Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 725

Wu Xinyi\'s identity stunned several people present. They never expected that Li Luoyang was still related to the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain. After all, the name of Baiyun Mountain is quite prestigious in the green forest, and people in Liangshanpo also taboo offending secluded forces.

Wu Song and monk Hua did not have their previous arrogance and sat aside from Wu Xinyi\'s eyes.

At this time, Li Luoyang asked curiously in a low voice, "Xinyi, do you really know the right way to Liangshan? As an elder of your family, as the youngest generation of the Wu family, will Bai ran tell you this? Or do you just use this to deceive them?"

Wu Xinyi\'s words naturally make Li Luoyang feel many doubts. As Bai ran, it\'s not necessary to let a younger generation know what he has done, let alone publicize it in the whole family. How can Wu Xinyi know this? Li Luoyang thinks Wu Xinyi is just to deal with the questioning of Liangshanpo people, so he is perfunctory at will, but Li Luoyang thinks carefully, Bai Ran\'s identity is also extremely secret in the Wu family. Wu Xinyi doesn\'t have any scruples about telling Bai Ran\'s identity. That doesn\'t seem to be false, so Li Luoyang asked Wu Xinyi curiously.

Wu Xinyi looked at Li Luoyang seriously, lowered her voice and replied, "do you want to know?"

"Of course."

"Don\'t you have a good brain? Guess for yourself." Wu Xinyi turned her head to one side.

Looking at the quarrelling couple, Lin Chong said reluctantly, "Luoyang brothers, let\'s get down to business first." originally there was only three days, but now there is no time to flirt. The top priority is to find a way to get some money. All the silver on them has been exchanged for Wu Xinyi. Now they don\'t have a weapon on them, It\'s impossible to complete the prison robbery.

After coughing, Li Luoyang said slowly, "well, brother Wusong, take them to find the blacksmith\'s shop first, and Xinyi and I will prepare the silver." Li Luoyang turned to look at monk Hua: "after finding the blacksmith\'s shop, you will wait here at the tea stall. After I get the money, I will join you here, and we will return to the blacksmith\'s shop to buy weapons."

The crowd nodded and Lin Chong reminded, "Luoyang brothers, we don\'t need too much weapons. It\'s estimated that it will cost tens of liang of silver, but"

Li Luoyang saw Lin Chong\'s worry: "I know what you\'re worried about. If you don\'t get much silver, it\'s only enough for us to buy weapons. We also need the money for Wu Song to go to the brothel, the money for us to go to the gambling house, and even the silver for intelligence. I know all these in my heart."

Lin Chong frowned and whispered, "this is not a small amount. Can you get so much money in one day?" Lin Chong expressed doubt about this. After preliminary accounting, it will take at least more than 300 Liang. Can Li Luoyang get so much silver in one day?

"Go according to my plan. Don\'t worry about silver."

With that, Li Luoyang took Wu Xinyi to the depths of Lingnan city. Compared with the prosperity of Luoyang, there are few people in the streets of Lingnan City, and most of them are inspectors dressed in the government. It can be seen that the arrest of Huarong these days keeps the people in Lingnan City indoors. For fear that a flash loss will become Huarong\'s accomplice.

Walking on the clean street, Wu Xinyi asked curiously, "where are you going to get silver?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and looked at Wu Xinyi with a sly smile: "don\'t you have money to sell you to the brothel? With your beauty, at least 10000 Liang."

"You!" Wu Xinyi raised her hand and hit. Fortunately, Li Luoyang was ready and avoided one side of her body.

Looking at Wu Xinyi\'s red face, Li Luoyang said with a smile, "I brought immortal drunk and the herbs you gave me. These things are enough to exchange some money." immortal drunk is Li Luoyang\'s time to stay on the body in order to cope with the boredom on the road, but I didn\'t expect to spend the whole three days on horseback. There was no time to rest. The only rest time was mountain bandits, So it has been left all the time. Naturally, Wu Xinyi carried the herbal medicine to replace the ankle wound, leaving some to Wu Xinyi. Other Li Luoyang can exchange it for some money.

"Who are you going to trade with?"

Li Luoyang pointed to Wu Xinyi\'s back. Wu Xinyi turned and looked around. Then she found that she had come to a three story restaurant with Li Luoyang. There were two bottles of stone lions in front of the door. The vermilion door post looked majestic. The waiter in charge of reception at the door greeted her warmly with a smile: "Please come in, gentlemen! Do you want to be a top waiter or stay in the restaurant? This restaurant is the largest restaurant in Lingnan city. It will certainly satisfy you."

Xiangmanlou is the largest restaurant in Lingnan city. It is famous for its own wine making: intoxicating wine. This wine is brewed by xiangmanlou. It has been in short supply in Lingnan city for nearly a hundred years. The reason why Li Luoyang came here is actually very simple. This restaurant is the largest along the road. If you want to get drunk with the immortal in your hand in exchange for a high amount of silver, you naturally have to look for something valuable Strong customers.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi were arranged at the wooden table in the corner of the lobby. Li Luoyang inquired about the surrounding situation and found that there were indeed many people drinking and having fun here. From the perspective of clothes, they were almost all rich children.

"My guest, are you coming for the first time?" waiter asked Li Luoyang with a smile on his face.

"How do you know?"

"The small ones have been here for many years. Many people come to the north and south. The old customers naturally know that. The small ones see the two strangers, so I guess it\'s your first time."

Li Luoyang smiled and nodded: "we just arrived at Lingnan city today."

"In that case, I\'d like to introduce you to our most famous wine in xiangmanlou. It\'s intoxicating. This is our own brewing. If you want to die in peacetime, you may not be able to buy it even if you come." the waiter\'s face was filled with pride.

"So this intoxicating wine is very popular?"

"Of course!" the waiter replied firmly, "before, I don\'t know how many dignitaries came here to taste the intoxicating wine. But Lingnan city is not peaceful these days, and the old customers are closed, so there are surplus wine in the store. You two are lucky."

Li Luoyang turned his eyes and said with a smile, "how much is a bottle?"

The waiter stretched out two fingers: "twenty Liang."

"It\'s not too expensive. Give me a bottle, but I\'ll tell you the ugly story. If the wine is bad, I won\'t pay!" even if Li Luoyang wants to give it, he can\'t get twenty Liang now.

The waiter patted his chest confidently and said loudly, "don\'t worry, sir, I\'ll ensure your satisfaction. Please be good!"

Looking at the waiter turning and leaving, Wu Xinyi gave Li Luoyang a white look: "I\'ll see what you pay for later. First, I don\'t have a penny on me."

The corners of Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly and whispered, "don\'t worry, we don\'t have to pay. Someone will take the initiative to give us money. Wait." Li Luoyang drank tea quietly and waited for the waiter to get the wine.