Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 736


As soon as Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi came to the guard, they were stopped by two short knives. A one eyed dragon with an eye mask looked at Li Luoyang fiercely. There was a smell of contempt in their eyes. No wonder Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi dressed up as ordinary people at this time, because they got clothes from villagers outside Lingnan, which was even more embarrassing.

Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile, "what can I do for you?"

"Hum, I should ask you this!" the voice of one eyed dragon Shaya made people feel cold on their back.

"Obviously, let\'s go down and have fun."

The one eyed dragon looked up and down at Li Luoyang, and then looked at Wu Xinyi: "poor people deserve to go to the casino? You\'ll be penniless. I advise you not to look for trouble." in the eyes of the one eyed dragon, the man and woman in front of you can\'t have the ability to spend in the casino at all, and this fact can be recognized only by their clothes.

It\'s not that the one eyed dragon looks down on others. It\'s because all the money li Luoyang has at this time is really not enough to support their consumption in the gambling house. If he\'s lucky, he can last a little time. If he\'s not lucky, he can completely end the gambling house\'s plan to inquire about information. He can play with dignitaries or rich people, People like Li Luoyang with more than 400 Liang are indeed very few.

"Open the door to welcome guests. Do you still choose guests? I can play. Naturally, I have my capital!"

"Oh? Capital? I\'m sorry. Please check your capital for us. If it\'s qualified, we\'ll welcome it. If you have nothing to do, you\'d better leave." the guard around the one eyed dragon smiled and said to Li Luoyang. As long as Li Luoyang can take out decent capital, the gambling house will welcome it naturally. Just by virtue of the clothes of Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi, the guard is the same as the one eyed dragon, I don\'t think they can get much money and they won\'t have any good goods.

However, something embarrassing happened. Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi really didn\'t have much money and couldn\'t get any good goods. The reason why Li Luoyang said so was to tell the two guards in front of them not to underestimate themselves and overwhelm each other from momentum, so as to let the other party release. But people didn\'t think about what Li Luoyang could take out. They decided to see the good goods before they released, This can give Li Luoyang a difficult problem.

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Xinyi awkwardly. Wu Xinyi smiled and said calmly, "husband, don\'t you take my dowry this time? That jade pendant!"

Wu Xinyi\'s reminder made Li Luoyang suddenly realize that he still had the jade pendant given by Yang Yanwen. It was valuable and should be released by the guard. However, Li Luoyang would not really pawn it. After all, it was related to his future development in Lingnan, which was only a slight display.

Take out Yang Yanwen\'s jade pendant from him. Li Luoyang smiled and said, "is this enough?"

The one eyed dragon was about to take over the jade pendant. Li Luoyang immediately took back his hand: "don\'t move."

After the one eyed dragon snorted, the corners of his mouth Rose: "I won\'t let you in without looking at the inventory. Don\'t worry, I\'m not a black place to eat black."

Looking at the posture of the one eyed dragon, Li Luoyang knew that he would not let this guy have a good look. It is estimated that he would not let him go. So Li Luoyang put the jade pendant in the one eyed dragon\'s hand. Looking at the jade pendant on the palm, the one eyed Dragon frowned. Then he whispered to another guard around him. After a moment of discussion, one guard went straight to the door, Leave the one eyed dragon alone.

Li Luoyang asked suspiciously, "what are you doing? Aren\'t you going to let us in yet?"

The one eyed dragon held the jade pendant tightly and said with a sly smile, "things are good things, but we always have to identify them. My brother has asked someone to identify them. Please wait a moment."

"Appraisal? Is there no professional appraiser in your gambling house?" Li Luoyang was surprised. According to common sense, generally speaking, gambling houses will set up their own pawn shops and appraisers to facilitate the continued consumption of those who lose all their money and pawn items.

"Sorry, today we\'ll have a rest for the appraiser." the one eyed dragon replied perfunctorily, which made Li Luoyang even more confused.

Lin Chong and monk Hua looked anxiously at Li Luoyang standing at the door. Lin Chong stared at the one eyed dragon and said to the monk Hua: "they seem to be in trouble with each other."

"They met obstacles before entering the casino. It seems that they won\'t go well this time. Brother Lin Chong, let\'s have a look?" monk Hua wants to see what happened. Because the distance is too far, they can\'t hear the dialogue between Li Luoyang and the one eyed dragon. Just from Li Luoyang\'s actions, the two sides seem to be bargaining.

Lin Chong shook his head and said slowly, "at this time, we don\'t want to be around them. We don\'t know what will happen. We\'d better wait and see the change." Lin Chong knows Li Luoyang\'s character very well. If he can\'t cope with the situation, Li Luoyang will turn around and leave or ask them for help. At this time, Li Luoyang didn\'t do so, It shows that the situation is still within his control. If Lin Chong and monk Hua go to Li Luoyang at this time, it may lead to more trouble.

Compared with monk Hua, Lin Chong seems more sophisticated, and Li Kui on one side obviously can\'t sit still: "I\'ll go and see if they can\'t even enter the door!"

Lin Chong grabbed Li Kui who got up and said angrily, "do you want them to expose or let Huarong brothers die in Lingnan? Now is a critical period. You\'d better restrain your temper."

After being warned by Lin Chong, Li Kui had to sit down honestly.

As time went by, Li Luoyang, who was stopped by the one eyed dragon, became impatient. He looked at one eye of the one eyed dragon and said loudly, "we\'ve wasted so much time. I won\'t go to the casino! Give us the jade pendant and we\'ll leave now."

The one eyed dragon smiled obscene: "are you here to come and go? Besides, my brother has gone so far to find an appraiser for you. Aren\'t you wasting our time? I\'ll wait patiently. Anyway, our gambling house is open all night. After identifying the value of the jade pendant, you can play as much as you like. No one stops you."

Li Luoyang stared at the one eyed dragon fiercely: "it seems that you treat customers like this? I want to go in. I don\'t want us to go in. I want to go. You don\'t return my finance. I need to go to the Yamen."

The one eyed dragon laughed wildly: "do you want to sue us at the government? Yes, Lord Wang is a guest here at this time. You can sue him after you go in. He just has a rest today. It\'s estimated that he won\'t accept your complaint. If you really have this heart, go and prepare a paper first."

"Are you going to steal my jade pendant?" Li Luoyang said slowly, clenching his teeth with his fists.

"As I said, we are serious business here. After a moment, I will naturally return the jade pendant to its original owner!"