Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 724

At the tea stall near the entrance of Lingnan City, Li Luoyang, Lin Chong and others still have many questions to be answered by Wu Xinyi. After seeing Wu Xinyi\'s injury, Li Luoyang began to ask others: "Xinyi, how did you retreat in the hands of that expert?"

Li Luoyang knew that there were too many questions at this time and needed to ask one by one.

"At the last moment, Chaijin came to deliver the letter for you, and we were out of danger." Wu Song interrupted Wu Xinyi: "girl, you said that the man who assassinated you had excellent martial arts. As far as I know, Chaijin can\'t compete with an expert although he has some martial arts. I really don\'t believe he saved you."

Wu Xinyi glared at Wu Song: "do you think they are as brainless as you? At that time, there were six doors patrolling people everywhere in Luoyang. He just needed to say that they attracted six doors to Wenjun\'s elegant building, and the assassins naturally fled."

Li Luoyang smiled, nodded, and then said, "so the purpose of our trip to Lingnan is what Chaijin told you?"


"By the way, what about my mother?" Li Luoyang worried that his disappearance would make Lin Luoshui sleep and eat uneasy. Even with that letter, he was still worried.

"Don\'t worry, I have sent it to my aunt with Chaijin. My aunt is a smart man. She knows what to do."

At this time, after entering Lingnan City, Lin Chong suddenly asked, "girl, I don\'t know one thing. This matter is related to the life and death of Liangshanpo. Chaijin certainly doesn\'t dare to tell you our actions. Why does he reveal to you that we are here? Without the command of the military division, unless he doesn\'t want to live."

Lin Chong doesn\'t believe Wu Xinyi\'s words. Few people even in Liangshan know the existence of this action. In case, this action is extremely confidential. Lin Chong doesn\'t think Chaijin will tell someone who has nothing to do with it.

Li Luoyang also looked at Wu Xinyi. What Lin Chong thought was Li Luoyang\'s curiosity. Why did Chaijin tell Wu Xinyi his whereabouts and purpose so easily.

Wu Xinyi said in a low voice without expression: "what if you told me? He not only told me this, but also found out the degree of guard and inspection means at the gate of Lingnan city. Otherwise, how could I abandon the sword and come to you."

Li Luoyang frowned and said seriously, "Xinyi, why did he help you so much? You have nothing to do with Liangshanpo and don\'t have to participate in this dangerous action."

"My task is to protect your safety. You are in such a dangerous situation. With me around you, you can at least be much safer, so that some crafty people don\'t take the opportunity to start." Wu Xinyi looked around Liangshan brothers when she said this sentence.

Wu Song slapped on the wooden table and said angrily, "what do you mean? Do you mean we will harm Luoyang brothers?"

"Hum! Aren\'t you doing this? Who put him in a crisis? Who forced him to participate in this action? I didn\'t see Xiao Si here. He must have been forced to stay on Liangshan. Luoyang promised to go with you for his disciples. Aren\'t you a schemer?"

"You" Wu Song was choked by Wu Xinyi and was speechless. As Wu Xinyi said, Li Luoyang, who originally lived a comfortable life, was forced into the dangerous operation by them. It was also Wu Yong who forced Li Luoyang to take part in the operation by using Xiao Si.

"That\'s enough. Now that we have reached Lingnan, we\'d better finish the task and go back as soon as possible." Li Luoyang didn\'t want a dispute between the two sides, so he shouted to prevent the escalation of the contradiction between the two sides: "Xinyi, you haven\'t told me yet. Why did Chaijin tell you all this?"

"The people of Liangshan threatened you to participate in this operation. Naturally, I also threatened him to let me come to you to protect you."

Lin Chong whispered, "it\'s impossible. Brother Chaijin is definitely not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He can\'t be threatened by you."

Wu Xinyi raised her nose and snorted: "I didn\'t say I used his life as a threat. I used your life and death as a threat!"

"Hahaha, this is even more impossible. Brother Chaijin knows the conditions of our stronghold. As long as we are willing, people who enter Liangshan can be lost in the jungle forever. You can\'t use this as a threat. Don\'t treat us as fools!" monk Hua laughed. Wu Xinyi\'s words seemed to him just a fantasy. It\'s almost impossible to threaten Chaijin with the survival of Liangshanpo, Luoyang government and liumen have no way to take Liangshan. How can a little girl do it.

Lin Chong shook his head and said to Wu Xinyi, "girl, it\'s hard to trust your words. Brother Chaijin will be threatened by you because of the whole Liangshan, but he should know better that no one can threaten Liangshan stronghold without our own leadership!"

"I know the way." Wu Xinyi drank with a teacup.

The four people in Liangshanpo first showed surprise and then laughed, including Lin Chong. Even Li Luoyang thought Wu Xinyi\'s excuse was absurd.

"What\'s funny?" looking at the ridicule of the four people around her, Wu Xinyi stood up and frowned: "tell you, we selected the location of Liangshanpo stronghold for you! Think about it. Who suggested you build a stronghold in the natural danger of Liangshanpo."

Lin Chong put away his smile and thought, "before I went to Liangshan, the cottage had already been built. According to Wu Yong, the cottage was built by people before, and it was not mentioned who chose the site."

Wu Xinyi looked at Lin Chong with derision: "so you don\'t know who decided the location of the stronghold? Hehe, it seems that Wu Yong is hiding deeply. To tell you the truth, Li Luoyang, the person who chose the site for you, also knows."

Li Luoyang pointed to himself in surprise: "I know you? No."

"Bai ran."

Li Luoyang immediately bounced up and stood in front of Wu Xinyi: "you, you mean Bai ran, the elder of the Wu family?" Li Luoyang naturally has a vivid memory of this mysterious elder. Even Wu Tiandu, the head of the Wu family, can only listen to what he says.

Wu Xinyi said faintly while drinking tea: "Elder Bai ran once sent his apprentice to hide in troubled times. I don\'t know what his purpose is. But I know that his apprentice, under the suggestion of Bai ran, imperceptibly asked the first master of Liangshanpo to build the stronghold in a dangerous place. Then the apprentice returned to his home and was sent by elder Bai ran not long ago. Until now, his apprentice The disciples didn\'t come back. You said, "do we know your way to Liangshan?"

Lin Chong frowned and asked slowly, "dare you ask the girl\'s name?"

"You want to find out about me? Anyway, Chaijin knows it. It doesn\'t hurt to tell you. You don\'t dare to divulge the quantity. I\'m the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain!"

Lin Chong was surprised, then bowed and saluted: "it\'s a man from Baiyun Mountain. It\'s disrespectful."