Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 740

Before it was determined that the guards who left the Fengyue building were aimed at Li Luoyang, Lin Chong would not easily take action, but he had been following secretly. However, Lin Chong did not expect that as soon as he jumped on the roof, he saw more than a dozen guards and thugs turn directly to the alley on the right outside the Fengyue building, and Lin Chong immediately followed up.

Standing at the edge of the eaves, Lin Chong rushed up and down and looked at more than a dozen people hiding in the alley. The one eyed dragon who stopped Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi was the first one. Holding a ring knife, he said angrily to the people around him: "the master has given an order. When the boy who just came out with the jade pendant handed down by the Yang family\'s ancestor comes out, he will follow up and kill him directly after finding a foothold!"

A submissive guard clenched his machete in his hands and his arms were shaking all the time. It could be seen that this guy rarely participated in similar things. At this time, he was extremely nervous before the action began: "team, Captain, do we really want to kill him? This is a great crime of murder."

The one eyed dragon turned to look at him and slapped him directly in the face. The crisp sound spread throughout the alley. Judging from the sound, the power of this slap is not light: "what the fuck are you afraid of? If something happens, you have the head of the family."

The beaten man rubbed the burning cheerleader\'s face and shed tears wrongly. Although he still wanted to say something, he still swallowed it. Even if he didn\'t say, others also had questions. A guard raised his hand and slowly said, "Captain, I have a problem."

"Why do you have so many problems today? I usually let you talk. Your mouth is more important than anything. Go ahead."

"Captain, now there are officers and soldiers patrolling everywhere in Lingnan city. Is it too obvious that we openly follow others? If officers and soldiers mistakenly think we are here to save Hua Rong, our life will be over."

The one eyed dragon suddenly became embarrassed. He knew that the situation in Lingnan city was very tense. If officers and soldiers mistook Liangshan people for saving Hua Rong, they had to lose their heads with Hua Rong. Moreover, Zhang Yue, as a person with extremely broad contacts in Lingnan, had long inquired that the Lingnan government had been rewarded by the imperial court for successfully arresting Hua Rong, Now the government is fully prepared. I wish more Liangshan heroes could save Hua Rong, so that the government can catch all these people.

After spending so much human, material and financial resources, the government will lose money if there is no bait at last. In this case, the Lingnan government will generally use another method to catch some criminals at will, hang them with the identity of liangshanbo, and then ask the imperial court for credit.

The one eyed dragon is afraid that it will be calm now. Those officers and soldiers have long been ready to arrest criminals at will. If they are found after killing Li Luoyang, Zhang Yue will not be able to save them. After all, this involves the future of Lingnan government. The magistrate will not be willing to lose such an opportunity to get promoted and make money.

Looking at the one eyed dragon who didn\'t answer without saying a word, the questioning guard asked suspiciously, "Captain, what\'s the matter with you?"

The one eyed dragon frowned and touched the beard on his face: "you\'re a difficult problem for me. We all know the situation in Lingnan city. Once those officers and soldiers identify us as Huarong\'s accomplices, the big masters dare not save us."

"Yes, at that time, the big masters will only abandon us for fear of being involved with us" Liangshan heroes. "The man said with a serious face.

The one eyed dragon seemed to waver: "this is inevitable. Based on my understanding of the great leader, when necessary, we are just pieces he abandoned at will." after following Zhang Yue for many years, the one eyed dragon knew Zhang Yue\'s character very well. This guy did everything he could to achieve his goal. He once fell in love with a guard\'s wife because of a dignitary, After killing the guard, Zhang Yue dedicated her wife to the noble man.

And the one eyed dragon has personally experienced Zhang Yue\'s means. His missing eye was pulled by Zhang Yueqiang as a shield and shot blind by an arrow.

The one eyed dragon covered his eye mask, bit his teeth and whispered, "if you don\'t do what the master says, the consequences will be found by the government. It\'s a dead end."

The man smiled treacherously and whispered, "Captain, now we will not be subjected to the king\'s order outside. Zhang Yue has been strictly guarding us for fear that we will find a chance to build another mountain. With the strength of more than a dozen of us, we can go to find a mountain outside Lingnan City to build a mountain stronghold. In this way, we can get rid of Zhang Yue\'s shackles and live a free life."

The one eyed dragon stared at the man: "judge to go?"

"Yes, anyway, according to Zhang Yue\'s order, the result is only death. Why don\'t we consider ourselves?"

"But all the mountains around here have been paid off by Zhang Qiong. Let\'s go to build the mountain against Zhang Qiong. That guy is the first expert in Lingnan city government. We can afford it?" the one eyed dragon dare not build a stronghold outside Lingnan city. It is completely against Zhang Qiong. Zhang Yue can\'t afford it, let alone Zhang Qiong.

The man Lingnan city map, smiled and said to the one eyed dragon, "Captain, look."

The one eyed dragon looked at the place the man pointed to: "this is the stronghold of Xiao Laoliu, the mountain thief closest to Lingnan city. What\'s the matter?"

The man looked left and right, then lowered his voice and said, "Captain, I heard that Xiao Laoliu was carried by someone. Just yesterday, because all the forces of the government are carrying out Huarong\'s action these days, they simply can\'t find out the intelligence, so now the government doesn\'t know."

The one eyed dragon immediately understood something: "you mean we leave Lingnan city and go directly to Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold to replace them." the one eyed dragon\'s only eye lit up.

"Yes, we all know that Zhang Qiong only cares about the protection fee every month. He won\'t care who the owner of the stockade is. As long as we put down our weapons and change into ordinary people\'s clothes, we will be able to get out of the city smoothly. Then we won\'t have to come back."

The one eyed dragon became hesitant again: "will you never come back from Lingnan city? Indeed, Zhang Yue will retaliate when you come back."

Looking at the hesitant one eyed dragon, the man stuffed the map into the one eyed dragon\'s hand: "Captain, your strength is the strongest among us. When we arrive at the stronghold, we must praise you as the master. If we stay here, we can only end up with a group of wronged ghosts."

The man then turned and looked at more than a dozen other guards: "do you think the captain has this strength!"

A dozen people shouted in unison, "yes!"

"Would you like to set up another mountain with the captain?"

After listening to the man\'s persuasion, these guys knew that they had to die to stay in Lingnan city. They were naturally willing to leave Lingnan with the one eyed Dragon: "yes!" the loudest roar was the guard who had been slapped by the one eyed dragon before.

The one eyed dragon smiled and then said, "since my brothers trust me, I\'m not polite! Let\'s leave Lingnan and occupy the top of Xiao Laoliu\'s mountain and make the mountain king!"

A dozen guards shouted excitedly, "yes!"

The persuading man showed a successful smile at the corners of his mouth.