Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 681

At this time, a man wearing mink and a black pipe hat appeared in front of Li Luoyang. The man had a smile and a handsome face, which made people feel cold. He wore sapphire around his waist and looked like a dignitary. As soon as the man appeared, Li Luoyang knew who he was: tianguixing xiaowhirlwind Chaijin.

Chai Jin stooped slightly to salute Li Luoyang. After Li Luoyang politely saluted, he smiled and said, "this must be Chai Jin official?" looking at the other party\'s dress, although others will think that this guy may be just an ordinary rich man, Li Luoyang, who is familiar with the water margin, knows very well that Chai Jin is the only one who will dress like this in the whole Liangshan park.

Chai Jin smiled and said, "I have heard that there is Luoyang in Luoyang. Zhuge, who is talented and intelligent, has seen a good reputation today. Although he did not deliberately conceal his identity under the sun, it was not easy for the Luoyang brothers to recognize it at one glance." there are countless ties between the Chai Jinhe courts. Even now he has entered Liangshan, but he is also the eye liner of Liangshan arranged in the court. Needless to say, the first meeting with Li Luoyang was exposed, which exceeded Chaijin\'s expectations.

Wu Yong smiled and handed the letter to Chaijin: "this letter must be handed over to Lin Luoshui of the Lin family."

"Well, don\'t worry, military division. I\'ve arranged people. It\'s our honor that Luoyang brothers are willing to help us rescue Hua Rong this time. Naturally, I\'ll do this job for Luoyang brothers."

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "It\'s not just my business. Since brother Chaijin is in the imperial court, you must know my identity. If I leave for so long and don\'t show up, Lord Sima will be worried. At that time, my cooperation with Lord Sima won\'t be good. The blame can\'t be borne. If Sima Yingming knows that I\'ve been kidnapped here and delayed my cooperation, Liangshan I\'m afraid it will be completely opposed to the imperial court. "

With a tight brow, Sima Yingming whispered, "yes, you and Mr. Sima Yingming are now offering perfume cooperation to Mrs. white. Three hundred bottles of perfume will be handed over in a month. If you come to the deadline, Sima will naturally be worried. Once he knows you are here, he will use all his connections and send a man to attack."

"Hehe, brother Chaijin, it\'s good to know, so this letter is not only for myself, but also for you."

Chai Jin laughed wildly: "hahaha, Luoyang is worthy of being a businessman. Every letter should emphasize that it is for us? If I guess correctly, the real purpose of this letter is not just that."

"Oh? Why?"

"You\'re trying to avoid the six gates in Luoyang. Go to Lingnan with our brother. You have to go through several guards of the six gates in Luoyang. I\'ve received the news. The people of the six gates have learned that you\'re missing. They are conducting a rigorous search in and around Luoyang. Only when this letter reaches your mother\'s hand can she appease the six gates People at the gate, so that you can go to Lingnan smoothly and helplessly. "

Li Luoyang smiled and stared at Chaijin: "even so, what? It\'s also to save your brother more smoothly. Remember, Hua Rong is from Liangshanpo, not mine. My biggest requirement for participating in this action is to save my life. Even if this letter has countless purposes, it\'s all for myself, so what?"

Chaijin looked at Wu Yong in speechless. Wu Yong smiled and said, "brother Chaijin, you are really. No matter what brother Luoyang does, the final result is to better save Huarong. Are you worried about it?"

The reason why Chaijin has been discussing the contents of the letter with Li Luoyang is that he is worried that Li Luoyang\'s letter is a letter for help. He tells Lin Luoshui about Li Luoyang\'s stay in Liangshan and asks Lin Luoshui to arrange someone to go to Liangshan to save him. Therefore, Chaijin tries every means to get the contents of Li Luoyang\'s letter, but he doesn\'t expect to be shut up by Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang also knows that Chaijin and Wu Yong are singing double reed in front of him. The purpose is actually to worry about the content of the letter. If Li Luoyang leaves, Liangshan will be attacked by the six gates of Luoyang. This is not the result they want to see. In order to make Wu Yong and Chaijin feel relieved, Li Luoyang snatched the envelope in Chaijin\'s hand.

Chaijin looked at Li Luoyang suspiciously: "you, what are you doing?"

Li Luoyang tore open the envelope and handed the letter to Wu Yong: "read."

Wu looked at Li Luoyang with embarrassment: "it\'s not necessary, brother Luoyang."


Wu Yong looked down: "Mother, my son has something to do outside and needs to be delayed for about a month. This matter is very strict. My son doesn\'t want to be interfered by the six doors or the imperial court. My departure is likely to attract the attention and investigation of the six doors in Luoyang. Please tell them that I have private affairs to deal with. Don\'t worry about my safety. After the matter is completed, I will tell you the context and sign the money, Li Luoyang."

After reading, Wu looked at Chaijin with an oblique eye. Chaijin nodded awkwardly: "I\'m so worried about it. The generosity of the Luoyang brothers is a hundred times better than me. I\'m ashamed."

Li Luoyang said slowly, "brother Chaijin did this for safety. If it were me, I would worry about whether the content of the letter involves the secrets of Liangshan. It\'s not inappropriate for you to do so. Don\'t apologize. I don\'t know how Chaijin officials intend to send this letter to my mother?"

"I have two plans. First, I leave for Luoyang overnight to see your mother in my own capacity. I believe no one will care. Second, contact my people in Luoyang city government and ask him to give his heart to your mother by sending ordinary letters."

Li Luoyang asked with a smile, "what method did brother Chaijin finally decide to adopt?"

"First, this letter is very important, so you must go out in person."

Li Luoyang nodded and slowly said, "I think so, even if there are reliable people, there may be mistakes. Since Chai brothers have eyes in the Luoyang government, I have a question to ask for advice."

"Please tell me if I know."

"I believe in the means and strength of Chaijin officials. There are cronies in the green forest and the imperial court. I want to inquire about an organization, Luoyang City merchants Federation. Do you know Chaijin brothers?"

Incapable of action, Li Luoyang said a seamless heavenly robe: "the Luoyang brothers, I can\'t hide it. I have been investigating the whole organization in secret. Although I have tried many ways, I can\'t investigate the merchant Federation. Their secrets are perfectly done. I can\'t help it. I don\'t know what Luoyang brothers care about the union of businessmen."

Li Luoyang smiled, shook his hand and then said, "it\'s all right. I\'m just asking. You know I\'m a businessman. There\'s a federation that unites businessmen to make a fortune together. Naturally, I want to see if it\'s worth joining."

"Oh, I see."