Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 735

At dawn, Li Luoyang took Wu Xinyi and others to Lingnan gambling house. The gambling house in the basement of the restaurant is deeply hidden. Without Yang Yanwen\'s description, Li Luoyang could not have had the opportunity to come here to collect intelligence. So far, he needs information about what prison Hua Rong is in, and more importantly, a map of the prison, In order to arrange the prison robbery.

When you come to the hotel, although the restaurant called fengyuelou can\'t match the scale of xiangmanlou, it is also a very famous restaurant in Lingnan city. After all, its basement is one of the favorite places for dignitaries. According to the rules of this era, the radiation casino is not any illegal thing. Those in charge here can set up the casino on the troubled street.

According to Yang Yanwen\'s introduction, the owner of this gambling house is Zhang Yue, who had a high reputation in Lingnan city in the early years. He often contacted the dignitaries in Lingnan city and opened the first casino in Lingnan, Fengyue building, after making use of his acquaintance with them. The reason why the gambling house was built in the underground room is that there is only one exit in the basement. In order to avoid someone\'s default, it is convenient to be detained, Zhang Yuecai wanted to build the gambling house in the basement.

As the only large-scale gambling house in Lingnan City, Zhang Yue never worried about the source of customers, so even in the basement, people still come to visit every day, and there are many people who refuse to pay. However, just because there is no way to escape because they want to refuse to pay, almost few people succeed in escaping from the gambling house.

In the lobby on the first floor of the restaurant, few people eat and drink, not only because it\'s just dawn and the business hasn\'t come to the door, but also because the people who come here mainly go to the underground casino.

Sitting on the wooden table in the corner, the waiter came up with a smiling face: "my guest, what do you need?"

Li Luoyang threw ten liang of silver on the table: "give my brothers some wine and beef."

The waiter stared at the shadow with shining eyes and a brighter smile on his face: "OK, I\'ll do it now." looking at the waiter who turned and left, Li Luoyang whispered, "brother Lin Chong, you stay here. Don\'t act rashly. Xinyi and I will go to the underground gambling house."

After learning that the gambling house was located in the basement, Li Luoyang changed his previous plan. According to his deployment, Lin Chong and others would go to the gambling house together. In the past, Li Luoyang would rather put these experts in a safe place. If there was an accident, Lin Chong and others would have the strength to enter the basement and rescue Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi, In order to avoid the embarrassment of everyone entering the basement, Li Luoyang specially chose to enter first with Wu Xinyi and make a decision after observing the situation.

"Can you two do it?" the flower monk asked anxiously. After all, the gambling house is someone else\'s territory.

"We\'re just asking for information, not making trouble. Don\'t worry, there won\'t be a problem."

Lin Chong stared at Li Luoyang with a frown: "how can we know if you encounter trouble below?" Lin Chong was worried that Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi would encounter unexpected trouble after entering the gambling house. At that time, they didn\'t know at all. Frankly, Lin Chong was worried about Li Luoyang\'s safety. If Li Luoyang had an accident, they would have to rob the Dharma court in two days.

Li Luoyang pointed to a nearby corner and said, "see those two guards?"

Several people turned their heads and noticed that in another dark corner of the lobby on the first floor, two guards with knives stood motionless. Behind them was a dark entrance, which was the only way to the basement.

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "if we really encounter any trouble, I will let Xinyi rush out to inform you. It should be no problem to delay for a while with my strength."

"But can you be sure whether the guards in the casino have experts?"

"Why don\'t you go? Xinyi and I are waiting for you here." Li Luoyang glanced at monk Baihua: "indecision is not a good thing. In the face of sudden accidents, we should learn to respond flexibly." Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that several Liangshan heroes in front of us were so hesitant and worried about everything. This will do nothing but waste time.

But Li Luoyang didn\'t know that without him, Liangshan heroes wouldn\'t have any concerns. They directly went to jail and looked for Hua Rong everywhere. That would only bring them worse results. The reason why Lin Chong was so worried about Li Luyang at this time was that through these days of contact, they more and more understood how important Li Luoyang was to the rescue mission, If they lose Li Luoyang at this critical time, they will have only one way to go home and break into prison.

Wu Xinyi looked at Lin Chong and others, and then whispered, "I will ensure his safety. If we really meet an expert, we will find a way to deal with it. If you don\'t worry, send someone down with us."

Lin Chong nodded: "this is a good way. I\'ll go down with you. In case of trouble, I\'ll protect Luoyang brothers. You rush out of the gambling house and inform other brothers. In this way, internal and external cooperation should avoid accidents."

Several people at the same time put their eyes on Li Luoyang. Even if they discussed the countermeasures, they seemed to have to wait for Li Luoyang\'s consent. Li Luoyang smiled and slowly said, "this method is OK, but Lin Chong, don\'t follow us. Although the brand on your face has been disguised, it\'s really obvious."

Li Kui constantly pointed to himself with his fingers: "I, I\'ll go, I\'ll go down with you, I\'ll ensure your safety!"

Li Luoyang shook his head decisively: "brother Li Kui, anyone can go here, but you can\'t go."

"Why! I\'m not strong enough to protect you?"

"No, your character is too difficult to control. Don\'t you have to find trouble without trouble?"

Hearing what Li Luoyang said, several people laughed one after another. Only Li Kui drank muggy wine speechlessly. Li Luoyang looked at monk Hua and whispered, "let monk Hua go with us."

Lin Chong frowned and whispered, "isn\'t it more noticeable for him to dress up as a monk and enter the gambling house?" Lin Chong\'s worry is not reasonable. When a monk enters the casino, there is something wrong with a discerning person.

Li Luoyang raised his mouth and said, "in that case, who else do you think can go to the gambling house with us? None of you is suitable. Only Wu Xinyi and I are not easy to attract other people\'s attention, so I suggest that we go first. As for the safety problem, you don\'t have to worry. As I\'ve said, we\'re just asking for information, not making trouble."

"The problem is that the information you inquire about is too sensitive. Once you ask, it will attract other people\'s attention. At this time, someone will deliberately inquire about Hua Rong\'s intelligence? The problem can explain our identity."

Li Luoyang said reluctantly, "there are two ways in front of you now. First, Wu Xinyi and I enter the gambling house to inquire about the news according to the plan. Second, we will leave Lingnan now!"


"Since Wu Yong asked me to command, it\'s good for you to obey the order." with that, Li Luoyang led Wu Xinyi and turned to the two guards.