Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 743

In the alley, the dialogue between Lin Chong and Chaijin is not over.

Lin Chong leaned against the wall and asked in a low voice, "since you have come to the Fengyue building to ambush in advance, have you heard about the Huarong brothers?" Chai Jin arrived at the Fengyue building earlier than any of them and pretended to be a guard of the Fengyue building. Naturally, he has more opportunities to contact the people in the gambling house. Lin Chong wants to know whether Chai Jin has gained something. If so, Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi don\'t have to waste time in the gambling house.

Chai Jin shook his head and said helplessly, "my disguised guard is only the person responsible for the security of the pawn window. I am not qualified to enter the gambling house. Although I arrived here a day earlier than you and have a better and more convenient identity, I didn\'t get any news."

"It seems that they still have to rely on Luoyang. By the way, how did you know that Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold was taken away?"

Chaijin looked at Lin Chong and said with a smile, "did you do it? Wu Xinyi and I passed through the jungle and saw more than a dozen bodies. From the wounds on the bodies, it was all your weapons. Naturally, I know that you killed Xiao Laoliu."

Lin Chong nodded and said, "it was arranged by brother Luoyang. He wanted to know the direction of Lingnan city from those mountain bandits. We also knew that the inspection at the gate was so strict through those mountain bandits. Without this skill, it is estimated that we have been seized all weapons at the gate, and it is likely because of the attention of the government."

"Luoyang brothers are really thoughtful."

"Now Xiao Laoliu\'s mountain is really empty. The one eyed dragon with more than a dozen guards can easily take over the stronghold." Lin Chong\'s eyebrows are murderous. He hates those mountain thieves who deceive good people all his life.

Chai Jin naturally understood Lin Chong\'s anger. He smiled and said, "brother Lin Chong, you can rest assured that the one eyed dragon and the dozen guards will be killed before they rebuild the stronghold."

Lin Chong looked at Chaijin in surprise: "why? The government has no time to pay attention to the mountain bandits outside the city."

"Brother Lin Chong, you don\'t know. I\'ll release the news later. Xiao Laoliu\'s den of thieves has been destroyed. Zhang Qiong will send someone to check it when she knows it, so that she can see them."

Lin Chong looked at Chaijin puzzled: "even if Zhang Qiong knew that the one eyed dragon occupied the top of Xiao Laoliu\'s mountain? Don\'t forget, as long as he gave the guy enough protection fee every month, he wouldn\'t care who was the master of the stronghold."

Chai Jin smiled and said, "brother Lin Chong, have you ever wondered why I let the Cyclops leave Lingnan and occupy the mountains as kings? They can take their money to do some small businesses in other cities to make a living."

"I don\'t know."

"To tell you the truth, Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue are close brothers. Zhang Yue has been in Lingnan city for so many years. Most of them are Zhang Qiong\'s relationship. Once Zhang Qiong sends someone to Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold, they can recognize the identity of the one eyed dragon at a glance. Zhang Yue will naturally retaliate. Today, the one eyed dragon and others will not return to the Fengyue building, which will surely arouse Zhang Yue\'s arms I doubt that he will send people to look for his people everywhere. In the end, he can only get the result that they have left Lingnan. At this time, Zhang Qiong finds them in Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold. Zhang Yue must ask Zhang Qiong to kill the one eyed dragon to relieve her hatred. Therefore, brother Lin Chong, you can rest assured that those guys have no chance to do evil. "

Lin Chong showed a rare smile: "brother Chaijin seems to be good at scheming. Even the way he chose to live for them is actually a dead end."

Chaijin bowed and saluted: "brother, since we have met, why don\'t I go to Wusong\'s foothold now and wait for your return."

Lin Chong thought for a moment and then said: "Well, brother Chaijin brought silver with him. According to the arrangement of Luoyang, all our money was in Luoyang to enter the casino. Wu Song stayed in Luoyang because he could not go to the brothel until Luoyang brought back the rest of the money. Now that you are here, you have more experience in the brothel than Wu Song. Why don\'t you bother brother Chaijin to run with Wu Song "A trip?"

Chaijin smiled: "who told you I have experience in brothels."

"The relationship between you and the imperial court cannot avoid entertainment. Compared with Wu Song, you have more brains and words than him, and can get some information."

"In that case, I must go to the brothel."

Lin Chong told Chaijin about the blacksmith\'s home. Chaijin wrote down his location and asked, "did brother Luoyang ever say which brothel to investigate?" there are many large and small brothels in Lingnan city. They can\'t find them one by one.

Lin Chong said without hesitation: "the biggest spring house, where there are often dignitaries and even people from the government for consumption and pleasure, I believe there is a much greater possibility of getting information." these are what Li Luoyang told Lin Chong. As for how Li Luoyang learned, it is naturally the Yang family.

"Well, I\'ll take brother Wu Song to Chunyi building!" after parting with Lin Chong, Chaijin came to the blacksmith\'s door according to the address provided by Lin Chong. Looking at the officers and soldiers patrolling nearby, Chaijin beat a long and short secret signal on the door. Wu Song opened the door and looked at Chaijin in front of him. Wu Song was surprised and pulled him closer to the house: "Why are you here!"

"I\'ll explain to you on the way. Now you follow me to the brothel to collect intelligence. They have successfully entered the gambling house in Luoyang. I believe they will come back soon. We take advantage of this time to go to the brothel and try to come back here before dark to summarize the intelligence we have received with them in Luoyang."

Looking at Chaijin\'s serious face, Wu Song followed him without saying a word and walked to Chunyi building with Chaijin.

After parting with Chaijin, Lin Chong turned to the Fengyue building and returned to his seat. Monk Hua asked suspiciously, "where are you with?"

"Already dead."

Monk Hua stared at Lin Chong with wide eyes: "did you do it?"

Before Lin Cong explained, Li Kui quit: "well, brother Lin Chong, why don\'t you let me go? I\'ve been holding it for a long time."

Lin Chong glared at Li Kui, and then told monk Hua and Li Kui what had happened in the alley. After listening to Lin Chong\'s story, monk Hua smiled and said, "I didn\'t expect that the little white face was faster than us and lurked in the Fengyue building ahead of time." the little white face in monk Hua\'s mouth is naturally Chaijin. He doesn\'t like to wear elegant clothes all day, So they secretly called Chaijin a little white face.

"Brother Chaijin and Wu Song have gone to Chunyi building to inquire about the news. We can find the information by working together. Now we\'ll wait for brother Luoyang and Wu Xinyi to come back, and then return to the blacksmith\'s house to arrange the next step." the emergence of Chaijin wiped out Lin Chong\'s previous worries. He worried that Li Luoyang lost all his money, so Wu Song couldn\'t go to the brothel to collect information, I\'m also worried that it will be dark after Li Luoyang comes out, and there will be little time left for them. Now, with a two pronged approach, the efficiency has naturally improved a lot, which also brings them more time to deploy.