Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 690

In the dark parliament hall, the flame of the oil lamp was printed on Ge Cheng\'s wrinkled face. At this time, he smiled and felt light and calm. Mo Yuntian was not afraid when facing the six doors, but pressed Mo Yuntian a lot in momentum.

Mo Yuntian took a deep breath, took up the tea cup and said slowly, "since Ge said so, I don\'t need to hide it. The six doors investigation merchants Federation was also ordered to act. According to the information we have known for so many years, we haven\'t found any illegal acts." this is also Mo Yuntian\'s most helpless thing. Even he began to doubt his ability, Or it may feel that the merchant Federation has no illegal activities, so no matter how much it invests in human and material resources, it can\'t find relevant evidence.

Ge Cheng proudly laughed. "That\'s natural. Even if Mogao doesn\'t say it, we also know that six doors have been secretly investigating us. Not only Luoyang, but also six other places are investigating our different points, but unfortunately, there is no six door to find out what we have explained. Many times, we are serious businessmen, and you will not listen."

Looking at GE Cheng\'s proud appearance, Mo Yuntian said with a smile, "you can\'t blame us, old Ge. There are always people in the world who break the law everywhere under the banner of your merchant Federation, which will naturally attract the attention of the imperial court. No, little girl Mo Jiao cooperated with general Niu Gao and others in Taiyuan and arrested a prisoner."

The smile on Ge Cheng\'s face disappeared instantly. He had already heard the news of Gao Ming\'s arrest.

Mo Yuntian took a sip of tea and continued: "This prisoner is a recidivist. When the Taiyuan famine began, he set fire to the granary of Taiyuan government, which led to the rapid spread of the famine. Without his fire, the situation of Taiyuan famine could be completely controlled. However, he was finally found out and caught alive by the people of our six doors. I\'m surprised. You say that your merchant Federation has always been Good people, why does he admit that he is one of you? "

Ge Cheng said slowly without expression: "I don\'t know what you\'re talking about?" at this time, Ge Cheng didn\'t have the previous virtue and pride. Instead, he was angry and murderous. He knew that Li Luoyang was the one who destroyed the wise plan and caught the wise alive! Although Mo Yuntian didn\'t disclose anything at this time, the people of the merchant Federation knew the truth long ago.

"His name is Gao Ming. Don\'t you know Mr. Ge?"

Ge Cheng obviously shook his hands. After adjusting his mind, he smiled and said, "I don\'t know."

"That\'s strange. According to him, he knows you."

"Hahaha, Lord Mo, don\'t cheat me. I don\'t know any wise man at all. If he really says so, I can only say that he planted it on purpose." Ge Cheng turned his eyes and continued with a smile: "if Lord Mo doesn\'t believe it, you can bring that wise man and I will confront him face to face."

Ge Cheng is an old fox. He knows that if he really revealed something to Mo Yuntian through his wise training, he must have been tortured by inhuman. At this time, Ge Cheng is sure that Gao Ming is not nearly dead, and there is nothing wrong with him. It is impossible to confront him. This is also Ge Cheng\'s confidence and understanding of Mo Yuntian\'s roots and bottom.

Ge Cheng asked for confrontation, so Mo Yuntian was surprised. He didn\'t expect Ge Cheng to be so righteous: "ha ha, it seems that old Ge really knows nothing about Gao Ming. Gao Ming must have deliberately framed the merchant Federation. I\'ll clean him up when I go back."

Ge Cheng\'s hands in his long sleeves have been tightly clenched into fists, but he still keeps a smile on his face: "such people should be severely punished, which will damage the reputation of our merchant Federation."

"Yes, but I can\'t think of another thing. According to the report of my little daughter Mo Jiao, Gao Ming has been sheltering several villages in Taiyuan. Before he appeared, those villages were poor. After Gao Ming appeared, he led them to develop rapidly and had rich family property. The villa owners personally admitted that Gao Ming was trying to win them over on behalf of businessmen."

Ge Cheng coughed gently and said slowly, "Lord Mo, I have said before that you are a good hand at catching thieves. If you don\'t understand this crime, I don\'t understand it. Maybe he can better cheat the trust of those villa leaders by using our name?"

"With his excellent martial arts and skills, he is also an expert in the world. He doesn\'t need to pretend to be your identity? If he is really your person, he must be a high-level person. I don\'t know which is higher or lower compared with Ge Lao?"

Ge Cheng said in a low voice with a smile: "Mr. Mo is joking. I\'m just strengthening my body when I practice martial arts. Although I have some skills, it\'s also a three legged cat\'s Kung Fu. Besides, I\'ve never met that brilliant before. What\'s the deal? If you ask, how can I answer you?"

Looking at GE Cheng\'s reaction, Mo Yuntian smiled: "yes, yes, I ignored it. Old GE has never seen brilliant martial arts. How can we compare it?"

Ge Cheng stretched himself out and said slowly, "Lord Mo, if you\'re worried about something else, let\'s stop here today. My body can\'t help staying up late. This man is old. Staying up all night is equivalent to losing ten days of life."

Mo Yuntian stood up and said with a smile, "in that case, I won\'t bother you. If Mr. Ge is willing to help and bother your merchant Federation, if there is any news about Li Luoyang, you can come to six doors to announce." Mo Yuntian knows that his words are nonsense. What others say is very clear. They wish Li Luoyang would disappear forever. Even with the news of Li Luoyang, they will not take the initiative to report to liumen, but the process still needs to go. Mo Yuntian\'s words are just polite.

Ge Cheng waved his hand: "I know. I\'ll inform you. I\'ll report to you immediately when I find the news of Li Luoyang and see you off."

The man who had been behind Ge Cheng came to Mo Yuntian with a lantern: "please, Lord mo."

Mo Yuntian turned and walked out of the Council hall. Then she went out of the door of the merchant Federation. Mo Jiao immediately welcomed her and asked anxiously, "Dad, do you have any news from Luoyang?"

"Why are you here? Didn\'t I let you wait for me at home?"

"Anyway, I didn\'t go in to make trouble. Dad, tell me quickly. What\'s the matter?"

Mo Yuntian said in a low voice, "it seems that Li Luoyang is not here. Ge Cheng doesn\'t know anything about Li Luoyang\'s disappearance."

"It\'s impossible! They must have hidden Li Luoyang." after that, Mo Jiao planned to rush to the gate and was caught by Mo Yuntian: "the reason why I won\'t get up is your temper! Whether Li Luoyang is here has my own judgment. Now come home with me!"

"Ke" looked at Mo Yuntian\'s serious face. Mo Jiao had to lower her head and follow Mo Yuntian back to the six doors.

Xiaohui and Hupi followed closely with people. Mo Yuntian gained two things this trip. First, Li Luoyang was not in the merchant Federation, otherwise Ge Cheng would not be so calm. Second, from GE Cheng\'s reaction and expression, Gao Ming was indeed a member of the merchant Federation. As for which sub point or headquarters he belonged to, it is unknown.