Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 707

On the surface, the chaos in Luoyang City has disappeared, Wenjun Yazhu has also started normal business, and yu\'er has returned to Li\'s herbal medicine store to manage the daily work of the drugstore. However, there are many people with six doors in Wenjun Yazhu for protection, and there are no people anxious to find Li Luoyang in the city.

However, secretly, Sima Yingming has begun to contact the person who assassinated Li Luoyang\'s life. Two tall men with hats appeared in Luoyang City. One of them is tall and carrying a long knife covered with black cloth behind him. The most striking thing on his face is the long beard with his chin up. Even if the hat covers his face, the beard is particularly dazzling.

The man touched his long beard and whispered to his companions, "brother Yang Zhi, it seems that there are many fewer running dogs in Luoyang today?"

The man named Yang Zhi crossed his hands on his chest, and the hat veil covering his face also covered his unusual face. There was too obvious cyan mark on that face. Because of this mark, Yang Zhi got the name of green faced beast, and the bearded man passing with him was Guan Sheng, the empress of the God of martial arts.

Yang Zhi was silent and didn\'t answer Guan Sheng\'s doubts. His eyes scanned nearby through the black veil. As Guan Sheng said, there were a lot fewer people patrolling the six doors nearby. Even if people from the six doors passed by, they had never routinely inspected the suspicious personnel as before. They were like air and didn\'t attract the attention of the six doors.

Guan Sheng has long been used to Yang Zhi\'s silence. He smiled and said to himself, "what brother Sima said in his letter is really good. He has bought the six doors of Luoyang City. It seems that we don\'t have to sneak in Luoyang in the future." Guan Sheng simply took off his hat and swaggered down the street.

Yang Zhi frowned and whispered, "be careful."

"Don\'t worry, brother Sima, how can you harm us? Let\'s go."

Looking at Guan Sheng walking to the side of the road, Yang Zhi asked suspiciously, "Sima\'s residence is here!"

"I know. Why don\'t we go to Wenjun Yazhu first? Last time Wu Song came back, he was drunk because he drank some fairy pulled by birds! Let\'s go and have a try to see if the wine is as delicious as rumors!" Guan Sheng even drooled. After thinking about the good wine described by Wu Song back to Liangshanpo, Guan Sheng couldn\'t bear it.

Yang Zhi immediately raised his knife and stopped Guan Sheng: "we haven\'t been back to the stronghold for many days this time. Did you forget the news you heard on the way? Brother Huarong was arrested. At this time, the stronghold must have started planning a rescue mission. We need to go back immediately. After asking brother Sima what an emergency he wants us, we need to go back immediately. We don\'t have time to drink and have fun!"

There was no emotion in Yang Zhi\'s tone. It was like spitting out a line from a cold machine. To change to peacetime, Guan Sheng would rather have a few rounds of war with Yang Zhi to enjoy the wine. At this time, Yang Zhi\'s reminder calmed Guan Sheng a lot. On the way back from the task, they learned that Hua Rong was arrested by Lingnan government, and they hurried to Liangshan lake, But I didn\'t expect to meet Sima Yingming\'s people when I just came near Luoyang City, and told them that Sima Yingming had something urgent to look for, so they decided to enter Luoyang City first, meet Sima Yingming, and then return to the stronghold.

"Yes, yes, brother Yang Zhi reminded me. Yes, I forgot the business! Go to Sima brothers\' house! There will be plenty of opportunities to taste the good wine in the future." Guan Sheng followed Yang Zhi to Sima Yingming\'s residence. Even if they met the people of six doors along the way, they would not hide as they had been. These people of six doors had long been ordered by Mo Yuntian, Just deliberately turning a blind eye.

When Sima Yingming came to the gate of Sima Yingming\'s residence, Sima Ying waited at the gate tomorrow morning. Seeing Guan Sheng and Yang Zhi appear, Sima Yingming immediately greeted him with a smile: "brother Guan Sheng, brother Yang Zhi, you\'re finally here!"

Yang Zhi showed a rare smile on his face: "Sima brother, haven\'t seen you for a long time."

"It\'s my pleasure for you two to come here specially. I\'ve prepared good wine to receive the wind and wash the dust for your two brothers!"

Guan Sheng shook his head and whispered, "if we are here, we can\'t stay for a long time. Brother Sima, tell me what you have here!"

Sima Yingming said with a smile, "your two brothers are worried about the six gates in Luoyang City? You must find that what I said is true on your way here. You can rest assured that Luoyang City will not inspect and investigate you in the future. You don\'t have to worry. Besides, I specially prepared immortal drunkenness and yaochi jade dew for your two brothers today. I hope your brother will accept it."

Hearing Sima Yingming say so, Guan Sheng immediately swallowed his saliva. The name of the immortal drunk has long made Guan Sheng salivate. Now there is yaochi Yulu to taste together. Guan Sheng said to Sima Yingming with a wild smile: "since Sima brothers treat me with heart, I\'m not polite."

Yang Zhi immediately said, "Guan Sheng, you forgot the big thing!"

"Brother Yang Zhi, since we have come, we naturally want to hear what difficulties brother Sima has. What\'s the difference between standing at the door and sitting at the wine table!"

Sima Yingming smiled and pulled Yang Zhi\'s hand: "brother Yang Zhi, brother Guan Sheng is right. Please come to the house for a chat when you come." Sima Yingming has investigated people\'s observation experience for so many years. Since he first contacted the two people, he found out Yang Zhi\'s temper. Yang Zhi is not interested in oil and salt, and has no interest in wine and women, even some exclusion, However, there is one thing Yang Zhi has always loved and loved, that is the famous Dao and sword collected by Sima Yingming\'s family.

"Brother Yang Zhi, I just got a western region sword in my family yesterday. I just wanted to invite someone to see it. I\'m lucky to have you here today. Why don\'t you bother my brother to see if it\'s worth watching the sword for me." Sima Yingming whispered in Yang Zhi\'s ear. After listening to Sima Yingming\'s words, Yang Zhi said slowly: "Since brother Sima invited me, I\'m afraid that if I refuse again, it will hurt the harmony between my brothers. Why don\'t I go and have a look, but I must go back to Liangshan today."

"Naturally, my two brothers have something important to do. Today I will not leave my brother here for the night. Please come inside."

After sending Guan Sheng and Yang Zhi to the mansion, Sima Yingming glanced at the entourage around him. The entourage immediately bent down and whispered, "I\'ll invite Lord Mo now."

"Let him be ready and don\'t reveal his secrets. These Liangshan green forest people at any time, but they won\'t attack the common people. We must give Li Luoyang a heinous title."

"Yes, I\'ll do it now."

"Let\'s go." Sima Yingming waved his long sleeve, then walked into his residence, followed by his attendants to the six gates, and told Mo Yuntian that Guan Sheng and Yang Zhi had arrived at Sima\'s residence.

Mo Yuntian smiled and put the things he had prepared into his arms. Then he followed Sima Yingming\'s entourage to Sima\'s house. What Mo Yuntian carried was a forged arrest warrant for liumen. The wanted object was Li Luoyang.