Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 680

According to Li Luoyang\'s previous plan, the secret recipe to hand over the immortal drunk is to provoke possible contradictions between Liangshan and the merchant Federation. At this time, with the human kindness owed by Liangshan, Li Luoyang naturally has a greater grasp to deal with the merchant Federation that may encounter in the future.

It was getting dark. Xiao Si, who had been sleeping for a whole day, finally stretched out and opened his eyes: "master, how long have I slept?" Xiao Si didn\'t know what happened. After brewing ten cylinders of immortals with Li Luoyang, he fell asleep. He had never slept so reassuringly and comfortably. In his opinion, it was because Li Luoyang made him feel completely safe around him, This is the unbridled sleep.

Li Luoyang knew in his heart that since Xiao Si came to him, he had been busy with himself all day. Not long ago, he also took the responsibility of researching and producing herbal medicine, and stayed up all night. Therefore, Li Luoyang did not disturb Xiao Si\'s rest, nor did he mean to blame: "how\'s the rest?"

Xiao Si smiled and nodded: "well, I haven\'t slept so comfortably for a long time. By the way, master, we have brewed ten cylinders of wine. When can we leave?"

Li Luoyang smiled and asked, "what? Miss yu\'er?"

Xiao Si blushed and whispered, "well, a little, master, thank you."

"Thank me for what?"

"I know. You deliberately arranged for me to be with yu\'er."

"Hehe, don\'t care about these details. I have bad news for you." Li Luoyang\'s smile was seriously replaced. Looking at Li Luoyang\'s appearance, Xiao Si also realized that things seemed to have changed.

Li Luoyang said slowly, "Xiao Si, you have to stay here for a while, maybe a month, maybe a lifetime." if the action is successful, one month is enough to complete the task of rescuing Hua Rong. If it fails, Li Luoyang can\'t get back, Xiao Si can only stay in Liangshan. Maybe Wu Yong will let Xiao Si go back, but Li Luoyang knows, This is almost impossible. Because Wu Yong is not stupid enough to ask Xiao Si to go back and tell the people in Luoyang that the people in Liangshan killed Li Luoyang. Isn\'t that asking for trouble.

Xiao Si looked at Li Luoyang in surprise, swallowed his saliva and asked in a low voice, "all my life? Why?" Xiao Si, who had been sleeping, knew that Wu Yong had come before. He didn\'t know that when he felt safe to sleep, he was kidnapped by Wu with a dagger.

"Wu Yong wants me to do them a favor, which is very dangerous, and I may die in this mission. If the action is successful, I will come back and pick you up in a month. If it fails, you must find a way to keep your life and find someone to avenge me in the future." Li Luoyang has made the worst plan, and prison robbery is not a small matter, Besides, he still hijacked the prison of a wanted criminal.

"Master, what happened? What can I do for you? Why don\'t I go?"

Li Luoyang patted Xiao Si on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I\'m going to die, but you\'re going to die."

"No, Shifu! Even if I go to see you off, you are more likely to escape here than I am! I believe that with your ability, you can find a chance to escape here and return to Luoyang. As long as you return to Luoyang, you will be safe."

Looking at Xiao Si\'s firm eyes, Li Luoyang flashed a touch of emotion in his heart. He smiled and continued: "hahaha, even if you want to go, people in Liangshan don\'t see you."

Little four touched the back of his head in embarrassment and said helplessly, "that\'s true. How can I replace master, but master, what do they want you to do? Even you have so little confidence."

Li Luoyang told Xiao Si the whole story. After listening to Li Luoyang\'s story, Xiao Si stood stunned and motionless: "rob, rob the prison! It\'s still a key criminal of the imperial court. Master, I can\'t help you."

"Don\'t worry, I have my own arrangements. Do you think we have other options?"

At this time, Xiao Si suddenly realized something: "master, you said they asked me to stay here until you came back. Did they threaten you with my life, so you agreed to cooperate with them?" Xiao Si was not smart, but it didn\'t mean he was stupid. He immediately realized that Li Luoyang was forced to participate in the prison robbery because of his own reasons.

Li Luoyang smiled and drank slowly with a teacup.

Xiao Si walked back and forth in the house angrily, looking around with his eyes. Li Luoyang asked suspiciously, "what are you looking for?"

As soon as Li Luoyang finished speaking, he was surprised to see Xiao Si back a few steps and rush to the wall with his head down. Li Luoyang immediately realized that this guy wanted to commit suicide. Li Luoyang stopped Xiao Si around with an arrow and threw Xiao Si on the ground: "what do you want to do!"

Little four bit his teeth and said fiercely, "as long as I die, Shifu, you have no worries. They can\'t take this as a threat. Shifu doesn\'t have to promise them to help! I can\'t see Shifu jumping in the fire pit. Prison robbery is not a small thing!"

Li Luoyang took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Xiao Si, I know your good intentions, but you never thought that even if you die, can I go out?"

Little four did not hesitate; "Yes!"

"Hehe, you overestimate me. Leave it alone. Stay here until I come back. I will appear in front of you unharmed in a month. Let\'s go back to Luoyang together."

"But master."

"This is an order."

"Yes." Xiao Si lowered his head helplessly.

A moment later, Wu Yong came to the room again. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Xiao Si\'s hungry eyes staring at himself: "Xiao Si brother, it seems you know?"


"Wu is helpless to do so. Please forgive me. In the future, I will remember the kindness of Liang Shanbo and Luoyang brothers. After Luoyang brothers leave, we will treat the fourth brothers well."

At this time, if it hadn\'t been for Li Luoyang\'s obstruction, Xiao Si would have rushed up to fight with Wu Yong: "I don\'t want your hospitality! I use my life to threaten Shifu. In addition to being despicable and shameless, I really don\'t know how to describe you people in Liangshan."

Wu said slowly with a smile: "Brother Xiao Si is serious. We are originally from the green forest. It is difficult not to follow the example of those shameless people. At this time, our brothers are in trouble, and only your master can have the opportunity to resolve it. Our practice is helpless. I have apologized for many times and asked Luoyang brothers for understanding. A large number of Luoyang brothers have understood why brother Xiao Si is still so tangled."

"Nonsense! My master can understand because he was threatened by you!"

Li Luoyang smiled and patted Xiao Si on the shoulder. Then he said, "well, Xiao Si, step back. There\'s no need to talk about this." Li Luoyang handed the written letter to Wu Yong: "give this letter to my mother."

Wu accepted Li Luoyang\'s letter with a serious face, and then said, "don\'t worry, brother Luoyang, this letter must be handed over to your mother, which is not only related to your safety, but also to the relationship between Liangshan and the six gates of Luoyang."

Li Luoyang smiled: "just know."