Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 734

With the help of Yang Yanwen, Li Luoyang came to the back door of xiangmanlou smoothly.

"Brother Yang, don\'t pass here."

Yang Yanwen looked at Li Luoyang, then hesitated to take out a jade pendant from her arms: "brother Luoyang, here you are."

Looking at the jade pendant in Yang Yanwen\'s hand, the round jade pendant is green and glowing. It is carved with a auspicious animal Kirin. It\'s worth a lot: "give it to me? Don\'t use it. It\'s not cheap."

The dark night covered Yang Yanwen\'s red face: "take it. Next time you come to me and show it directly, someone will take you to me."


"Well, well, sort of."

"Well, then I\'ll take it." Li Luoyang took the jade pendant and held it in his hand. It was cold and piercing. The good jade would not be affected by the body temperature.

After the two said goodbye, Li Luoyang took advantage of the night to come to the street. At this time, the tea stall had already closed. Although Li Luoyang didn\'t know where to find Wu Xinyi and others, at least he had to reach the position of the tea stall before he could find a way.

As soon as he came to the street, Li Luoyang saw that many officers and soldiers were still patrolling the city. There were no civilians on the road. Now the moon is dark and the wind is high. If the patrolman saw it, he would be regarded as a suspicious object. For the sake of insurance, Li Luoyang decided to avoid the sight of the patrolman and slowly grope for the tea stall.

Night is the best cover color. The inspectors with torches walk back and forth. Li Luoyang hides in the corner and looks at the team of inspectors coming to him. He immediately turns around and prepares to go to another exit of the alley. However, he finds that there are inspectors approaching this exit. Li Luoyang frowns and looks around for a place to hide, but the alley is surprisingly clean, Even there was no garbage dump. Li Luoyang stuck his body tightly to the wall, adjusted his breathing and restrained his tension.

Looking at the shadow on the ground at the entrance of the alley, Li Luoyang knew that he was being surrounded. At this time, the wooden door on one side suddenly opened, hugged Li Luoyang with both hands and pulled him closer to the room. Li Luoyang was going to fight back, but a familiar voice came from his ear: "it\'s us."

Li Luoyang looked up. It was Wu Xinyi and Lin Chong: "Why are you here?"

Lin Chong raised a finger and motioned Li Luoyang to keep quiet. After listening to the footsteps outside the alley, he whispered, "this is the blacksmith\'s house. We paid money to live in his house for one night. He made the weapons we want in the blacksmith shop."

Wu Song squatted in front of Li Luoyang and patted Li Luoyang on the shoulder: "you\'re a good boy. You found 1000 Liang in one afternoon." when Wu Xinyi met monk Hua at the tea stall with 1000 liang of silver, they came to the blacksmith\'s shop, and then they had the cost of buying weapons.

Li Kui smiled and said, "at the beginning, the blacksmith refused to make weapons for us. Fortunately, we have enough money to buy him, otherwise we have no weapons to take."

Li Luoyang looked at Lin Chong and asked suspiciously, "at the beginning, he didn\'t intend to make weapons for us?"

Lin Chong nodded: "well, he said that during this period, the government banned the manufacture of various weapons for sale. It is estimated that it is also to prevent someone from trying to rob the prison."

Monk Hua stood beside Li Luoyang and said, "don\'t worry. Fortunately, you have enough money. Otherwise, that guy doesn\'t dare to forge weapons for us at the risk of being beheaded."

"Aren\'t you afraid that this guy will betray us? Tell the government our whereabouts?"

"This should not happen. He has begun to build weapons. If he wants to betray us, the government will also convict him of building weapons without authorization, so he is willing to close his eyes and make a profit. Why not?"

Li Luoyang nodded and asked, "how long will it take to get the weapon?"

"It\'s dawn tomorrow."

"How much silver is left?"

Lin Chong seemed a little embarrassed: "there are five hundred Liang left."

Li Luoyang stared at Lin Chong and said, "it took five hundred Liang to make a few weapons? Why? It was made of gold?"

Li Kui smiled unintelligibly: "gold is more expensive."

Li Luoyang glared at Li Kui and then asked Lin Chong, "brother Lin Chong, why did you spend so much?"

"Brother Luoyang, there\'s nothing we can do. If we don\'t give him enough money, he won\'t risk losing his head to build weapons for us. Five hundred Liang is the result of our bargaining."

"But you gave him the money, and we can look for intelligence today with the remaining five hundred liang?" according to Li Luoyang\'s arrangement, Wu Song needs to go to the brothel, while Li Luoyang and others need to go to the gambling house. The cost of these two places is not five hundred Liang.

Lin Chong and several people were embarrassed. They knew that five hundred Liang really could not support them to use mobile phone intelligence according to Li Luoyang\'s plan, but in the face of the current situation, they had no way. In order to regain weapons, they had to spend a lot of money to hire ordinary blacksmiths to build them in this sensitive four cases.

Looking at the speechless expression of several people, Li Luoyang said reluctantly, "it\'s all right. Five hundred Liang is five hundred Liang. As soon as dawn, we\'ll go to the gambling house. Wu Song will stay with the blacksmith for the time being and store the weapons in the blacksmith\'s shop. When we return from the gambling house, if we still have money, you can go to the brothel."

"Brother Luoyang, do you mean to take five hundred Liang to the gambling house?"

"Now it seems that this is the only way. Five hundred Liang is not enough for me." Li Luoyang took five hundred liang of silver from Lin Chong, put it in his arms, and then took Wu Xinyi aside.

Wu Xinyi immediately asked, "Why are you back now?"

"I met something in the Yang family, Xinyi, listen to me." Li Luoyang told Wu Xinyi about his cooperation with Yang Yanwen. Wu Xinyi looked at Li Luoyang puzzled: "what are you telling me?"

"I\'m afraid there will be an accident in this operation. If anything happens to me, you can arrange my plan to cooperate with Yang Yanwen. In this way, you can earn a lot of money and buy more things for your Wu family." Li Luoyang is worried that his departure will annoy Yang Zhen and make this operation unpredictable.

Hearing what Li Luoyang said, Wu Xinyi frowned. Li Luoyang\'s words were more like last words, which made Wu Xinyi feel uneasy: "what happened, why did you say that?"

Li Luoyang had no choice but to tell Wu Xinyi the whole story of the matter, and he never missed it. Even the keepsake given by Yang Yanwen showed Wu Xinyi. After listening to Li Luoyang\'s story, Wu Xinyi\'s worry disappeared and was replaced by a mockery: "do you really or falsely don\'t understand?"

"What do I understand?" Li Luoyang looked at Wu Xinyi suspiciously.

"Old man Yang Zhen wants your life because you know the secret recipe of intoxicating wine, but"

"But what?"

"Forget it, don\'t you say you\'ll visit again? You\'ll know next time, wood." Wu Xinyi left straight after saying that, leaving Li Luoyang standing in place with a confused face.