Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 689

In the merchant Federation of Luoyang City, Mo Yuntian was taken to the parliament hall and entered the gate of the parliament hall. It was empty and blurred under the dim light. Mo Yuntian sat in a chair with a cup of steaming tea in front of him. Mo Yuntian took a sip of the tea cup without any concern to relieve his thirst, He knew very well in his heart that even if people of the merchant Federation hated themselves, they would not dare to attack themselves so blatantly. Moreover, this is still the territory of the merchant Federation, and they would not directly identify their relationship with liumen or the imperial court.

"I didn\'t expect that it was so late. Lord Mo Yuntian came in person." Ge Cheng slowly came in from the side door. He sat in the main seat calmly in his pajamas, followed by a man carrying a lantern to illuminate the road under his feet.

Ge Cheng slowly picked up the tea cup in front of him. The tea cover gently put aside the tea powder on the water. After taking a sip, he smiled and asked, "what? Don\'t you want me to guess what you\'re doing when you visit here late this night? If so, I don\'t have this time to waste."

Mo Yuntian smiled and endured his anger. In Luoyang, even Sima Yingming would give way to him. Ge Cheng didn\'t pay attention to him at all, which naturally made Mo Yuntian angry. But this time he came to the door to seek other people\'s cooperation. Mo Yuntian had to endure: "I haven\'t seen you for many days. Old GE has a good spirit."

"It\'s not as good as you young people. Staying up in the middle of the night still wakes others to rest. It seems that your six doors are also very leisurely recently." Ge Cheng seems to be targeting Mo Yuntian in every sentence. No wonder, the two sides were secretly targeting. As the general director of Luoyang City merchants Federation, Ge Cheng won\'t give Mo Yuntian a good face.

"Mr. Ge, there\'s something to say. I apologize for disturbing you late at night. I\'m here for one thing. I hope your businessmen\'s Federation will cooperate."

"Cooperation? Of course, we are serious business and good people. You six doors are from the imperial court. We naturally have the obligation to cooperate with you, but I don\'t know what you need us to cooperate with." Ge Cheng was surprised that Mo Yuntian pulled down his old face and asked for cooperation on his own territory, which has never happened before, Ge Cheng is curious to know what makes Mo Yuntian do this. He is more curious about whether he has missed any important news, so that Mo Yuntian visits.

Mo Yuntian looked puzzled and said slowly, "I don\'t know whether Li Luoyang, the elegant building of Wen Jun, is a guest here. If he is, please inform him that his family and friends are waiting for him." there is no direct evidence in his hand that Li Luoyang is a merchant Federation. Mo Yuntian\'s words can only be ambiguous. He doesn\'t want to bear the crime of creating friction.

Hearing Mo Yuntian\'s words, Ge Cheng was surprised: "Li Luoyang? Is that the inventor of the immortal drunk?"

"Isn\'t old Ge so bad in memory? Before, so many restaurant owners in Luoyang jointly monopolized the raw materials of immortal drunkenness. Obviously, he was targeting Li Luoyang. Is old Ge going to tell you that you don\'t know him now?"

"For? Hehe, Lord Mo, you\'re a good thief, but you don\'t understand the business. More than a dozen restaurant owners jointly decided to compete with Wenjun Yazhu. It\'s also a helpless move. Li Luoyang\'s immortal drunk almost occupied the whole liquor market. If this goes on, other restaurants will have to close down. Don\'t forget that there are many of their staff. We don\'t care You can see your partners starve to death. "

Mo Yuntian didn\'t take care of Ge Cheng, but Ge Cheng continued: "besides, I don\'t agree with Lord Mo\'s so-called point of view. We open the door to do business. We also buy raw materials through normal channels, which is illegal?"

Mo Yuntian shook his hand and said slowly, "I don\'t care about the contradiction between you and Li Luoyang today. I just want to know whether he has been here."

Ge Cheng raised his mouth slightly and asked with a sly smile, "do you mean Li Luoyang is missing?"

Mo Yuntian knew that this matter could not be concealed from the merchant Federation. As long as it was dawn tomorrow, the news would soon spread: "for two days, there is no figure of Li Luoyang in Luoyang City."

"Hahaha," Ge Cheng laughed wildly and then said to Mo Yuntian, "I\'m sorry, I shouldn\'t be so happy, but I really can\'t control my emotions. You know that the existence of Li Luoyang directly led to the sudden decline of the interests of the partners of the chamber of Commerce. To tell the truth, I didn\'t expect you to bring me such good news today."

Mo Yuntian frowned and whispered, "now it seems that the disappearance of Li Luoyang is the most favorable for you."

Ge Cheng nodded without hesitation: "Yes, it\'s not directly related to me. It\'s mainly the restaurant bosses who wish Li Luoyang would never appear again so that their business can slowly get better. I understand what you want to say, Mr. mo. you suspect that Li Luoyang\'s disappearance is the ghost of us. I can tell you clearly that although we hope Li Luoyang will disappear completely, we He didn\'t do it. "

Looking at Mo Yuntian\'s skepticism, Ge Cheng stood up and said slowly: "Think about it. Although Li Luoyang has affected the business of restaurant owners, it has not fundamentally hurt our chamber of Commerce. We don\'t need to attack him. This is Luoyang City. He not only has your protection, but also the Lin family and Sima Yingming. Once we start, fools can guess that we did it? We don\'t need to make ourselves the most suspicious target 。”

Ge Chengyue thought more and more happily: "but I really thank God. I don\'t know whether Li Luoyang\'s disappearance is forever or temporarily. If I can, I hope it will be forever."

"So, Li Luoyang was not kidnapped by your merchant Federation?"

"Listen to Mr. Mo, are you sure that Li Luoyang was kidnapped instead of going to play? Hehe, I really want to thank the kidnappers. It\'s best to tear up the ticket."

"It seems that old GE has a big prejudice against Li Luoyang."

Ge Cheng said without hesitation: "Of course. But I\'m just acting for the restaurant owners. If I have a personal relationship, I have no grievances with Li Luoyang. There\'s no need to pray for his death, but after all, he\'s not my partner. Naturally, I don\'t need to care about his life or death. Anyway, for me, if he really dies, I will be happy for my partners. If he doesn\'t come back, I can only feel sorry. "

Mo Yuntian raised his mouth slightly and whispered, "it seems that this is the merchant."

"Yes, we only think about interests, not human life. Lord Mo has investigated us for so long. Don\'t you know our principles? Hehe, but I still remind you that our merchant Federation is a serious business, otherwise it won\'t develop so smoothly. If there was a little crime, Lord Mo would have brought people here long ago."