Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 674

However, at this time in the city of Luoyang, Yu Er walked out of the backyard room of the drugstore. She wanted to find Lee Luoyang to talk about perfume, and to find a little four by the way. She could turn around the Li\'s herbal shop. She didn\'t see the figure of two people, asked the clerk, and no one noticed when Li Luoyang left.

So yu\'er came to Wenjun\'s elegant building separated by a wall. Entering Wenjun\'s elegant building, yu\'er was attracted by the new second floor. Ouyang Wenjun looked at yu\'er with a smile: "how\'s it? Is it nice?"

"It\'s so beautiful. It\'s magnificent and powerful."

"Oh, my sister has a lot of research on decoration."

"By the way, sister Wenjun, have you seen Luoyang and Xiao Si?"

"They\'re not in the drugstore? I\'m going to ask the boy from Luoyang to accept my achievements." the second floor of Wenjun\'s Yazhu has been renovated. Ouyang Wenjun naturally wants Li Luoyang to see the achievements of her design. She wants to go to Li\'s herbal medicine store to find Li Luoyang, but she didn\'t expect that yu\'er is also looking for Li Luoyang.

"Not in the drugstore, not here. Did you go to the factory outside the city?"

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "are you looking for your Luoyang brother or your fourth brother?"

"Sister Wenjun, you" yu\'er blushed and bowed her head.

"You can\'t learn well from Li Luoyang. That guy probably took Xiao Si to have a taste."

"Try fresh?"

"A new brothel opened at the end of the street last night. I heard that there are all beautiful women there. Maybe Li Luoyang took Xiao Si to entertainment."

Yu\'er said without hesitation, "it\'s impossible. Xiao Si is not that kind of person."

"Oh, I haven\'t passed the door yet. I\'m starting to protect food? Xiao Si is not that kind of person. Li Luoyang is not sure. Besides, can Xiao Si refuse under the coercion of Li Luoyang?"


Looking at yu\'er, who was lost in thought, Ouyang Wenjun said, "well, well, don\'t tease you. Since there is no one in the drugstore and here, they may have gone to the factory outside the city. Go and have a look. Remember to ask the boy in Luoyang to come back early. He hasn\'t been in charge all day."

Yu\'er just laughed. At first, she was really worried that, as Ouyang Wenjun said, Li Luoyang would take Xiao Si back to that place. After all, last night, she saw that there were really beautiful women in the brothel when it opened. It looked much bigger than other brothels in Luoyang. Yu\'er was also worried that Li Luoyang could not resist the temptation and took Xiao Si to have a taste of fresh food.

Rushed to the factory on horseback. Yu\'er pushed away Li Luoyang\'s bedroom in the factory for the first time. It was clean and spotless. She didn\'t see Li Luoyang\'s figure, so yu\'er came to Li Chengcheng\'s room and looked at Li Chengcheng in front of the stove. Yu\'er smiled and asked, "Uncle Chengcheng."

"Oh, it\'s yu\'er. Why are you free today? I want to be here?" yu\'er had been living in the factory room before. After the opening of the drugstore, she and Xiao Si moved to the backyard of the drugstore together. Naturally, he is very familiar with Li Chengcheng.

"Honest uncle, have you seen Luoyang and Xiao Si?"

"Luoyang? I didn\'t see it." before Li Chengzhen got up, he didn\'t see Li Luoyang and Xiao Si: "by the way, the carriage was taken away. Maybe Luoyang sent the carriage to six doors. Go there and find it." although Li Chengzhen hasn\'t seen Li Luoyang, he also noticed that the carriage was taken away. Only Li Luoyang can take the carriage away, And he knows that Li Luoyang sold the high-end carriage to Mo Jiao, so Li honestly believes that Li Luoyang is likely to deliver goods to Mo Jiao at liumen at this time.

Yu\'er nodded sadly. Then she said goodbye to Li Chengzhen and returned to Luoyang again. When she came to the door of the six gates, she happened to meet Xiao Hui and tiger skin: "yu\'er? What are you doing here? What\'s up?" before she knew Li Luoyang, yu\'er was a famous man of Wenjun\'s elegant building. Naturally she knew Xiao Hui and tiger skin. In addition, the six doors knew that yu\'er was working for Li Luoyang, so they dared not neglect it.

"Little grey brother, tiger skin brother, have you seen Luoyang and Xiao Si?"

"Don\'t you see? What\'s the matter? They\'re not in Wenjun Yazhu or drugstore?" tiger skin asked suspiciously.

"I\'ve looked for Wenjun Yazhu and the drugstore."

Xiao Hui stood beside yu\'er and asked in a low voice, "where\'s the factory outside the city?"

"I just came back from there. To be honest, uncle, Luoyang is likely to have six doors in the future."

"Why did he come to the six doors?"

"The carriage for Mo Jiao has been completed, and the carriage in Uncle Cheng\'s room is missing, so uncle Cheng said Luoyang is likely to deliver goods to Mo Jiao."

Hearing what yu\'er said, Xiao Hui and tiger skin laughed: "hahaha, I didn\'t expect it to be so fast. Don\'t worry, yu\'er. We\'ll take you to Mo Jiao and see her carriage by the way."

The tiger skin tooted his mouth and said helplessly, "I envy you. The eldest lady will enjoy the luxury carriage before us."

Follow Xiaohui and tiger skin to the six gates. After countless complex intersections and guards, yu\'er also came to the depths of the six gates for the first time. She just met Mo Yuntian who was going out to perform the task: "Xiaohui! Tiger skin! Take outsiders into the depths of the six gates. You know it\'s against the regulations."

Yu\'er quickly explained: "Lord Mo, I wanted to find Luoyang, so I asked brother grey and brother Hupi to bring me in. Don\'t blame them."

"Looking for Li Luoyang? Why is he here?"

After Xiaohui and Hupi explained, Mo Yuntian laughed wildly: "let\'s go. I\'ll go with you. I also want to see if the good carriage is worth it!"

Several people came to the gate of Mo Jiao\'s courtyard. After opening the gate, they didn\'t see any figure, let alone the huge carriage. Mo Yuntian looked at yu\'er suspiciously: "didn\'t you say he came to deliver goods? Where are the people?"

"I, I don\'t know. To be honest, uncle may have come here."

Xiao Hui whispered, "Lord Mo, I\'ve come anyway. I\'ll ask the eldest lady if I\'ve seen Li Luoyang."

Mo Yuntian shook his hand: "go, go."

The little gray took jade to open the door of Mo Jiao, and the smell of perfume filled the room, and saw jade suddenly appeared. Mo Jiao rushed to Yu\'s arms. "Jade, ah, you came to help me? One hundred bottles of perfume, it\'s been fifteen days, and I finished more than 30 bottles. In this way, how can I hand in one hundred bottles?"

Although Mo Jiao obtained the raw materials and secret formula of perfume from Yu Er\'s hands, no matter how to deploy it, half a month later, she only had more than 30 bottles of perfume successfully distributed. She was worried that she could not finish Li Luoyang\'s order, not only to lose her high priced coach, but also to blame the whole six door. Mo Jiao seemed to see hope, so she held yu\'er in her arms.

Holding Mo Jiao in her arms, yu\'er was gently afraid of beating Mo Jiao\'s back and comforted: "it\'s okay, sister Mo Jiao, I\'ll finish it with you. I believe I can catch up." while comforting Mo Jiao, yu\'er looked into the room behind Mo Jiao. She didn\'t see Li Luoyang and Xiao Si.