Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 706

With Mo Yuntian\'s order, Xiaohui immediately rushed to Wenjun\'s elegant building with her hands. Looking at the mess in the hall, Xiaohui led by the bartender to yu\'er\'s boudoir in the backyard. Before Xiaohui came, Lin Luoshui appeared in front of Ouyang Wenjun. She also saw this amazing celebrity for the first time. After Lin Luoshui\'s explanation, Ouyang Wenjun at least knows that Li Luoyang is safe at present.

At this time, Ouyang Wenjun also responded freely to Xiaohui\'s investigation and described the physical characteristics of the murderer vividly.

Xiaohui looked at Ouyang Wenjun\'s injured foot and asked in a low voice, "sister Wenjun, the murderer rushed into the hall. Sister Zhi attacked you and yu\'er. What\'s her purpose, do you know?" Xiaohui was also very confused. Wenjun Yazhu\'s position in Luoyang city is well known, and who would have the courage to assassinate Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er? After all, in the view of outsiders, Wenjun Yazhu can be taken care of by dignitaries all year round, including Mo Yuntian of six doors. It undoubtedly takes great courage to assassinate the leader here.

Ouyang Wenjun rubbed the wound on her ankle. Li Luoyang\'s herbal medicine alleviated a lot of pain. At this time, she recovered a lot: "she asked us to hand over the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu. How can we have it? You also know your master\'s personality. Even if you trust someone again, he won\'t give such a valuable secret recipe to me or yu\'er?"

Xiao Hui smiled awkwardly: "master, this is just to protect the secret recipe. We know Master\'s character, but the murderer may not know. By the way, you just said that the murderer was a woman, are you sure?"

"Sure!" yu\'er said without hesitation.

"Women? Women who want to get the secret recipe of immortal Zui and yaochi Yulu? There are countless people in Luoyang City who want to get the secret recipe. Whether it\'s restaurants or other businessmen, they all want to own master\'s immortal Zui yaochi Yulu secret recipe. Finding a woman in the city has no characteristics. It\'s like looking for a needle in a haystack." Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er can only provide Xiaohui with testimony about the physical characteristics of the murderer, but a woman\'s information is not helpful to Xiaohui.

Looking at Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er, Xiaohui suddenly thought of something: "by the way, sister Wenjun, since you say the killer is good at martial arts, why did she choose to leave and didn\'t kill you?" Xiaohui knew that Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er didn\'t have any martial arts foundation at all. In the face of the sudden assassination, the two people couldn\'t have any chance to fight back.

Ouyang Wenjun turned his eyes and said slowly, "we escaped from the hall to the backyard and hid in the bedroom." then Ouyang Wenjun carefully described the murderer\'s attack on them in the hall.

Xiaohui frowns and walks to the hall. In his opinion, Ouyang Wenjun\'s words are obviously watery. It\'s easy for an expert to take their lives. How can Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er have the opportunity to escape to the backyard? In order to verify Ouyang Wenjun\'s words, Xiaohui goes to the hall to restore what happened before the scene, This is also the criminal investigation skills taught by Li Luoyang. He uses the on-site details to restore the course of the incident. However, Xiao Hui only mastered some fur. If Li Luoyang were here, he would be able to find the information belonging to Wu Xinyi from many fragments, but Xiao Hui can\'t do that.

Returning from the hall, Xiao Hui was embarrassed: "according to the situation at the scene, the other party did attack you in the hall and left a lot of blood. The blood leading to the gate of the backyard is the most. I believe it should be left by Miss yu\'er." Xiao Hui refers to the blood on yu\'er\'s back cut by a mysterious woman when she fled to the backyard.

"Just in the backyard, it seems that you all stopped. The murderer didn\'t do anything to you during this time. Why?"

Ouyang Wenjun naturally wouldn\'t want Xiaohui to reveal Wu Xinyi\'s information, let alone tell Xiaohui that Chaijin in Liangshan Park suddenly appeared: "we beg for mercy here. In that case, what can we do except beg for mercy for our two weak women?" Ouyang Wenjun wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and looked wronged, which made people feel distressed, Even yu\'er, lying on the bed to rest, marveled at Ouyang Wenjun\'s acting skills.

"Well, sister Wenjun, it\'s all right now."

Ouyang Wenjun sobbed and said slowly, "no matter how we begged for mercy, she just wanted to get the secret recipe. I said we didn\'t know. She wanted to kill us. At this time, I told her that the people from six doors were coming here, and she quickly turned and left."


"Who in Luoyang didn\'t know that you people from the six doors would come to Wenjun Yazhu to drink at night? Naturally, she knew my excuse was true, so she was afraid." Ouyang Wenjun continued to lie, and with his vivid acting skills, Xiaohui had no choice but to comfort the frightened Ouyang Wenjun.

"Don\'t worry, we will arrange people to stay at Wenjun Yazhu in the next period of time to ensure your safety."

Ouyang Wenjun looked at Xiao Hui suspiciously: "arrange someone to build in Wenjun? Then there will be no one to find Li Luoyang?"

"This is what Lord Mo meant. I heard that master\'s mother went to see Lord Mo just now. After she left, Lord Mo recalled all the people looking for master. It seems that master\'s mother should have asked Lord Mo to cancel the search. Since master\'s mother is relieved, we should also be relieved of master\'s safety."

Ouyang Wenjun recalled Lin Luoshui\'s previous account and said with a smile, "well, Li Luoyang is fine. In that case, I\'ll bother you six doors to protect us."

"Sister Wenjun, you\'re welcome. This is also my master\'s property. When Master goes out, I naturally want to protect his property."

"Is yu\'er and I also your master\'s property?" Ouyang Wenjun asked with a smile.

Looking at Ouyang Wenjun\'s charming eyes, Xiaohui turned red and ran away. The rest of Ouyang Wenjun said to yu\'er with a smile: "this Xiaohui is still the same as before, with a thin face."

"Uh huh."

In the Council Hall of six doors, Mo Jiao was anxiously asking Mo Yuntian, "Daddy, why did you stop looking for Li Luoyang? Did you hear from him?"

Mo Yuntian said gently, "Li Luoyang\'s mother came just now and gave me a peace letter from Li Luoyang. He is very safe now. Naturally, he doesn\'t need so many people to look for it."

"Where is he now?"

"I don\'t know. Lin Luoshui didn\'t say. Mo Jiao, I asked you to tell you that the search for Li Luoyang can\'t end, but I can\'t stop Lin Luoshui\'s request, so."

Hearing Mo Yuntian say so, Mo Jiao smiled: "so dad wants me to continue to look for Li Luoyang secretly?"

"Yes, take Mo Fu and Mo Lu. You three continue to look for Li Luoyang. Once you hear from him, you must ensure to report to me at the first time, or I will terminate any of your tasks in the future. Do you understand?"

Mo Jiao nodded without hesitation and promised: "yes!"