Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 705

After seeing off Sima Yingming, Mo Yuntian stood in the parliament hall with a smile on his face. He seemed to feel that his dream was within reach. Even without the help of the Lin family and Lin Luoshui, as long as Sima Yingming acted according to the plan, Mo Yuntian would have a great chance to enter the six doors headquarters in the future, and with Sima Yingming\'s plan before leaving, Mo Yuntian doesn\'t have to worry about what happened to him when Li Luoyang learned about it, because once Li Luoyang dies, it will never be revealed, and he won\'t be hated by his daughter.

Standing in the parliament hall, drunk with immortals, Mo Yuntian felt more relaxed and happy than ever before. With a smile on his face, he was suddenly awakened by the voice behind him.

"Lord Mo, what makes you so happy that a person can smile?"

"Who!" Mo Yuntian turned to look. He was surprised that with his own strength, he was unaware that someone entered the parliament hall and appeared behind him.

When Mo Yuntian looked around, he said in surprise, "Lin Luoshui?" Mo Yuntian didn\'t expect that Lin Luoshui, who was under house arrest by the Lin family, would appear at the six doors, and he obviously felt that Lin Luoshui looked different from usual. At this time, Lin Luoshui looked more like a martial arts expert, and his figure was vividly set off in a night clothes, There is a great taste of an expert in every move.

Mo Yuntian and Lin Luoshui have talked for many years. He knows that Lin Luoshui doesn\'t know any martial arts, but when Lin Luoshui appears behind Mo Yuntian without notice, Mo Yuntian is inevitably surprised: "madam, how did you get out of that courtyard?"

The courtyard of Lin Shui\'s house under house arrest can be guarded by a lot of Lin\'s family. Mo Yun Tian does not think that Lin Luo Shui has the strength to avoid the watchmen\'s eye liner.

Lin Luoshui said lightly, "it\'s a simple thing to buy off those greedy guards. I\'ve never left the courtyard before, but I don\'t want the Lin family to put pressure on me. Naturally, it\'s important that I appear here."

Mo Yuntian knew that if there was no emergency, Lin Luoshui didn\'t have to risk offending the elders of the Lin family again and leave the house arrest courtyard: "please make it clear to your wife, what\'s the matter for your wife to take such a big risk to leave the Lin family."

Lin Luoshui handed Li Luoyang\'s letter to Mo Yuntian. Of course, the content of the letter has been modified by Lin Luoshui: "a letter from Luoyang."

Hearing Lin Luoshui\'s words, Mo Yuntian was surprised to receive the letter. He was trying to get clues about Li Luoyang. Unexpectedly, Lin Luoshui took the initiative to deliver it to the door. He opened the letter and read it quickly. Mo Yuntian looked at Lin Luoshui with a frown: "What\'s the matter with going out? But it doesn\'t seem that he volunteered to go out in Luoyang this time. Before leaving, Wenjun Yazhu left behind, and he didn\'t give any explanation about the Li\'s herbal medicine store he just opened. If he really has something to do, he must arrange all these things before he leaves."

Mo Yuntian lowered his head and squinted at Lin Luoshui: "madam, do you think this is the letter to protect peace written by Luoyang brother after he was kidnapped? The purpose is to make our six doors give up looking for Luoyang brothers. Madam, don\'t be fooled."

Lin Luoshui covered his face with black yarn and said slowly: "I believe that Luoyang is safe. You know that Luoyang has always done things that outsiders don\'t understand. He has to do what he\'s worried about right away. That\'s why he didn\'t arrange Wenjun Yazhu and Li\'s herbal medicine store. I\'ve been to Wenjun Yazhu before I came. I think you six doors should focus on Wenjun Yazhu so far."

Mo Yuntian asked, "why?"

"Just now, Wenjun Yazhu, Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er were chased and killed and almost lost their lives. This is a major event in Luoyang. As the person in charge of the six doors, you don\'t know?"

Mo Yuntian stood up in surprise: "what! Someone went to Wenjun Yazhu to make trouble? Who is it?" Mo Yuntian didn\'t expect that someone would take advantage of Li Luoyang\'s absence to attack Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er of Wenjun Yazhu. If they really have something wrong, it\'s really hard for him to tell Mo Yuntian if Li Luoyang comes back.

"The other party\'s identity is unknown, but what\'s certain is that she was still in Luoyang. When she attacked Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er, there were six gates in Luoyang looking for Luoyang people, and the gate was blocked, so she could not leave Luoyang at all. Therefore, if you want to catch the murderer, you should look in Luoyang. As for my son Luoyang, you don\'t bother Lord Mo and the six gates Yes, he\'s just out on business. "

What Lin Luoshui wants is very simple. He wants Mo Yuntian to withdraw the six Gates who are looking for Li Luoyang everywhere. Lin Luoshui, who has learned the whereabouts of Li Luoyang, naturally doesn\'t want the six gates to become an obstacle for Li Luoyang to go to Lingnan.

At this time, Mo Yuntian had already begun to think about Lin Luoshui\'s purpose. Mo Yuntian obviously knew that, but if he really stopped looking for Li Luoyang, how could he provide Sima Yingming with clues about Li Luoyang? Obviously, Lin Luoshui in front of him must have mastered Li Luoyang\'s position. Otherwise, as Li Luoyang\'s mother, he would have given up looking for his son, even if there was Li Luo Mo Yuntian also thinks that Yang Bao\'s letter of peace is full of loopholes.

"Madam, do you know where the Luoyang brothers are now? If you know, you can tell me. I\'ll send someone to look for them. Once it\'s confirmed that the Luoyang brothers are safe, I\'ll immediately ask liumen to stop looking for the Luoyang brothers." Mo Yuntian wants to know more about Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts from Lin luoshuikou.

Lin Luoshui frowned, and his cold voice gradually sounded: "Lord Mo, what I said just now is very clear. You should investigate the murderers of Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er, rather than focus on a common people who went out to deal with private affairs. You don\'t have to look for Luoyang. He will come back naturally after dealing with his affairs. As for the date of return, no one knows."

"That\'s natural. Since madam has said so, I\'ll send someone to Wenjun Yazhu to investigate and let the people looking for Luoyang brothers come back. Since Luoyang brothers are safe, I don\'t have to fight so much."

Mo Yuntian smiles, but he has made a decision in his heart to let Xiaohui take people to Wenjun Yazhu for investigation, and let Mo Jiao secretly continue to look for Li Luoyang. The reason why Mo Jiao chose Mo Jiao is that Mo Yuntian knows that Mo Jiao wants to find Li Luoyang more than anyone, and Mo Jiao will inform Mo Yuntian about Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts at the first time.

Lin Luo turned and left after thanking him. The smile on Mo Yuntian\'s face disappeared instantly. He stood at the window and watched Lin Luo, dressed in night clothes, leave slowly from the gate. Mo Yuntian said to himself in a low voice: "Does this woman know martial arts? I didn\'t notice her sudden appearance just now. There are only two possibilities. First, she doesn\'t have a breath. She\'s not a martial artist, but she gives me a very different feeling today. Second, the experts among the experts hide their breath and appear quietly!"