Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 726

Xiangmanlou, as its name implies, is used to describe the aroma of its own restaurant. As for whether it is wine or vegetable, it is well known in Lingnan city. That intoxicating wine was once a tribute wine favored by the imperial court, but now the emperor is tired of a single taste and is regarded as chicken ribs by the emperor, but the dignitaries in Lingnan city regard it as a good wine in the world. Li Luoyang knows very well, It\'s just that people here have never tasted immortal intoxication.

The waiter came to Li Luoyang with a wooden dish. A green gray bottle was placed on the table. The waiter also prepared two wine glasses. He put down the intoxicating waiter and didn\'t leave. He stood beside Li Luoyang and seemed to be waiting for Li Luoyang to taste.

Li Luoyang slowly opened the bottle cap, smelled it slightly at the tip of his nose, and then shook his head in disappointment. Although the wine aroma in the bottle was much more mellow than those ordinary wines, it still lacked the fiery aroma of immortals, and the intoxicating aroma was not strong. After opening the bottle for so long, there was no wine aroma overflow. Frankly, it was just better than ordinary drinks.

Looking at Li Luoyang shaking his head, the smile on Xiao er\'s face gradually disappeared: "my guest, you seem dissatisfied with our wine before you taste it?" from Li Luoyang\'s expression, Xiao Er has seen Li Luoyang\'s mind, but he thinks Li Luoyang is deliberately not paying.

"It\'s not only dissatisfaction, it\'s disappointment. The bottle cap is opened, but there is no wine fragrance overflow. Just from this point, I can judge that the wine is not mellow enough and spicy enough. You boast too much about this wine."

The waiter clenched his teeth and tried to keep calm: "my guest, it seems that he knows wine? Or the wine maker? Why don\'t you discuss it after tasting?"

Li Luoyang pushed the bottle aside, stretched his waist and said slowly, "it\'s ok if you don\'t taste this kind of wine."


The waiter was about to give an eviction order, but he was stopped by a folding fan. The waiter turned to look, quickly bent down and said respectfully: "the master! This guy talks nonsense. I think he\'s going to default. I\'m going to ask the thugs to invite him out."

Li Luoyang looked up. The visitor had a beautiful face and correct facial features. There was a smell of weak scholars. His exquisite face made Li Luoyang even doubt whether this guy was dressed as a man.

"No, you go down first." the rough and crazy voice came from the man\'s mouth, which formed a sharp contrast with his image.

Xiao ER was stunned, and then turned to entertain other guests.

The man put away his folding fan and bowed to Li Luoyang: "I\'m Yang Yanwen, the boss of this restaurant."

After Li Luoyang politely returned the salute, he smiled and said, "disrespect, this intoxicating wine is from your handwriting."

"Yes, I see that although my brother wears ordinary clothes, his words don\'t seem to be ordinary people. My brother seems to have some opinions on my intoxicating wine, so I came here for advice." Yang Yanwen pointed to the stool opposite Li Luoyang: "can I sit down?"

"Of course!"

As soon as Yang Yanwen sat down, her eyes fell on Wu Xinyi. After a short observation, Yang Yanwen smiled: "this girl is naturally beautiful and has the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese, but she deliberately painted a disguise and put on plain clothes. It seems that their origin is not so simple."

Li Luoyang was a little surprised. Although the makeup on Wu Xinyi\'s face was not perfect, it was impossible for ordinary people to see the clue in such a short time. Yang Yanwen only observed a few eyes and could see the flaw, which was far beyond his expectation. He was worried that Wu Xinyi, who pretended deliberately, would arouse Yang Yanwen\'s suspicion. At that time, it would be a big trouble to inform the government.

Yang Yanwen smiled, opened the folding fan, gently waved it for a few times and whispered, "I\'m a restaurant. All the guests who open the door are my guests. No matter he is a repeat offender of the imperial court or a powerful person, he has only one identity here. So you don\'t have to worry."

Li Luoyang smiled, picked up the intoxicating wine bottle and filled the glass in front of him.

Yang Yanwen said slowly, "didn\'t you just say that the wine was not tasted? Why do you drink it full now?"

"Not for wine, just for wine makers."

They looked at each other with four eyes. Yang Yanwen took up her glass and said with a smile, "ha ha ha, that\'s good. I\'m honored to hear what you said, brother."

The two drank the wine in the cup at once. Yang Yanwen smiled and asked, "I dare to ask your name. I haven\'t met anyone who knows wine and me for a long time."

A simple two sentence dialogue makes Yang Yanwen feel understood. All the guests who come to xiangmanlou give a thumbs up to the wine brewed by Yang Yanwen. How can anyone, like Li Luoyang, respect the wine maker on the premise of not paying attention to intoxicating wine, which makes Yang Yanwen feel a sense of certainty.

"Just my name. You can call me a wine addict." Li Luoyang said a name at will. In fact, the purpose was just to hide his true identity. Although Li Luoyang felt that Yang Yanwen would not be bad for himself and Wu Xinyi, this trip to Lingnan was too dangerous. In case, Li Luoyang would not disclose his name and identity information to anyone.

"Wine mania? Hahaha. Wine and food mania dream?"

Li Luoyang shook his head: "despise human wine, fool Tianshan has."

"So, brother, are you from heaven? Obsessed with heaven\'s wine?" Yang Yanwen and Zou said with an eyebrow. He didn\'t expect Li Luoyang\'s words to be so absurd. It seems that he doesn\'t feel like making friends sincerely before.

"Brother Yang, don\'t be surprised. Although I\'m not from heaven, I bring heaven wine."

Hearing Li Luoyang say so, the smile on Yang Yanwen\'s face instantly disappeared, replaced by a serious face: "is this really true?"

"I wonder if brother Yang has heard that there is a kind of wine called immortal drunk in Luoyang?"

Yang Yanwen immediately laughed: "hahaha, I thought you could bring out some good wine, but I didn\'t expect you to be the same as the people in the market."

"How to say that?" Li Luoyang looked at Yang Yanwen puzzled.

"I naturally heard of the name of immortals drunk, but in my opinion, it\'s just sensationalism. A bottle of 500 Liang, I think it\'s the result of commercial speculation. The life of this wine is not long."

"Brother Yang seems to know a lot about business. Are you familiar with business speculation?"

"I don\'t dare. I just know a little. If you believe that the immortals are drunk as advertised, and the immortals are drunk for them, there should be no superfluous words between us."

Looking at Yang Yanwen getting up to go, Li Luoyang smiled and said, "I have tasted brother Yang\'s intoxicating wine just now. To tell the truth, it\'s a world apart from being drunk by immortals. It\'s heaven, and your wine is just swill on earth."


"I thought brother Yang was a wine maker and should know wine. Now it seems that he is just a self righteous frog at the bottom of the well. Have you ever tasted immortal drunkenness? If not, why do you think your intoxication is better than immortal drunkenness?"

"This" Yang Yanwen calmly sat back to her position and stared at Li Luoyang.