Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 742

In the open alley, the man stood alone with his head held high and his face smiling. Lin Chong, who had been secretly observing on the roof, stared at the man like an eagle. When the man appeared, Lin Chong acted like a familiar person. After hearing the man\'s advice to the one eyed dragon and the people, Lin Chong was sure that this guy obviously had his own purpose.

"Brother on the roof, you can come down." the man looked up at the eaves and laughed.

Lin Chong frowned and turned down from upstairs: "do you know where I am?"

"I knew it since you followed us away from the Fengyue building."

"Who the hell are you?" Lin Chong knew very well that the other party was not simple, and the other party was likely to automatically identify himself. Otherwise, how could this guy master the news that Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold was taken away? It was Li Luoyang who cleaned up Xiao Laoliu. No one else should know the news except them, including the government in Lingnan city at this time, Lin Chong obviously felt that the man in front of him was a threat. He was ready to kill him at any time.

With a smile on his face, the man took out a fan from his arms and fanned it smartly. Looking at the iron fan in the man\'s hand, Lin Chong smiled instantly: "brother Chaijin, I didn\'t expect you to be mixed with the power of Fengyue building."

The man was Chaijin. After he took off the disguise on his face, he recovered his previous appearance: "brother Lin Chong, you\'re all right."

"Why are you here?"

"I brought Wu Xinyi here. I separated from her at the city gate. I entered from another city gate. Then I inquired all the way and found the casino in the basement of Fengyue building. I knew that according to the prudence of Luoyang brothers, he would collect information about Huarong brothers in the casino, so I prepared in advance and killed a guard and pretended to be his identity."

Lin Chong suddenly realized: "no wonder I look familiar at your figure. Why did you persuade those to leave Zhang Yue and occupy the top of Xiao Laoliu\'s mountain just now?"

"Brother Lin Chong, you don\'t know. These guys are arranged here by Zhang Yue to follow the Luoyang brothers. Once they find the foothold of the Luoyang brothers, they will kill him secretly and rob him of the jade pendant in his hand."

"Jade pendant?"

"It\'s said that it\'s the ancestral jade pendant of the Yang family, the largest restaurant in Lingnan city. Zhang Yue wanted to get the jade pendant in order to become the son-in-law of the Yang family and get the Yang family\'s industry. It seems that during the period when I separated from you, Luoyang brothers sat down a lot and actually had a relationship with the Yang family. Just now I saw that Luoyang and Yang Zhen seemed to know each other. If we could use Yang Zhen, maybe it would be a good idea We\'ll be a lot easier for this task. "

"Use Yang Zhen?"

"Although the Yang family is just a restaurant owner, their ancestors are connected with the imperial court. If Yang zhenken helps us, it will be easy to know where the Huarong brothers are locked up."

Lin Chong shook his head decisively: "no, although Yang Zhen won\'t attack Luoyang, he will never help us. The relationship between him and his brothers in Luoyang doesn\'t even understand Luoyang itself, so we\'d better not take this trap. No matter who it is, we can\'t easily believe it. You forgot the explanation before the military division left?"

Chaijin smiled and said, "I\'m just proposing. In that case, let\'s act according to the plan of Luoyang brothers, and I can return to the team." Chaijin took off the clothes of the guard of Fengyue building.

Lin Chong looked at Chaijin in disbelief. "Brother Chaijin, why do you show those guys a clear way? Since they want to die, they can help them. The foothold of Luoyang brothers is naturally our territory. We can easily kill them with our strength. Why should we let them go and continue to harm the people in Lingnan." in Lin Chong\'s opinion, Chaijin can let the one eyed dragon and others continue to act, He followed Li Luoyang to the blacksmith\'s house later. At that time, with the strength of several liangshanbo brothers, he can easily kill more than a dozen guards such as one eyed dragon. There is no need to persuade them to betray Zhang Yue.

Chai Jin said slowly: "If you fight at your foothold, they are really not afraid. I also believe you have got weapons, but fighting with more than a dozen people will make a fierce noise anyway. There are patrol officers and soldiers everywhere in Lingnan city. Once they hear it, they will notice it. The guard against Hua Rong will be more strict, which means nothing to us. We can fight without blood We don\'t have to spend the slightest effort to support the enemy. Naturally, it is the best result. "

After listening to Chai Jin\'s explanation, Lin Chong ordered seriously: "you think very comprehensively."

"This is not what I think. It\'s the arrangement of the military division."

"Military division?"

"Before I left, the military division asked me to cooperate secretly according to the thinking mode of Luoyang. Both I and the military division knew that Luoyang brothers were cautious, so I would collect intelligence first when I came to Lingnan, so I just did a good job in advance. In order to ensure that the action was not exposed, I had to avoid all accidents."

"It seems that the military division has not predicted."

"By the way, brother Lin Chong, what\'s your progress now?" Chaijin sneaked into the Fengyue building after separating from Wu Xinyi. He didn\'t know how far the task progress of Li Luoyang and others had come. He just believed that in terms of Li Luoyang\'s intelligence, he must have found weapons. As for Li Luoyang\'s next plan, Chaijin still didn\'t know.

"As you and the military division expected, Luoyang brothers advocated collecting intelligence at the beginning, so that they could have a greater chance to save Hua Rong. You have seen it all. He and Wu Xinyi have successfully entered the gambling house, but unexpectedly, a jade pendant made Zhang Yueqi kill her heart. Wu Song stayed at our gathering point alone at this time, and he used to go to the brothel to inquire about news in the evening."

"Is there enough silver?" Chai Jin knew that Lin Chong and others didn\'t carry much silver this time. As the only person who has a relationship with the imperial court in Liangshan Park, Chai Jin doesn\'t lack silver. This time, he also brought a lot of silver to Li Luoyang and others in case.

Lin Chong frowned and whispered, "there should be no problem with silver. After coming to Lingnan City, Luoyang found a thousand liang of silver in just half a day."

Chai Jin stared at Lin Chong in amazement: "I found a thousand Liang in half a day? Does he have friends in Lingnan?"

"He said this was his first visit to Lingnan."

"How did he do it? Is it the Yang family?"

Lin Chong nodded: "so far, after he came to Lingnan, the only contact is Yang Zhen. Although we don\'t know what means he used to get money from the Yang family, we have to admire his adaptability. The guy is really strong. It\'s not his martial arts, but his mind."

"If such people can stay in Liangshan."

Lin Chong said with a serious face: "don\'t try to control Luoyang. No one in Liangshan, including the military division, can control him. We\'d better be friends with him. He will become a great weapon in the future."