Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 672

The nine bags of raw materials were brought in by Wu ER and monk Hua. Wu er said to Li Luoyang with a smile: "these are what the military master asked me to send you. I hope you can finish what you promised quickly. Brothers are waiting to taste the immortal drunk."

Li Luoyang was curious about a large number of flower monks. According to Li Luoyang\'s previous understanding, flower monk should be a careless person, but the flower monk in front of him was silent and looked like a seasoned and calm monk. He didn\'t look like a slovenly flower monk. Wu Er put his hand in Li Luoyang\'s eyes and said, "Why are you staring at the monk?"

Monk Hua turned to look at Li Luoyang: "what\'s up?"

"It\'s all right. It\'s just a look. Just leave the raw materials here. By the way, bring ten wine jars."

Wu Er smiled and said, "do you really take us as your orders?"

"Let me go. If anything happens to my thin body, the immortal will only be drunk for a period of time."

Wu ER was unmoved and said slowly, "that\'s nice. In that case, don\'t you want to stay in this stronghold for a long time. We won\'t treat you badly here. We\'ll have enough food!" then Wu Er left the house with monk Hua.

Little four asked suspiciously, "master, didn\'t Wu Yong let us go out? The Wu Er didn\'t bring the wine jar. Should we go out and find it ourselves?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said slowly, "let\'s go. Find the wine jar earlier and leave here after brewing."

"But." before Xiao Si finished, Li Luoyang opened the door and left. Xiao Si followed suit to look for the wine jar this time.

They were going to go inside the stronghold, but they were stopped by monk Wu ER and monk Hua. They told Li Luoyang that the wine jar was outside the stronghold door, so Li Luoyang took Xiao Si to go outside the stronghold door. As soon as they came to the gate, Xiao Si whispered, "master, there is no guard at the gate. We might as well take the opportunity to escape!"

Li Luoyang shook his head and said with a smile, "don\'t think about it. We don\'t even know the way down the mountain. Besides, we need that reed bush. We can\'t leave alone. That\'s why Wu Yong didn\'t defend us at all." the road to Liangshanpo is extremely dangerous and complex, Li Luoyang knows that with himself and Xiao Si, he can\'t leave Liangshanpo without any leadership. If he doesn\'t do well, he will die on the way to escape.

Looking at the cliff on the left, ten old wine jars look particularly dazzling. Li Luoyang takes Xiao Si to the wine jar. The jar is empty and has nothing. Even the previous wine has fallen down. No wonder, the previous wine is not a level compared with immortal drunkenness. Naturally, it will not continue to stay.

When he mentioned the wine vat, Li Luyang moved the wine vat into the room one by one. Just halfway through the move, Li Luoyang was stopped by a tall man with dark skin, copper eyes and beard. Without saying a word, the man grabbed Li Luoyang\'s collar. Xiao Si was really ready to support, but was stopped by Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang smiled and asked: "What do you mean?"

"Bah! Don\'t make a fuss with me here. I don\'t like Wu Yong. I heard that you have a secret recipe for immortality intoxication. Give it to me!"

"I was ordered by your Wu Yong military master to brew immortal wine for my brothers to taste. Wu Yong military master also promised me not to forcibly take away my secret recipe. Who are you!" even if the other party didn\'t give a name and only by the appearance of a man, Li Luoyang guessed that it was almost ten years old. At this time, it was the person li Luoyang was worried about before.

"I\'m Li Kui! The military Master said not to rob, but I didn\'t say. If you know the truth, give me the secret recipe. That military master is stingy. Where can I drink ten bottles of wine? I can drink it alone. How can other brothers enjoy it!" Li Kui tightly grasped Li Luoyang\'s collar, stared as big as a bell, and opened his mouth as if he was going to bite Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang swallowed his saliva. He obviously felt that there was no room for struggle when he was bound by Li Kui: "I, I don\'t promise! I want to see Wu Yong."

Li Kui took Li Luoyang and turned to the edge of the cliff. He hung Li Luoyang in the air and roared: "don\'t use the military to pressure me! I\'m not afraid. I\'ll give you a minute. No, no, no, you answer me now. If you don\'t give me the secret recipe, I\'ll let go!"

Li Luoyang struggled: "you, you killed me, don\'t say the secret recipe. You can\'t drink when the immortal is drunk!"

"Hum! If you don\'t drink, don\'t drink. I\'ll just drink the wine in the stockade. It\'s rare for you to get drunk."

Li Luoyang obviously felt that Li Kui\'s hand was loosening a little. Looking at the cliffs under his feet, Li Luoyang immediately shouted, "I give it, I give it!"

Li Kui excitedly put Li Luoyang back on the ground behind him, then took out a paper and pen and handed it to Li Luoyang: "write it down, write it down for me!"

Li Luoyang rubbed his neck red by his collar, coughed a few times, and then said, "here is the secret recipe, but I want you to take us away after giving it to you! Anyway, the secret recipe is already in your hands, so I don\'t need to brew wine for you?"

"Do you think I\'m stupid? How do I know if what you gave me is true? After the secret recipe is given to me, you still want to brew wine for us, and I will brew it with you according to your secret recipe. If the wine brewed by us has the same flavor, I will send you back. If it\'s not the same flavor, hum, I will throw you down from here!"

Li Luoyang looked at Li Kui reluctantly. Then he picked up his pen and wrote down the formula proportion of immortals drunk and the sequence of raw materials into the cylinder on the paper. As soon as he finished writing, Li Kui grabbed his hand. At this time, Wu Yong rushed to Li Kui not far away. When he came to Li Kui, he said seriously, "Li Kui! Do you still have my brother in your eyes?"

Li Kui touched the back of his head and smiled foolishly. At this time, he still had the intention to kill just now. He looked like a child who made a mistake: "army, military division, you see, what did I get for you?"

Li Kui gave Wu Yong the secret recipe of immortality intoxication. Wu Yong looked at the secret recipe in his hand and then tore it in front of Li Luoyang. Li Kui immediately roared, "military master, what are you doing? I finally got it. What are you doing!"

"I promised brother Luoyang not to rob the secret recipe. You\'ve done such a terrible thing. I\'ll punish you when brother Song Jiang comes back!" Wu Yong turned to look at Li Luoyang and bowed down to apologize: "Brother Luoyang, I\'m sorry. My lax discipline almost hurt you. Don\'t worry. If anyone dares to trouble you next, I\'ll give you an explanation. Today, please forgive Li Kui\'s rudeness. He was such a person. Don\'t be surprised!"

Li Luoyang looked at Li Kui, then said with a smile: "Wu Yongjun\'s words are serious. Brother Li Kui didn\'t hurt my life. Since Wu Yongjun said so, I won\'t pursue it. It\'s better to let the remaining wine jar of Li Kui brother\'s price move into the house for us, and I\'ll brew good wine and leave as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, yes."