Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 732

"Father!" Yang Yanwen suddenly jumped out and stopped in front of Li Luoyang. Yang Zhenli immediately stopped, but he still hit Yang Yanwen on the shoulder. Yang Yanwen was shot up. Li Luoyang tried his last strength to catch Yang Yanwen, and they fell to the ground together.

Yang Yanwen covered her shoulder. The pain made him unable to speak.

"Yan Wen, how dare you disobey me?" Yang Zhen stared at Yang Yan Wen.

Yang Yanwen, who took a few deep breaths, said weakly, "father, I did this for the Yang family, for grandpa and for you!"


Li Luoyang gently put Yang Yanwen on the ground and stood up. Later, he came to Yang Zhen. Just now, he had felt Yang Zhen\'s killing intention. He really wanted Li Luoyang\'s life. Facing Yang Zhen\'s move, Li Luoyang clenched his teeth and said slowly, "senior, please!"

Li Luoyang opens his posture. Since the other party wants to die, Li Luoyang must fight to the death.

"Hahaha, good! You have courage. I will help you today."

Yang Yanwen, lying on the ground, looked at them weakly. Even if he wanted to stop them, his body was not able to do so again.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and there were bursts of cool wind in the backyard. Li Luoyang fought against the wind. He didn\'t expect that things would happen to this extent. Yang Zhen\'s stubbornness really exceeded Li Luoyang\'s expectations. He was clearly a person who could help the Yang family rise again. He didn\'t receive due respect and treatment, but fell into danger at this time, Li Luoyang really doesn\'t understand why Yang Zhen is so angry. Didn\'t he just read the secret recipe of Yang\'s drunken wine? It\'s necessary to kill people and kill people. Besides, Li Luoyang gave Yang Yanwen the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness. The values of the two secret recipes are very different.

Now Li Luoyang can\'t bear to think about it. Yang Zhen\'s iron fist has come to Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang\'s face is as heavy as water, and he quickly sideways to avoid. Yang Zhen pours into the air, but turns around to attack Li Luoyang\'s abdomen with a hook fist. Li Luoyang retreats again and again. He is looking for a chance to fight back.

Although Yang Zhenli has a large amount of strength, his flexibility is much worse. Compared with Li Luoyang\'s lightness, Yang Zhen seems bulky. Even so, Li Luoyang still has no hope of winning.

Seeing the opportunity for Yang Zhen to turn around, Li Luoyang quickly punched and his fist fell on Yang Zhen\'s ribs. Originally, he thought that his full fist could at least create some trouble for Yang Zhen, but he didn\'t expect that just after his fist fell on Yang Zhen, Li Luoyang felt like he had hit a wall. There was a sharp pain on his fist. Li Luoyang quickly stopped and retreated.

"Boy, although I\'m not as fast as you, I can\'t compete with you in strength and fighting ability. In terms of your current physical strength, you will only die worse if you consume it like this." Yang Zhen was shocked at this time. Li Luoyang was not young. Although he used his body method to avoid most of the time, Li Luoyang, regardless of his body method, Yang Zhen has never seen internal breathing and previous stick techniques. He has always had a guess, but he can\'t believe it.

Li Luoyang was expressionless. He picked up the stick from the ground again and broke it. The length of the broken stick was just right for Li Luoyang, which was about the same as his habitual dagger. Li Luoyang regained a lot of execution after holding the short staff. The dagger is his most used weapon. He is much more skilled than the stick.

With his body slightly bent and his feet shoulder high, Li Luoyang stood not far from Yang Zhen like a cheetah. After adjusting his internal breathing for a moment, Li Luoyang rushed to Yang Zhen for the first time. Watching Li Luoyang come to him as fast as lightning, Yang Zhen fought with a smile.

His fist fell on the shadow. At the moment when Yang Zhenzhi\'s fist was about to fall on his face, Li Luoyang squatted down and paced around Yang Zhen\'s body. The short stick he held back hit Yang Zhen\'s abdomen. Yang Zhen turned and attacked Li Luoyang again. This time, Li Luoyang also failed. Li Luoyang moved quickly around Yang Zhen, and the short stick in his hand had hit Yang Zhen\'s body many times.

With the passage of time, Li Luoyang\'s fast body method had no physical strength to maintain, and the speed gradually slowed down. Yang Zhen instantly caught the flaw of Li Luoyang\'s pause and grabbed Li Luoyang with both hands. Then Li Luoyang was directly held over his head by Yang Zhen, and finally Li Luoyang was heavily thrown to the ground.

Lying on the ground, breathing heavily, Li Luoyang stood up and stared at Yang Zhen.

"I didn\'t expect you to be good. Tell me, who did you learn your Kung Fu from?"

Li Luoyang straightened his waist, patted his chest and said proudly, "self-study!"

Yang Zhenmei and Yu were surprised. Before, he guessed that Li Luoyang had never seen the martial arts used by him. Maybe Li Luoyang created it by himself, but thinking about Li Luoyang\'s age, Yang Zhen soon dispelled the speculation, but now Li Luoyang told him that these Kung Fu were created by himself. Yang Zhen felt incredible.

It takes a few years to achieve a small success in martial arts. With the guidance of a famous teacher, it is so difficult to practice martial arts in ten years and 30 years, let alone create martial arts by yourself. How can you create martial arts without any martial arts attainments? None of the experts who create martial Arts by themselves are successful in martial arts, but Li Luoyang can create such martial arts when he is young, Yang Zhenxin had an unprecedented shock.

"Nonsense! Just because you can create your own martial arts?"

"If you don\'t believe me, I can\'t help it. I\'m not cheating."

"Hum, since you don\'t want to tell the truth, let me teach you what honesty is." Yang Zhenzheng wanted to rush to Li Luoyang again, but Li Luoyang stopped him.

Li Luoyang sat directly on the spot, raised his hand and shook it: "no, no, I can\'t."

"Get up and fight again!"

"Elder, don\'t fight any more. I admit defeat. If you want to kill or cut, you\'re welcome."

Seeing that Li Luoyang had no desire to fight again, Yang Zhen turned and went away, "it\'s boring."

Li Luoyang smiled. When he fought again, Li Luoyang obviously felt that Yang Zhen\'s killing intention had disappeared and was more enjoying the process of competition. Therefore, Li Luoyang went all out, but now he was physically overdrawn and really had no ability to fight again.

Yang Zhen went to Yang Yanwen. After checking the injury, he took Yang Yanwen into the bedroom. Then he called some servant girls to take Jinchuang medicine and entered the room. After all this, Yang Zhen returned to Li Luoyang again: "boy, what\'s your name?"

"Li Luoyang." obviously, Yang Zhengen didn\'t listen when Li Luoyang reported to himself.

"Hahaha, today is a good time for me to move my muscles and bones."

"The martial arts of the elder are inferior. I\'m willing to bow to the disadvantage."

Yang Zhen sat beside Li Luoyang proudly, regardless of the mud on the ground: "don\'t be as literate as scholars. Among the young generation I\'ve seen, you count one and two. It\'s good. If the skill you use is really created by yourself, you\'re very good at climbing the peak with your peers."