Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 682

The dark city of Luoyang is brightly lit today. People with six doors can be seen everywhere in the street looking for people with lanterns. At this time, the six doors almost broke into the houses to look for people.

Xiaohui shuttles around Luoyang with more than a dozen people. Tiger skin asks the guards of the four gates in Luoyang. Mo Jiao accompanies Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er to wait at Wenjun\'s elegant building. They are all at a loss. However, Wu Xinyi is the most worried. She sits alone on the beam and looks at the anxious Mo Jiao three people in the lobby on the first floor. She knows that Li Luoyang has been missing for two days, No trace of Li Luoyang was found in the whole Luoyang City.

"Where did they go!" Ouyang Wenjun sat at the wooden table with a puzzled face. In such a big event, Wenjun Yazhu closed early. The nearby Li\'s herbal medicine store was closed because Xiao Si and Li Luoyang disappeared at the same time. The people who had no main business were closed. Li Luoyang\'s loss directly affected the business.

Yu\'er had tears in her eyes and changed her embroidered handkerchief for many times: "I, I don\'t know. The two big men disappeared for no reason. Sister Wenjun, do you think something will happen to them?" yu\'er, the first to find that Li Luoyang and Xiao Si disappeared, cried into tears. At this time, she was more worried about Xiao Si. Xiao Si didn\'t have any martial arts compared with Li Luoyang, If he meets something special, Li Luoyang can escape, but Xiao Si doesn\'t have the ability.

"Don\'t talk nonsense, they must be fine in Luoyang." Ouyang Wenjun comforted yu\'er. In fact, she didn\'t know that Li Luoyang was not the kind of person who left without saying goodbye. Before she became the head of Wenjun\'s elegant building, Li Luoyang was called up by six doors to Taiyuan for disaster relief. Before leaving, Li Luoyang explained everything before leaving. Now there is a newly opened Li\'s herbal medicine store, Even if Li Luoyang wants to leave, it is impossible to take away the only Xiao Si who can work in the herbal medicine store, and there is no work arrangement, which makes Ouyang Wenjun worry about whether Li Luoyang has encountered unexpected accidents.

Mo Jiao drank tea and looked at the door. There were six door patrols everywhere in the street: "all the people who can go out of six door have gone out. As long as they are in the city, we can find them. I\'m just worried."

Ouyang Wenjun whispered, "are you worried about Luoyang? They are no longer in the city?"

Mo Jiao nodded: "Compared with Li Luoyang, he knows that Luoyang is the safest place for him. There are not only the protection of our six gates, but also the protection of the Lin family. Now, there is the care of Lord Sima and even the cooperation of that one. These are the potential that Li Luoyang can rely on. But once he leaves Luoyang and goes outside, no one will worry about these forces, a small one How does Luoyang compare with the green forest? "

Hearing Mo Jiao\'s words, yu\'er cried and asked, "sister Mo Jiao, do you mean that they may have had contact with the green forest people outside the city, and they may have taken them away?"

Mo Jiao said slowly after taking a deep breath: "it\'s not just Luoyang City. The surrounding areas of Luoyang City are clear about Li Luoyang\'s strength. No one dares to fight against the imperial court, unless they are originally the enemy of the imperial court. There is no news of Manichaeism nearby, so they can\'t encounter Manichaeism. Except Manichaeism, there are only green forest people."

Since she came out of the brothel, Mo Jiao has been speculating about the whereabouts of Li Luoyang. She knows very well that even if ordinary petty thieves meet Li Luoyang, they can\'t do anything about Li Luoyang. Only some people in the green forest are capable and are not afraid of those targeted by the imperial court. So far, Mo Jiao and liumen haven\'t found any match in or around the city Conditional people appear.

Ouyang Wenjun suddenly said, "Mo Jiao, do you think it will be the businessmen\'s Federation?"

Mo Jiao suddenly realized: "yes! The merchant Federation in Luoyang City has not been searched. Moreover, they secretly targeted Li Luoyang\'s immortals before. Can it be said that Li Luoyang went to find them and their theory was controlled, but this is also wrong. The merchant Federation in Luoyang city knows Li Luoyang\'s power better than anyone else. They dare to control Li Luoyang at the risk of fighting against the imperial court?"

This is what Ouyang Wenjun is worried about. He has been expelled from the merchant Federation. Wenjun Yazhu has not been retaliated by the merchant Federation. It is also because of the existence of Li Luoyang. At this time, only the merchant Federation has not searched the places related to Li Luoyang in Luoyang. According to Ouyang Wenjun\'s analysis, Li Luoyang took Xiao Si to the merchant Federation to ask for information, and was finally arrested It\'s under control.

After all, after Li Luoyang returned from Baiyun Mountain, he showed his curiosity about the merchant Federation. Ouyang Wenjun was worried that Li Luoyang went to the merchant Federation because of his curiosity and his previous intoxication with immortals, and was kidnapped by the other party.

"Mo Jiao, if they really go to the merchant Federation, they can\'t hesitate. Since they know Li Luoyang\'s power in Luoyang City, if they really attack Luoyang, it\'s an unproven means. You also know the strength of the merchant Federation. Up to now, their secrets can\'t be found out. If they really attack Li Luoyang, it\'s estimated that you There\'s no evidence for six doors. "

Mo Jiao nodded anxiously and said, "if I just control Li Luoyang, it\'s easy to do. It\'s enough for my father to lead the team to important people. If they have started, we really can\'t find out. It\'s not too late. I need to go back to six doors."

Mo Jiao gets up and runs to the door. She wants to search the merchant Federation in Luoyang. Only Mo Yuntian leads the team can there be hope. According to her status, the merchant Federation will not give her face.

As soon as Mo Jiao left, yu\'er began to cry again: "sister Wenjun, if they really start, what shall we do!"

Ouyang Wenjun said in a low voice, "if things really develop like this, we have only one way to leave Luoyang."


"There\'s no reason why we\'re too close to Li Luoyang. During this time, Luoyang suddenly rose in the city, which naturally offended many people. Since then, there have been countless restaurants in Luoyang. If Luoyang really dies, Wenjun Yazhu will be retaliated. Don\'t forget, now the six doors, the Lin family, including Sima Yingming, are all supported by Wenjun Yazhu because of Luoyang. Luoyang If they die, do you think they still need to be the backer of Wenjun Yazhu? "

Yu\'er shook her head without hesitation: "whether it\'s liumen or Sima Yingming, you and I have no use value in their eyes. They don\'t have to offend almost all restaurant owners in Luoyang for us, so we have to leave."

Ouyang Wenjun held the crying yu\'er: "I hope my idea is wrong. Luoyang, you must not have an accident. If you really encounter an accident, do I choose to leave or avenge you? I\'ve been used to your existence for a while. Without you, will I return to the old indifference?"