Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 723

Just after entering Lingnan City, Li Luoyang took Wu Xinyi to a tea stall. Several people put the goods in their hands at their feet and stared at Wu Xinyi. Li Luoyang looked at Wu Xinyi suspiciously: "Why are you here!"

Lin Chong sat vigilantly beside Wu Xinyi. Once things changed, he could protect Li Luoyang\'s safety for the first time. Monk Wu Song and monk Hua were absolutely hostile to Wu Xinyi. Although they didn\'t know Wu Xinyi\'s identity, they could complain for a long time just because she used up all her property.

Wu Xinyi looked at several people around Li Luoyang, and then whispered, "why am I here? I should ask these friends around you!"

Wu Xinyi turned to look at Lin Chong: "is this your attitude to ask for help in Liangshanpo? Will Liangshan do the kidnapping in shuipo? Didn\'t you consider Li Luoyang\'s influence in Luoyang City when you did it?"

Lin Chong did not answer, but Li Luoyang asked, "so you know?"

"Well, including the purpose of your coming here."

"How did you know?"

"After you disappeared, the whole Luoyang City was in chaos. Six doors sent out. Everyone was frantically looking for Luoyang City and outside the city. Yu\'er was also looking for Xiao Si. Your mother was worried about you. All this was a kidnapping by the so-called Liangshan people who acted on behalf of heaven."

Hearing Wu Xinyi\'s sarcasm, Wu Song snorted and said slowly, "tie it up. What\'s the big deal? It\'s me and monk Hua who kidnapped Luoyang brothers!" the monk Hua took a step to Wu Xinyi. He had a great feeling of how you took me.

Wu Xinyi glared at Wu Song and then said: "I have martial arts skills and nothing in my mind. Li Luoyang\'s sudden disappearance caused something you can\'t imagine. Because of his disappearance, Wenjun Yazhu was broken into at night, Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er were seriously injured, and I was also injured. I ask you, who would he blame if he came back and found that his departure led to the assassination of people around him?"

Hearing Wu Xinyi say this, Li Luoyang looked up at Wu Song and monk Hua. His eyes were full of incomparable killing intention. Even Wu Song unconsciously stepped back. Li Luoyang clenched his teeth and said coldly, "if it\'s true, I\'ll wash Liangshan with blood!"


Li Luoyang ignored Wu Song, turned to Wu Xinyi and asked anxiously, "who broke into Wenjun\'s elegant building? Even if I\'m not here, no one can have the courage? Isn\'t the other party afraid of the power of six doors?" Li Luoyang naturally knows that even if he is not in Wenjun Yazhu, there are no people who dare to make trouble there, let alone assassinate Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er. The forces of the six doors alone have retreated from the thieves. With the shelter of the Lin family, Li Luoyang really can\'t think of anyone else who will be small to Wenjun Yazhu.

Wu Xinyi looks dignified and frowns: "I don\'t know. There is only one person on the other side. She is a woman and her martial arts are much better than me. In order to protect Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er, I came out and fought with her, but I found that she was not her opponent at all. Yu\'er was cut in the back and Ouyang Wenjun was injured in his leg. At the last moment, if someone didn\'t suddenly appear and resolve the crisis, the three of us would die in Wenjun Yazhu that night."

After listening to Wu Xinyi\'s story, Li Luoyang didn\'t ask for details. Instead, he immediately asked, "where are you hurt?" Li Luoyang looked up and down at Wu Xinyi as he asked.

Wu Xinyi suddenly blushed and pointed to her ankle. She didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to put down the injury of Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er and the situation of Wenjun\'s elegant building, and directly care about herself, which made her heart inexplicably warm: "the ankle has been applied with medicine, and it\'s no big problem."

Li Luoyang grabbed Wu Xinyi\'s feet, took off his shoes and looked at the wound: "the herbal medicine has turned yellow. How long have you not replaced it?" Wu Xinyi had no time to answer. Li Luoyang continued: "although this wound is not big, it may hurt muscles and bones if it is not handled well. Did you bring the herbal medicine?"

Wu Xinyi ordered a little skillfully and took out herbs from her luggage. This kind of medicine could not attract the attention of the guards at the gate. They only thought that the medicine contained only ordinary Jinchuang medicine. They didn\'t take it seriously at all. If they knew that there were different kinds of herbs in it, it would probably arouse their curiosity.

After receiving the herbal medicine in Wu Xinyi\'s hand, Li Luoyang poured the herbal medicine in her hand and gently removed the invalid herbal medicine in Wu Xinyi\'s ankle. Then the whole hand was pressed on Wu Xinyi\'s ankle. Wu Xinyi suddenly twitched. It was not because of pain, but that she had never had such a skin relationship with a man. Although it was only her feet, her face was red.

Li Luoyang frowned and looked closely at Wu Xinyi\'s wound. He still had some skin relatives there. Although Wu Xinyi\'s wound did not deteriorate, it was not optimistic. Herbal medicine can be well treated, but it also needs to be replaced frequently: "remember, replace herbal medicine every night, so that you can recover as soon as possible."

Li Luoyang looked up and found that Wu Xinyi was biting her lips and her face was ruddy. Looking at Wu Xinyi\'s slender retreat, she had been put on her legs, and she was putting her hand on her thin white ankle. Li Luoyang immediately realized something: "I, I didn\'t mean it." Li Luoyang carefully put on his shoes for Wu Xinyi, and then gently put Wu Xinyi\'s feet on the ground.

Then they each fell into silence.

Lin Chong was embarrassed. Looking at the two people who were shy of each other, wu song suddenly smiled: "you are really a couple? Just now the girl called you husband. I thought it was a play for those soldiers. It turned out to be true. Brother Luoyang, I didn\'t expect you to have a daughter-in-law?"

Before Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi retorted, monk Hua smiled wildly and patted Li Luoyang on the shoulder: "your boy still said what kind of boy he is and asked me to find you a daughter-in-law. That\'s right. It\'s normal for men to have three wives and four concubines."

Li Luoyang quickly raised his finger and motioned to monk Hua to shut up. However, it was too late. Wu Xinyi\'s ruddy face suddenly became cloudy: "he naturally wants to find his daughter-in-law. I was just acting. You\'d better not misunderstand."

With that, Wu Xinyi turned her body to one side and stopped talking.

Li Luoyang stood up and said to monk Hua, "it\'s not what you think. It\'s a joke for me to ask you to find your daughter-in-law. It\'s not what you think, it\'s actually that."

Several people looked at Li Luoyang with worried expression and asked in unison, "what\'s it like?"

Li Luoyang reluctantly sat back in his position, waved his hand and said angrily, "I can hardly explain what love is like with you. In a word, from now on, don\'t talk about my personal topic, and don\'t find me a daughter-in-law. I don\'t lack it!"