Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 744

In the basement of Fengyue building, the space is larger than Li Luoyang thought, and the light is sufficient. Originally, I thought that candles in this era would not bring the effect of lamps, but I didn\'t expect that whole rows of candle racks were hung on the four walls of the basement, and an air circulation channel was left directly above the candles, so that the combustion of so many candles did not bring a muggy feeling to the basement.

More than a dozen large and small gambling tables have been surrounded by people, and many people are observing back and forth in front of several tables, as if they were looking for a place to bet again.

Wu Xinyi nervously clenched Li Luoyang\'s hand. This was her first time to the casino. Although she had countless imagination before, she was still not used to seeing so many people. The most important thing was that there were no other women among the guests here except her. The women in the casino were all dressed in the clothes of Fengyue building. At this time, they were sitting on other people\'s thighs and laughing.

Wu Xinyi and Li Luoyang knew that those women were goods lost by their husbands. After the adjustment of Fengyue building, they became the company of the rich with a smiling face.

Li Luoyang could feel Wu Xinyi\'s anger, because at this time, his hands were almost crushed by Wu Xinyi. Li Luoyang quickly whispered, "Xia, can you calm down first? My hands are going to waste."

Wu Xinyi relaxed a lot. She took a deep breath and adjusted her mood. Not far away, Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi attracted the attention of several gamblers. A man holding silver and looking to win a lot stopped Li Luoyang\'s road. Li Luoyang asked suspiciously, "what can I do for you, brother?"

The man pointed to Wu Xinyi and said to Li Luoyang, "how much is it? I\'ll buy it. I\'m happy today. I\'ll buy a servant to go back and play."

Li Luoyang held Wu Xinyi\'s hand tightly with a smile. He was afraid that Wu Xinyi could not restrain his emotions and killed him directly: "this is my wife, not a commodity, not for sale."

The man looked at Li Luoyang in surprise: "don\'t sell? Don\'t sell. Why did you bring her here? Female gamblers are not welcome here." the man\'s words attracted the attention of people nearby and turned his eyes to Wu Xinyi.

"Is this brother from the government?"

"I\'m not, but I\'m a sworn brother!"

"Then why do you care so much? I come here for entertainment. I can take whoever I like. The head of the family here doesn\'t blame. How wide your heart is, how wide you care?"

In the face of Li Luoyang\'s ridicule, the surrounding customers laughed wildly. The man\'s face became iron blue. He grabbed Li Luoyang\'s collar with a ferocious look. Li Luoyang was trying to fight back, but Wu Xinyi held his hand. Then Wu Xinyi whispered to Li Luoyang: "in the southeast corner, Zhang Yue\'s people have been watching us. Don\'t expose your martial arts!"

Wu Xinyi has already noticed the manpower arranged by Zhang Yue. After Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi entered the casino, the guards wearing clothes printed with the words of Fengyue tower will keep a close watch. The man who used to maintain the order of the casino has now become a human flesh monitor.

With Wu Xinyi\'s reminder, Li Luoyang observed with the remaining light from the corner of his eyes. After determining the location of several guards, Li Luoyang smiled and said to the angry man, "everyone is here to have fun. If you believe that Fengyue building will not let go of the people who make trouble here."

The man suddenly became embarrassed. He turned his head and looked at the guard not far away. The guard\'s eyes really focused on himself. In fact, he was just staring at Li Luoyang. The man loosened his hand, then pointed to Li Luoyang and said fiercely: "wait, you boy. You\'d better not let me find out that you are from that family, or you\'ll feel better!"

The crowd dispersed because of the man\'s departure. Li Luoyang took Wu Xinyi to a gambling table and sat down at random. Looking at the strange gambling tools in front of him, Li Luoyang felt his head was big. He had no experience in gambling. How could he know how to play this thing called Pai Gow? This gambling method left from ancient times has been rare in Li Luoyang\'s era.

Wu Xinyi asked in a low voice, "can you play? Those black cards? What do the red and white dots mean?" Wu Xinyi has just come into contact with the world outside the Wu family, let alone such a complex environment.

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Xinyi with a black line: "this is what I want to ask you."

"You won\'t bet?"

Li Luoyang simply shook his head: "No."

"Then why did you bring me here? It\'s better to let some people outside." Wu Xinyi didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang knew nothing about gambling. How can he continue to stay here.

Li Luoyang smiled after looking around, because he found that there was really a gambling game he could play in the whole casino. The simplest way was to buy size. He took Wu Xinyi to another table. The guests around him shouted loudly, big or small. Few people shouted leopards.

Wu Xinyi again asked about the rules here. Li Luoyang patiently explained to Wu Xinyi this time: "in fact, it\'s very simple to guess whether the sieve shaken by the dealer is large or small. The three sieves are small below 9 o\'clock. If the three sieves are the same, they are leopards. If you guess right, you win, and the leopard will double."

Wu Xinyi whispered, "that\'s it?" she didn\'t expect that such a simple way could become a gambling game that so many people care about day and night. For her, it\'s like a child\'s toy in the Wu family.

Li Luoyang smiled and lowered his voice: "don\'t look simple, those makers are not simple. According to my understanding, there must be a mystery on the desktop or sieve cup. In short, the dealer can control the size of the final appearance. If we can\'t see through his means, the dealer will never lose, so let\'s observe first."


Li Luoyang calmly looked at everything on the table. Almost all the gamblers around him were hoarse. After a few rounds, Li Luoyang finally found a clue. There was a hole on the table where the sieve cup was put down. Someone must be secretly operating the last points under the closed table. Li Luoyang thought for a moment and took 400 liang of silver from his arms, Four hundred taels of silver is usually enough to attract others\' attention, but when it is placed on the gambling table, it looks like a drop in the bucket. Some gamblers even have gold in front of them.

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s move, Wu Xinyi asked in a low voice; "Are you going to bet?"

"Well, I\'ll give you a signal later and try to assassinate the people under the table."

Wu Xinyi frowned and looked at her feet. There was no condition at the bottom of the closed table for her to get into the bottom of the table to assassinate the troublemaker: "how do you get in?"

Li Luoyang gently took out an iron piece from his sleeve. It was just a part he took down from the joint of the wooden door when he passed through the channel. He saw that the part had a gap and the edge was still sharp, so Li Luoyang hid it on his body for a rainy day: "use this to pry open the edge and drill in, and I will cover you at that time."

At the overcrowded gambling table, even if Li Luoyang doesn\'t cover, the guards can\'t see Wu Xinyi squatting down for action. Therefore, Li Luoyang is boldly prepared to let Wu Xinyi take action. He needs more money to gamble with those dignitaries in the casino to see if he can find the clues he wants.