Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 741

In the alley on the right outside the Fengyue building, Zhang Yue sent more than a dozen guards tracking Li Luoyang. At this time, they have defected. They are preparing to go to the road of survival, at least they think so.

The one eyed dragon put his hand on the man\'s shoulder who put forward the plan: "you don\'t talk at ordinary times, but you did well today. Well, when you arrive at Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold, you are the second leader!"

The man immediately smiled and said, "thank you first."

"Hahaha, it should be!" it\'s great to be the head of the family. Don\'t mention it in the one eyed dragon\'s heart.

"Master, now that everyone has decided, I\'ll arrange it?" the man obviously had a plan in mind, not a temporary intention.

The one eyed dragon looked at the man approvingly: "it seems that you have planned for a long time. It\'s good. I like people who plan ahead. Tell me about your arrangement!" the one eyed dragon has ordinary martial arts and nearly zero intelligence. He has no doubt about men. On the contrary, he still has some gratitude in his heart. After all, he has helped them get out of their current trap. As long as he occupies the top of Xiao Laoliu\'s mountain, Their future can be regarded as a bright future. The one eyed dragon naturally thanked the man, but stopped talking.

The man said slowly: "now the situation in Lingnan city is tense, there are many guards, and the inspection at the gate is more cumbersome. More than a dozen of us will go to a city gate at the same time. Leaving will attract attention. I\'m afraid some of them will know us and inform Zhang Yue. At that time, we can\'t go."

The one eyed dragon suddenly realized: "yes, you\'re right. Many officers and soldiers in the city know that we are Zhang Yue\'s people. If they find out, Zhang Yue will know that we have betrayed him and are ready to leave Lingnan city. What can we do?" the anxious one eyed dragon set his eyes on the man at this time, and the man has obviously become his military division.

"Don\'t worry, the master. We can let the brothers go home to prepare, change the clothes of the people, and take all the money and valuable things. It\'s estimated that we need to bribe when we go out of the city gate. The rest of the money can be used to pay Zhang Qiong\'s protection fee. Remember, don\'t bring weapons, or we\'ll fall short."

"Of course, and then?"

"Then we divided into four teams and left from different gates. In this way, there are few people and won\'t attract other people\'s attention. Instead, you are in charge. Your one eye is too revealing. You need to disguise a little at that time."

The one eyed dragon patted his chest and said with a smile, "let\'s wash. I\'ve thought about it for a long time. I\'ll take off the eye mask at that time."

"Well, after leaving Lingnan city smoothly, let\'s go straight to Huanglong and gather in Xiao Laoliu\'s cottage."

The one eyed dragon asked seriously, "are you sure Xiao Laoliu\'s power has been carried away? Who did it?"

The man turned his eyes and replied, "the news is really reliable. I can guarantee with my life. As for who killed Xiao Laoliu, I don\'t know. Anyway, it\'s not Zhang Qiong. He won\'t cut off his wealth. During this time, he doesn\'t have time to appear in Xiao Laoliu\'s territory."

Hearing the man say this, the one eyed dragon breathed a sigh of relief: "as long as Zhang Qiong didn\'t plan to reduce the number of strongholds, it\'s easy to do. Whoever he is, those guys have made us a good thing anyway!" the one eyed dragon worried that Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold was destroyed by Zhang Qiong himself. After all, every once in a while, Zhang Qiong would lose a stronghold to the imperial court in order to take credit, As long as Zhang Qiong didn\'t kill it, the Cyclops had no worries.

The man turned his head seriously and looked at the others: "remember, when you leave the city, you only need to leave directly. You don\'t have to care whether the personnel are complete. When you arrive at Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold, we\'ll count the number of people. Anyway, if you leave Lingnan City, don\'t come back during this period of time, or we\'ll all die."

"I see!"

After arranging everything, the one eyed dragon smiled and said: "Brothers, our good day is coming. We all listen to the second leader. Go back and prepare. Remember, take all valuable things and property. We have just taken over Xiao Laoliu\'s cottage and have no experience in robbing money. We have to bear the protection fee for the first two months. We have worked in Zhang Yue\'s hands for so many years. I believe everyone has made a lot of oil Water, this money is nothing. If we want to live, we must unite. "

The man then interrupted and said, "if someone wants to tell on Zhang Yue, I advise you to put down this idea and stay with him. You will always be just a chess piece and a tool that can be sacrificed at any time. If you leave with us, you will be completely free and don\'t have to worry about life every day."

A dozen people looked at the man firmly: "don\'t worry, the second leader, we will never tell on!"

"That\'s good. Everyone can find Xiao Laoliu\'s mountain."


"According to the arrangement of the master, now go home and prepare. Remember what I asked just now."


More than a dozen people left the alley, leaving only the one eyed dragon and the man. The one eyed dragon smiled and said to the man, "when you leave Lingnan City, you go to the city gate with me?" the one eyed dragon was full of trust in the man and naturally wanted to leave with the man.

The man shook his head and said slowly, "the master, we need to act separately. You can see my loyalty to you. I won\'t betray you, so I need to leave with other companions and supervise whether they are really willing to be enemies with us all the way."

The one eyed dragon thought for a moment, then said with a wild smile, "OK! Listen to you, I really don\'t understand. A few days ago, your boy was ignorant all day, like a fool. How can he suddenly become smart now?"

The man smiled: "in the face of his life and death, it\'s natural to be enlightened."

The one eyed dragon suddenly grabbed the man\'s shoulder and stared at the man with one eye: "your boy is not going to betray us after successfully leaving the city and sit in the position of Captain Zhang Yue?" the one eyed dragon had an extra heart. He was worried that the guy in front of him was deliberately provoking them and Zhang Yue. After they left Lingnan, this guy would go to report again, Can naturally sit in the position of Captain Cyclops.

"The master, you have wronged me. I just want to live. Staying with Zhang Yue will die sooner or later. Why should I kill myself? If the master doesn\'t believe it, I swear now!"

The man stretched out three fingers, and the one eyed dragon on one side did not stop him: "I swear to God, if I betray the one eyed dragon who is in charge of the house, five thunders will roar and the sky will split!"

After listening to the man\'s oath, the one eyed Dragon said with a smile this time: "brother, there\'s no need to make a poison oath. How can I not trust you? Well, in that case, I\'ll leave and go home first."

The man nodded and whispered, "I\'ll see you in the stronghold, the master!"

The one eyed dragon laughed wildly, "OK! See you in the stronghold!"