Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 679

Facing Li Luoyang\'s refusal, Wu Yong was not a bit flustered. He took the teapot to the teacup, and then handed the teacup to Li Luoyang: "Brother Luoyang, I\'ve made it clear just now. To make you drunk is to observe and observe how you are and whether you are a person who values friendship. I\'ll talk to you when I have the answer. I believe you should know that I discuss action with you, not ask you to participate in action."

"What do you mean?"

"Because you are bound to take part in this action, everything I said is only to discuss the details of the action with you, and there is no need to ask your consent."

Li Luoyang clenched his fists with a murderous face: "you mean you\'re going to threaten me!"

Wu Yong retreated two steps, moved to Xiao Si and looked at Xiao Si sleeping. Wu Yong said slowly, "I Liangshan is not a sinister person, but I have no choice but to do so. I hope Luoyang brothers will forgive me!"

Li Luoyang understood that Wu Yong was going to threaten himself with Xiao Si\'s life: "this is the so-called Liangshan hero, the so-called way for heaven! For your own brother, you can threaten me with other people\'s lives? In your eyes, Liangshan brothers are brothers, and others are rotten lives!"

At this time, Li Luoyang was very angry. He didn\'t expect that the 108 heroes he once worshipped used indiscriminate means to deal with himself. Once the water margin was vivid. How many times did young Li Luoyang fantasize about brothers like Liangshanpo, but now when talking about personal interests face to face, Wu Yong still showed his selfish human nature.

"Brother Luoyang is serious. Just because I see that brother Luoyang and we are the same kind of people and care about our brothers very much, I use Xiao Si to threaten you. If you are the kind of ruthless person, you can leave your apprentice alone. Obviously, you won\'t do that. That\'s the main reason why I\'m sure you can join this action."

Looking at Li Luoyang, who was silent and full of murderous intent, Wu swallowed his saliva subconsciously and continued: "Brother Luoyang, I hope you can understand my difficulties. It\'s not easy to ask for one person to do things in this world. Besides, it\'s a big event like prison robbery. I know the danger and I know your difficulties, but I have no choice for brother Huarong. As long as you come back successfully, I will kneel in front of you and plead guilty. At that time, even if you want my head, I won\'t leave."

"Hum! I\'m afraid it\'s hard to take your head this time. If I can come back alive, remember, you Liangshanpo owe me a great favor!"

Wu looked at Li Luoyang in surprise: "so you promised?"

Looking at the sleeping little four beside Wu Yong, Li Luoyang has already seen the tip of the dagger in Wu Yong\'s sleeve: "do you think I have a choice? As you said, I am not a cold-blooded person!" promised Wu Yong Li Luoyang for two purposes, "Luoyang brothers, don\'t worry, I want to say that I can\'t act now. There is another person who will return this afternoon. When he arrives, you can act together."

"One more person to wait? Who?"

"Leopard head, Lin Chong."

Hearing the name, Li Luoyang felt a little relaxed. Lin Chong, the 700000 leader of the forbidden army, was once Li Luoyang\'s favorite figure among the 108 generals. Unexpectedly, Li Luoyang could cooperate with him in this operation. Li Luoyang also had some expectations.

At this time, Li Luoyang thought of something. He looked at Wu Yong and said slowly, "military division, I also have a request."

"Please say!"

"You also know my contacts in Luoyang City. This operation will take at least one month. Did you think that six doors and Sima Yingming will look everywhere when I disappear in Luoyang City for a month?"

Wu Yong nodded: "well, that\'s what I\'m most worried about. In terms of your current influence in Luoyang City, disappearing for a month will certainly worry many people, so I don\'t know what Luoyang brothers are going to do?"

Li Luoyang held his jaw for a moment and then said, "I\'ll write a letter and you\'ll send someone to deliver it to my mother in the Lin family."

Wu looked at Li Luoyang puzzled: "why did you give it to your mother instead of liumen or Sima Yingming?"

"With my understanding of the six doors, once they know what I am missing, they will definitely go to my mother to look for it. I just tell mother that I am safe and need to stay outside for a month. My mother will naturally be in the middle of it. If I send the letters to six doors or Sima Yingming, these people will secretly investigate where I have gone, and I am worried that I will be on the way to south of the Five Ridges. See the person who went out to investigate, so you can only give the letter to your mother. "

Wu Yong smiled at Li Luoyang and said, "Luoyang brothers are more thoughtful than I can imagine. I\'ll order someone to get the four treasures of study."

"Military division, remember that the messenger must not be recognized."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll give it to brother Chaijin. As far as his ability is concerned, he can sneak into the Lin family and deliver the letter to your mother, and no one will find his trace. In addition, there are some origins between him and the imperial court, so it\'s easy for the people of Luoyang Yamen to deliver the letter, which can completely hide people\'s ears and eyes."

The corners of Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly and whispered, "little whirlwind firewood enters?"

Wu Yong looked at Li Luoyang in surprise: "Luoyang brothers know me very well. They recognize the titles of Xiao Li Guang and Xiao whirlwind, but few people know them."

"I just know something. I dare ask Wu Yongjun. At this time, how many Liangshanpo chairs have recognized the Lord?"

"Why? Luoyang brothers are interested in joining us in Liangshan?"

"No, no, no, I\'m just asking."

Wu Yong smiled and said, "fifty-nine top chairs have recognized the Lord."

Li Luoyang thought for a moment, then smiled: "Yizhang Qinghu Sanniang."

Wu Yong stared at Li Luoyang in more surprise: "you, how do you know?"

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Yong with a smile on the water with tea: "I\'m just hearsay."

"Is it true? We have been well protected by Hu San Niang\'s identity. Outsiders seem that she is just the owner of a pub. I didn\'t expect the Luoyang brothers to have such a strong eye. They could even know that she was already a member of our Liangshan, and admire it." at that time, Wu also had to use Li Luoyang\'s words as an effective means of intelligence. He knows that Li Luoyang not only knows these, but also knows the taboo of the last Liangshan hero, the time to join Liangshan, and even the last future of Liangshanpo.