Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 733

In the open space in the backyard, Li Luoyang sat on the ground. Yang zhensi didn\'t have the posture of her predecessors. She also sat on the mud with Li Luoyang. Facing Yang Zhen, Li Luoyang answered lightly.

"I don\'t dare to hide it. I really created that set of Kung Fu inadvertently. I learned some insights at regular intervals and created it." Li Luoyang was perfunctory at will. He didn\'t want to tell anyone that what he learned was a combination of lost martial arts.

Yang Zhen looked at Li Luoyang in surprise: "you have settled down on the way to practice martial arts? How old were you then?" this is a process that martial arts practitioners dream of. The younger you settle down, it will be very helpful for the way to practice martial arts in the future. In the future, you will be able to learn the great success method, and the internal breathing cultivation will also make progress. Yang Zhen settled down at the age of 30 and achieved his iron fist.

"I remember it was just 16." Li Luoyang recalled his experience of settling in. The whole person seemed to have been drained of all water. Xiao Si carried several buckets of water one after another, but he didn\'t meet his body\'s needs.

"Sixteen!" Yang Zhen stared at Li Luoyang with wide eyes. He never thought that someone would succeed at such a young age. How many martial arts practitioners have not settled in their lives and are destined to be losers. Li Luoyang has broken through the bottleneck at the age of sixteen, which makes Yang Zhen envious and helpless.

"Senior, I think you just practiced iron fist?" Li Luoyang naturally observed that Yang Zhen was not good at using weapons after several rounds of fighting with Yang Zhen. A pair of powerful fists were his sharp weapons for killing.

"Hahaha, that\'s right. My ancestors handed down not only the intoxicating secret recipe, but also this set of boxing."

"Ancestral boxing? But why do I see that brother Yang doesn\'t seem to know martial arts?" recalling that Yang Yanwen blocked a punch for himself just now, Li Luoyang dared to feel that Yang Yanwen didn\'t seem to know martial arts at all, otherwise he wouldn\'t be injured after Yang Zhen stopped, indicating that his body hadn\'t been trained, so that he couldn\'t bear a light punch.

In the face of Li Luoyang\'s inquiry, Yang Zhen said helplessly, "he was born unable to practice martial arts. Let him tell you the reason in the future."

Since Yang Zhen didn\'t want to mention it, Li Luoyang wouldn\'t ask. He looked at the calluses on Yang Zhen\'s fist, then turned his eyes and said with a smile: "senior, since you are good at boxing, why don\'t you make yourself a handy weapon? In this way, you can improve the power of your iron fist and kill the enemy is a piece of cake."

Yang Zhen smiled and shook his hand: "I thought about using boxing to control long guns or other weapons, but I couldn\'t use them freely, so I finally gave up."

At this time, Li Luoyang suddenly thought that in this era, few people practice boxing. Everyone uses cold weapons. Compared with knives, guns, halbers, axes, axes, hooks and forks, the lethality of fists is too small. Therefore, iron fist gloves have not appeared at all in this era. Thinking of this, Li Luoyang already knows how to please Yang Zhen. At least after making Yang Zhen happy, Maybe cooperation will come naturally.

Yang Zhen looked at Li Luoyang thoughtfully and said slowly, "the short staff skill you used just now is also very exquisite. You created it yourself?"

"Well, it evolved by using my own external skill."

"It\'s good. It\'s just a little less powerful."

Li Luoyang said with a smile, "this skill originally used a dagger. It\'s strong in assassination. It\'s just that there is no weapon in hand, so it can only be replaced by a wooden stick."

"Hahaha, assassination?"

Li Luoyang pointed to the trace left by Yang Zhen\'s short staff and said, "senior, you can have a good look at the place I hit."

Yang Zhen looked down. After careful observation, he said in surprise, "it\'s all the key points!" there are many marks of short stick hitting in the ribs, thigh arteries, back and spine.

The corner of Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly: "imagine what would happen if I used the dagger at that time?" Li Luoyang\'s hitting position focuses on the position where the blood vessels and nerves hit. It is obviously unrealistic to stab directly with the dagger. It is easy to use the dexterity of the dagger to cut through the position where these nerves and vessels hit.

Yang Zhen\'s back cooled and then laughed wildly: "green is better than blue. I\'ve learned what an assassination trip is."

Yang Zhen stood up slowly, stretched himself and whispered, "although I appreciate you very much, the intoxicating secret recipe can\'t fall into the hands of outsiders. From now on, you can stay here. If you want to go, I have to kill you first to ensure that the secret recipe won\'t be spread."

"But senior."

"Needless to say, I won\'t take back what I said!" after that, Yang Zhen turned and left, leaving Li Luoyang standing in place and talking to himself: "stay here? It\'s been delayed for a day. If you don\'t go to Xinyi to meet them, it\'s estimated that there will be some trouble again. It seems that you have to find brother Yang for help, find a way to leave here and visit another day."

Knocking on Yang Yanwen\'s door, the servant girl inside heard a sweet voice: "young master, wait a moment."

Before long, several servant girls opened the door and turned away. Li Luoyang entered the door. Yang Yanwen sat on the bed with a guilty face and looked at Li Luoyang: "brother Luoyang, I really didn\'t expect what happened today."

"It\'s all right. I\'m just competing with my predecessors. I want to thank you for blocking that punch for me."

"Luoyang brother. Sorry, I can\'t convince my father. According to my previous promise, I will give you an explanation."

Looking at Yang Yanwen taking out the scissors from under the pillow, Li Luoyang said with a smile, "it\'s not necessary. Although we can\'t start cooperation now, I believe our plan can still be realized soon. Brother Yang doesn\'t have to blame himself. The secret recipe of immortal drunkenness will stay with brother Yang. I\'ll tell you the extraction method of intoxicating wine when I visit another day. How about it?"

Hearing what Li Luoyang said, Yang Yanwen looked at Li Luoyang in surprise: "brother Luoyang, do you believe me so? Aren\'t you afraid that after you leave, I will start brewing immortal wine without permission?"

"I\'m not afraid. Your piano tells me you\'re trustworthy. By the way, brother Yang, I have something important to do this time in Lingnan. It\'s inconvenient to stay here for a long time, but your father said that intoxicating wine must not fall into the hands of outsiders and force me to stay here, so please take brother Yang for convenience and take me away."

Yang Yanwen immediately blushed and whispered, "stay here is a family? What\'s the old man thinking!"

"Brother Yang?"

"Ah, don\'t worry, brother Luoyang. I\'ll send you away now."

Li Luoyang thanked each other with a fist: "I\'ll thank you first. When I return to Luoyang City after dealing with Lingnan, I\'ll visit again. Then I\'ll pay off the 1000 Liang I lent you."

"Luoyang brothers don\'t have to be so outspoken. I have your secret recipe for immortality intoxication in my hand. It\'s more than one thousand Liang." Yang Yanwen said to Li Luoyang with a smile. In his opinion, compared with the value of immortality intoxication, one thousand Liang is really just a drop in the bucket.

The two looked at each other and smiled.