Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 688

At this time, the tiger skin didn\'t answer Xiaohui. Standing in front of Xiaohui, the sweat on her forehead fell like rain. Xiaohui whispered disapprovingly: "I tell you, in terms of our eldest lady\'s character, it\'s good to be married, and she still wants to be with my master? Do you think she\'s too narcissistic?"

Tiger skin coughed lightly and said with a smile, "I don\'t think so. Our eldest lady should have a figure and look like one of the best in Luoyang. Some women smell like men. That\'s also because of the two of us."

Xiaohui asked suspiciously, "what do you care about us?"

"Think about it. The eldest lady grew up with us when she was young. She danced with us all day, drank and talked with us. Of course, she naturally developed the behavior of men, which was influenced by us. Otherwise, with the beauty and talent of the eldest lady, it is estimated that there will be a long line of people proposing marriage at six doors."

Xiaohui smiled wildly and waved his hand: "hahaha, line up to propose marriage? I believe everyone except our eldest lady, but don\'t tell me. The eldest lady did show unprecedented worry this time. Did you say what happened between them when she went to Taiyuan with master last time? Or did this stubborn stone finally become feminine because of my master\'s charm?"

The tiger skin wiped the sweat from the temples and said slowly, "our eldest lady has always been feminine, but you didn\'t find it."

"Yes? Why didn\'t I feel it?" Xiao Hui lowered his head in doubt. The guy actually began to recall the bits and pieces of contact with Mo Jiao before. A moment later, he said in righteous words: "no, absolutely not."

At this time, the most worried thing about the tiger skin happened. A bright long sword gently bypassed Xiaohui\'s neck, and the blade was placed in Xiaohui\'s throat. Xiaohui, who was planning to fight back, suddenly heard a familiar voice in his ear: "it seems that I am a man who can\'t marry out in your eyes, Xiaohui!"

The sound came to his ears, and Xiao Hui\'s hair stood up all over his body. He could even feel that the cold blade on his neck was going deep into the skin and could kill him at any time. Xiao Hui quickly said, "big, miss, why are you here? You see, it\'s embarrassing. I, I\'m just drunk. I don\'t believe you ask the tiger skin."

The visitor is mo Jiao. Mo Jiao, who is worried that Mo Yuntian will go to the merchant Federation, has been here with six doors. She sees that Mo Yuntian has entered the door alone and is preparing to meet Xiaohui and tiger skin. Unexpectedly, she happens to hear Xiaohui\'s heartfelt words.

The tiger skin immediately explained to Xiao Hui, "Miss, he, he is drunk. Please forgive him?"

Xiao Hui looked at the tiger skin reproachfully and said to him without tears, "OK, boy! If you provoke me, don\'t give me a hint! Watch me jump into the fire pit."

The tiger skin said helplessly, "how many times have I winked at you? You haven\'t responded at all. You can blame me!"

Mo Jiao kicked on Xiao Hui\'s hip, and Xiao Hui stumbled to the ground. Mo Jiao pointed to Xiao Hui\'s throat with a sword and said with a smile: "that\'s to tell me who your master is?"

Xiao Hui looked at Mo Jiao\'s smile as if he were looking at the sickle of death. He swallowed his saliva and whispered, "I, my master is naturally Lord mo."

"So what you just meant was that I like my father?"

Xiao Hui immediately smiled: "yes, yes, that\'s what I mean. You see, I was in a hurry and forgot about it just now! I just said that you like Lord Mo, which is the kind of love for your father."

Mo Jiao squatted and stepped on Xiao Hui\'s abdomen: "then how can I hear you say I want to marry your master? I advise you to tell the truth, or I won\'t treat you as a brother from now on." Mo Jiao moved the sword tip down until she came to Xiao Hui\'s abdomen: "treat you as a sister!"

Xiao Hui suddenly realized something and said to her tearfully, "Miss, I\'m wrong. Can\'t I be wrong? My master is Li Luoyang."

"Li Luoyang? When did you worship him as a teacher?"

"A long time ago, I had contact with him when I went to Lijia village. Then he came to Luoyang and taught me some internal breathing and external skills, so I quietly worshipped him as a teacher." Xiao Hui reluctantly told me that he was most afraid to be known by Mo Yuntian and Mo Jiao. He was worried that he would be punished by six doors. He entered six doors and was a six door man all his life, Death can only be the ghost of six doors. Six doors can\'t allow their own people to worship others as teachers. Obviously, Xiao Hui has violated the provisions of six doors.

Mo Jiao took back the sword, then asked seriously, "does my father know this?"

"Lord Mo doesn\'t know." Xiaohui knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to Mo Jiao after a sigh of relief. "Miss, it\'s my fault. I\'m willing to be punished. You and Lord Mo taught me all my kung fu. Without your cultivation, I would have died in this troubled world. Today, I\'ll give these Kung Fu back to you."

Xiao Hui knew very well that this was the iron rule of six doors, and he couldn\'t escape.

Looking at Xiao Hui who was going to destroy his martial arts, Mo Jiao shook her head and said slowly, "it\'s all right. Even if I didn\'t hear this, from now on, you\'d better not let my father find out, otherwise no one can help you."

Xiaohui looked at Mo Jiao in surprise. The tiger skin on one side quickly helped Xiaohui up: "thank you for your kindness."

Xiao Hui nodded to Mo Jiao and said, "miss."

"Don\'t thank me. I don\'t want to lose a brother. Besides, Li Luoyang is willing to accept you as an apprentice. You can learn a lot from him. Compared with you all know that Li Luoyang has too many secrets and amazing inventions. Maybe following him will be more promising for you." this is mo Jiao\'s true feeling. Li Luoyang has given her too much surprise, She is sincerely happy that Xiao Hui can become Li Luoyang\'s disciple. In Mo Jiao\'s opinion, Li Luoyang has only two disciples at this time, one is Xiao Hui, and the other is Xiao Si who disappeared with Li Luoyang.

"Dad went in alone?" Mo Jiao stood outside the door of the merchant Federation worried.

Xiaohui and Hupi nodded and replied, "well, the other party only allows adult Mo to enter alone."

"Will daddy be all right?"

"Don\'t worry, miss, although we have a secret contest with the merchant Federation, we don\'t dare to find out the contradiction. When Lord Mo enters the merchant Federation, they will only treat him with courtesy and can\'t do anything to hurt Lord mo. isn\'t that a declaration of war against the imperial court?"

"I hope dad can find the clue of Li Luoyang, otherwise Luoyang City will be in chaos. Sima Yingming came to the six gates in person as soon as you left."

"Sima Yingming?"

"Well, he is also looking for Li Luoyang. Fortunately, he just told us to find Li Luoyang as soon as possible without making it difficult."

The disappearance of a Li Luoyang has the strength to make almost the whole Luoyang City fall into.