Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 753

"Oh, why didn\'t you play?"

A voice suddenly appeared at the door of the private room. Master Mo and Li Luoyang, who were waiting for the arrival of a third person, turned around and looked. Li Luoyang found that the visitor was Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue with a smile always gave Li Luoyang a strange feeling. He didn\'t know whether there were people with special orientation in this era. If so, Zhang Yue in front of him must belong to this kind of people.

Looking at Zhang Yue\'s arrival, the dealer smiled. He seemed to prove his ability. Now he can win all the money of Li Luoyang to complete the task in front of Zhang Yue. This is an affirmation of his ability. He naturally hopes that Zhang Yue can participate in the gambling game. In this way, the number of people is enough: "Master, are you here? Master Mo and the guest thought that there were fewer gamblers, so they decided to wait for another person."

The dealer briefly introduced the situation here, and Zhang Yue immediately knew it.

Zhang Yue looked at Li Luoyang and said with a sly smile, "I didn\'t expect you to come here? You have two sons."

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect a more difficult guy. After listening to Wu Xinyi\'s words, Li Luoyang knew that Zhang Yue had long planned to retaliate against himself, but his action had been dissolved by Lin Chong, but he didn\'t expect this guy to appear again: "just good luck."

Zhang Yue ignored Li Luoyang\'s answer. He bypassed Li Luoyang and went to master Mo: "master Mo, I\'m lucky today. I won so much?" Zhang Yue\'s attitude towards master Mo is obviously different. Her eyes are full of flattery, and her words are much more polite. For Zhang Yue, master Mo\'s utilization value is far more than that of Li Luoyang. He only wants the jade pendant on Li Luoyang, but master Mo can bring him more convenience. After all, there is a master\'s identity, and his power is only under the magistrate. In Lingnan In the city government, it is also below one person and above ten thousand people. Naturally, many people pursue it, and Fengyue building is also one of them.

Since Zhang Yue opened the Fengyue building, master Mo has not brought him less convenience, but also made the development of Fengyue building go smoothly. Therefore, master Mo can get a lot of reward every time he comes to Fengyue building. Master Mo is not aware of the dealer\'s intentional loss to himself. He just thinks that his gambling skills are improving, and he is not aware of Zhang Yue\'s means of flattering. Anyway, he is in Fengyue Lou won a lot of money. In order to keep this money, master Mo naturally took care of Fengyue Lou. This is the result Zhang Yue wants.

Master Mo looked at Zhang Yue, and finally a smile appeared on his face. His slightly raised mouth looked as treacherous as Zhang Yue: "it turned out that Zhang Yue is in charge of the family. I didn\'t expect you to be here today."

"The situation in the city is tense these days, and there are fewer people here for entertainment. Don\'t I have nothing to do? So come and have a look. I didn\'t expect you to come in person. I knew you were here. I arranged more programs to help you."

Master Mo seemed to be used to such treatment. He waved leisurely: "no, those songs and dances are boring."

Zhang Yue looked at the wine bottles beside master Mo, turned to the dealer and said, "how do you serve? Master Mo\'s wine bottles are empty! Go and take out the intoxicating wine stored in the yard to entertain master mo."

The dealer was embarrassed and said in Zhang Yue\'s ear, "the master of the house, the intoxicating wine has disappeared. Master Mo has come every day and drank it every day these days."

Zhang Yue frowned and whispered, "it\'s special size. Let\'s buy it right away."

"Master, have you forgotten? Last time you offended the Yang family because of Yang Zhen\'s daughter, Yang Zhen has ordered not to provide intoxicating wine to our Fengyue building."

"Don\'t you know to find an ordinary person to buy it? Don\'t tell the Yang family that he is from Fengyue building. It won\'t be long?" Zhang Yue stared at the dealer fiercely.

"Yes, I\'ll arrange it now." the dealer turned and walked out of the private room, found a guard and ordered a few words, and then returned to the private room again.

After the intoxicating wine was returned, Zhang Yue came to master Mo with a wine bottle: "do you need someone to prepare a wine cup for you?"

"No need." master Mo impolitely took over the intoxicating wine in Zhang Yue\'s hand, opened the wine bottle and drank it directly.

Looking at the satisfied smile on master Mo\'s face, Zhang Yue asked, "I don\'t know if I\'m lucky to play with master Mo?"

"Oh? It\'s rare to be in charge today. I don\'t mind."

Zhang Yue turned to look at Li Luoyang: "what about you!"

"This is your territory. It\'s your freedom if you want to sit down and play." Li Luoyang replied slowly with a smile.

Zhang Yue stared at Li Luoyang, and then sat aside. The guard consciously held a pile of gold, silver and jewelry in front of Zhang Yue. Then the dealer smiled and asked, "now that the three have arrived, let\'s start. I don\'t know what kind of gambling you choose?"

Master Mo shook his hand, "whatever, you decide!"

Zhang Yue laughed wildly and squinted at Li Luoyang: "it doesn\'t matter to us. It\'s better to let the new friend decide. He has only 40000 Liang silver tickets in his hand. If we play according to our method, it\'s estimated that one will have to go home." This is exactly the situation that Zhang Yue doesn\'t see. If Li Luoyang loses all his money, if he wants to continue, naturally there is only pawn, and that jade pendant will become Zhang Yue\'s bag sooner or later.

But Zhang Yue doesn\'t know Li Luoyang at all. If Li Luoyang really loses all his cash, he will choose to leave directly and won\'t be trapped in it. Zhang Yue ignores that Li Luoyang is not a gambler. He came here for his own purpose, which is very different from those who are obsessed with gambling.

"Since you two are so courteous, I\'m not polite. We might as well play the sieve!" if we want to play, we can play our strengths. There is a genius Wu Xinyi sitting next to us. Li Luoyang is most sure of the sieve. He doesn\'t know how to play in other gambling games. How can he compete with Zhang Yue and master Mo.

When he first came to the private room, Li Luoyang noticed that the gambling table here was empty and there was no suspicion of cheating. When waiting for the arrival of the third participant, Li Luoyang checked the gambling table and other places and found nothing strange. He knew that the internal casino only depended on the dealer\'s own ability to win money.

"Sieve? Bet on leopards?" master Mo looked at Li Luoyang and asked slowly.

"Well, I wonder if master Mo is willing."

"It doesn\'t matter. Let\'s start!"

The dealer stood in front of the three people, raised his right hand and shouted slowly: "the three people agree to the sieve gambling. We open the size and leopard, and each bet is no less than 5000 Liang." then the dealer began to prepare gambling tools, put the size cards on the table, and announced the beginning of the gambling after placing the leopard from one to six.

Standing next to Li Luoyang, Wu Xinyi has begun to adjust her breathing and hit her attention on the sieve cup. The gambling game is imminent. Li Luoyang also feels nervous. After all, the minimum requirement for betting is 5000 Liang. All her silver tickets add up to eight, excluding the price increase.