Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 755

In Wenjun\'s elegant building, Xiao Hui looked gloomy and carried the wine he had brought. Although he wanted to drink the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu, it was almost impossible for him to consume such expensive wine in terms of his salary. Moreover, he had advanced a lot of salary to Mo Yuntian to buy Li Luoyang\'s carriage. At this time, he had no extra money.

Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er came to Xiaohui\'s wooden table and put a bottle of immortal drunkenness and a bottle of yaochi jade dew in front of Xiaohui. Xiaohui looked at them suspiciously: "what do you mean? Do you want to buy me a drink?" Ouyang Wenjun is a businessman. Even if he knows the relationship between Xiaohui and Li Luoyang, It will not easily give away the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu in Wenjun\'s elegant building for free. Xiaohui naturally wondered when he saw Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er\'s move.

Ouyang Wenjun slowly sat beside Xiaohui, filled the glass with wine and handed it to Xiaohui. He asked the mellow question at the tip of his nose. Xiaohui couldn\'t help swallowing his saliva and looked at the glass in Ouyang Wenjun\'s hand.

"Xiao Hui, now your six doors have stopped investigating the whereabouts of Luoyang. Do you know?" Ouyang Wenjun asked in a low voice with a smile.

Xiaohui nodded and slowly replied, "well, I know, Lord Mo received a letter from master\'s mother. The letter was written by master himself. The content on it is that master is very safe now. Let\'s rest assured that since the family members have cancelled the case, liumen has no right to continue the investigation, so he stopped investigating master\'s whereabouts. What\'s the matter?"

Yu\'er sat next to Xiao Hui and whispered, "Xiao Hui, you don\'t know. When the woman assassinated us again, there was a man in Liangshanpo, and it was he who saved us." when yu\'er was going to continue, Ouyang Wenjun suddenly grabbed yu\'er\'s hand: "Xiao Hui, in short, we now suspect that the disappearance of Luoyang is related to Liangshanpo."

Ouyang Wenjun stopped yu\'er from talking because she was worried that yu\'er would reveal Wu Xinyi. After all, Ouyang Wenjun knew that since Wu Xinyi was from Baiyun Mountain, liumen would not miss this opportunity, including Xiao Hui. Even if Xiao Hui was Li Luoyang\'s apprentice, Xiao Hui did not know the relationship between Wu Xinyi and Li Luoyang, If he knew that Wu Xinyi was likely to become his teacher\'s mother, Ouyang Wenjun wouldn\'t have to hide it.

Hearing Ouyang Wenjun\'s words, Xiao Hui immediately stood up: "are you serious?"

"We just have this conjecture. Otherwise, why did the people of Liangshanpo suddenly appear in Wenjun Yazhu and save yu\'er and me? Besides, I suspect that the letter was given to Lin Luoshui by the people of Liangshanpo. Lin Luoshui took the letter to six gates. Shortly after the people of Liangshanpo left us, Lin Luoshui got a peace letter from Luoyang. This time is too late It\'s a coincidence. "

Xiao Hui thought for a moment, then nodded his head: "well, the disappearance of master led to several times more patrols in Luoyang than usual. The people of Liangshanpo knew that it was dangerous to appear in Luoyang at this time, but even so, they came, which proved that they had a task to complete, otherwise they wouldn\'t take such a risk. It was probably the letter!"

"So, yu\'er and I want you to go to Liangshan." Ouyang Wenjun asked tentatively. She knows the relationship between Xiaohui and Li Luoyang and Xiaohui is a person she can trust, but she doesn\'t know whether Xiaohui is willing to take such a big risk for Li Luoyang. After all, Shuibo Liangshan can\'t go.

Xiaohui became a little hesitant. He was not worried about his danger, but worried that his actions would be noticed by Mo Yuntian: "Miss Wenjun, to be honest, Lord Mo did not stop looking for master."

Hearing Xiao Hui say this, Ouyang Wenjun looked surprised: "why?"

"I don\'t know. When Miss Mo Jiao left with Mo Fu and Mo Shou, she said she was looking for master\'s whereabouts. I don\'t understand why Lord Mo announced to stop the investigation, but secretly wanted to look for master. But I believe Lord Mo was afraid of complications. In order to prevent master\'s whereabouts from being discovered, she acted secretly. Anyway, my task is to stay here Protect you. If you have some bad things, master won\'t spare me when he comes back, and Lord Mo won\'t let me go. "

Ouyang Wenjun glared at Xiaohui: "you can let the tiger skin come over. You won\'t worry about our safety. Now the most important thing is your master. You have seen it during this time. When your master is away, Luoyang city is almost in chaos. I believe you are as worried about the safety of Luoyang as we are."

"But Miss Mo Jiao has gone to look for it. What I have to do now is to tell Mo Jiao your doubts and let them go to Liangshanpo to look for it."

Ouyang Wenjun grabbed Xiao Hui who was going to return to the six doors: "are you really stupid or fake stupid?"

"Why did you say that, Miss Wenjun?"

"I\'ll tell you the truth. I don\'t trust them at all. Whether Mo Yuntian or Mo Jiao, they are people of six doors. Six doors have been committed to intrigues in the imperial court for so many years. They know the utilization value of Li Luoyang. Remember, they only care about the wine or other things invented in Luoyang, not Luoyang at all This man! Do you think your Lord Mo really treats Luoyang? "

Xiaohui suddenly fell into silence. After so many years of effectiveness, Xiaohui naturally knows the darkness in the six doors better than others. Who is mo Yuntian? That\'s the general director of the six gates in Luoyang City. Sitting in this position, he has to face not only the secret tasks assigned by the imperial court, but also the targeting of various bureaucrats every day. If Mo Yuntian is not good at attacking the heart, how can he stay in this position.

"Miss Wenjun, I understand what you mean. You tell this because Li Luoyang is my master. Only I can make you trust, right?"

"Well, you understand!"

"But you don\'t believe Mo Yuntian. You should also believe Miss Mo Jiao? I believe you can see that Miss Mo Jiao also attaches importance to love and righteousness to master. Miss Mo Jiao is the most anxious about master\'s disappearance this time."

Ouyang Wenjun sighed helplessly: "Xiao Hui, we can see Mo Jiao\'s sincerity to Luoyang, but she is still young and can\'t make decisions on many things by herself. It\'s inevitable that she won\'t become a tool used by others. What if Mo Yuntian uses Mo Jiao? How can Mo Jiao notice? Don\'t just look at the surface."

The little grey eyebrow locked and said slowly, "Miss Mo Jiao is used. She is the only daughter of Lord Mo, but it can be done by Lord Mo\'s city government."

"Xiao Hui, don\'t hesitate. If the people of Liangshanpo took Li Luoyang, they must have another plan, otherwise they won\'t take such a big risk to come here and take Luoyang. What I\'m most worried about now is the letter. Maybe it\'s not just a simple report of peace, but a letter they forced Luoyang to write."