Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 673

Back in the house, Xiao Si put down the stone in his heart. He hurried to Li Luoyang: "master, look, I said that someone must have paid attention to the secret recipe in Liangshan park. Just now, Li Kui almost threw you into the abyss!"

Li Luoyang said with a smile: "ha ha, don\'t be nervous. It\'s all right now."

"Master, it was really hanging just now. By the way, is the secret recipe you wrote to Li Kui true or false?"

"I dare to write false? Didn\'t you listen to him? He will brew immortal wine with me according to the contents of the secret recipe. If there is a deviation in the taste, he must know that the secret recipe is false, and we won\'t want to leave here at that time, so the secret recipe I gave him is true."

Xiao Si patted his chest, followed his breath, took a deep breath and said happily, "fortunately, Wu Yong came in time, otherwise the secret recipe would really fall into Li Kui\'s hands. However, Wu Yong is really a person who keeps his promise. He said that if he didn\'t forcibly rob the secret recipe, he wouldn\'t rob it, and he wouldn\'t let others break his rules. He is also a person who values integrity." At this time, Xiao Si spoke highly of Wu Yong. At least people did what they said. Before, he thought there would be no good people in the cottage. Now it seems that Wu Yong should be one.

Li Luoyang looked out of the window and whispered, "with your brain, it\'s hard for me to explain to you."

"Master, what do you mean?"

"You can see Li Kui\'s character. He is a rough man and doesn\'t know one in big characters, but he carries the four treasures of study with him. Obviously, he has been prepared. The paper and pen he carries are prepared for me so that I can write down the secret recipe."

Xiao Si looked at Li Luoyang in surprise: "yes, yes, that guy has no culture and doesn\'t look like a scholar. How can he take paper and pen with him."

"The reason why I deliberately told Wu Yong that if he was threatened with life, he would naturally hand over the secret recipe. In fact, I just wanted to give them the secret recipe. I also expected that Wu Yong would certainly send someone to play a play with him and finally get the secret recipe of immortality intoxication."

Xiao Si shook his head at this time, and his thoughts seemed to be in a mess: "no! If it\'s really what master you said, Wu Yong arranged Li Kui, then Wu Yong tore up the secret recipe you wrote with his own hands. Since he wanted to get the secret recipe, why did he tear it up in front of us?"

The corners of Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly and said in a low voice, "tear up the secret recipe in front of us and blame Li Kui. These are just for us to see. The purpose is not to spread that his brothers Wu Yong and Liang Shanbo are renegades, and reputation is more important to them. As for the torn secret recipe, do you remember when Li Kui gave it to him, he looked at it."

"Just took a look."

"Hehe, Wu Yong, as a wise star of Liangshanpo, ranks third and has a wide range of knowledge. However, what people admire most is his ability to never forget. He can completely remember the contents of the secret recipe at a glance. Moreover, the contents of the secret recipe are not much, which is an easy thing for him."

Xiao Si suddenly looked at Li Luoyang and asked in surprise, "master, you know all this. Just now you said you deliberately gave them the secret recipe for immortal intoxication. Why?" at this time, Xiao Si\'s head was like full of paste. Unexpectedly, the admiration for Wu Yong just now was just a play. After Li Luoyang\'s explanation, Little four thinks IQ is not enough.

"You heard my conversation with Wu Yong before. I asked him if he wanted good wine or the formula of good wine. He frankly told me that at first they planned to ask for a secret recipe, and then they chose to let me brew good wine. At that time, I was thinking, why not give them the secret recipe of immortality intoxication."


"The reason is very simple. There are few raw materials left for immortal drunkenness at this time. Wu Yong also knows that he learned that immortal drunkenness contains nine kinds of raw materials by virtue of the monopoly of raw materials by the restaurant owner in Luoyang City, which shows that he knows that the raw materials for brewing immortal drunkenness are in the hands of the restaurant owners in Luoyang City. I calculate the nine bags of raw materials here in Liangshanpo and can barely brew ten cylinders The immortal on the right is drunk. What about after ten cylinders? "

Xiao Si suddenly realized and said, "after ten cylinders, they will no longer have raw materials to brew immortals. Unless they get drunk."

"Hehe, unless they enter Luoyang City and find a way to get raw materials from those restaurant merchants, with the financial resources of Liangshanpo, there may be little hope to buy through normal means. They are likely to take some other measures, such as robbing."

Li Luoyang got up and continued: "Since we all know that the cooperative restaurant owners may have been ordered by the merchant Federation, but I know nothing about the merchant Federation. It\'s better to promote the people of Liangshanpo to rob their raw materials. At that time, the people of the merchant Federation will naturally stand on the side of the restaurant owner. I want to see who is stronger and who is weaker between Liangshanpo and the merchant Federation."

Xiao Si looked at Li Luoyang with bright eyes and couldn\'t help thumbing up: "master, it\'s really high. I\'ve learned in vain to follow you. I can\'t even catch up with you."

"Don\'t flatter. This is just my preliminary plan. I\'m not sure whether they will really rob the restaurant owners of raw materials in order to get drunk. After all, according to the previous experience of Liangshanpo, they won\'t easily rob anyone else\'s property unless they walk for heaven."

"Walking for heaven?"

"Well, it seems that it is necessary for me to establish those restaurant owners as some villains and let the people of Liangshanpo do it without scruples, so as to promote the possible battle between them."

"How do you do that?"

"It seems that we have to cut first and then play."

Little four asked suspiciously, "cut first and then play?"

"Yes, find a chance to talk to Wu Yong and tell them that the restaurant bosses in Luoyang have a plot with the merchant Federation."

"What conspiracy?"

"Remember what happened in Taiyuan?"

"Master, you mean famine?"

"Yes, it\'s right to say that the originator of this crime is the merchant Federation behind the restaurant owners in Luoyang. People in Liangshanpo will naturally regard the restaurant owners and merchant Federation as villains, and robbing the raw materials in their hands is also a matter of acting for heaven. In this way, they have no worries. However, the premise needs to be proved, which requires the cooperation of six doors Now, liumen doesn\'t know my plan, so I plan to inform Wu Yong of those people\'s faces in advance. After returning to Luoyang, let the people of liumen secretly make some false evidence to confirm my words. Believe in freedom. In this way, Wu Yong will fully believe my words. "

Xiao Si sat on the ground, rubbed his temples and said slowly, "it\'s too, too complicated."

"Hehe, just treat it as if nothing has happened. Leave it to me."

"Master, I can only give it to you. I can\'t do it!" if Xiao Si had spare hands, he would have given his thumbs up.