." Ouyang Wenjun turned to look at Xiao Hui, then smiled and said to yu\'er, "in that case, let\'s try?"

Yu\'er frowned and slightly raised her hand and pulled Ouyang Wenjun\'s hand: "Hmm!"