Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 671

Wu Yong sat opposite Li Luoyang with a smile on his face. The feather fan shook gently and waited for Li Luoyang\'s reply. However, there was no choice in front of Li Luoyang. He either stayed here forever or brewed ten cylinders of immortals to Liangshan park. The worst result was to be killed by Liangshan people and erase all the evidence of this kidnapping.

"Yes, but I don\'t have any raw materials. I\'d better ask my apprentice to go back to Luoyang City for storage. When the raw materials arrive, I will surely brew you ten cylinders of immortals drunk." Li Luoyang turns to look at Xiao Si and winks. Xiao Si naturally understands Li Luoyang\'s intention. As long as he can return to Luoyang City, Xiao Si will certainly bring someone to save Li Luoyang when he returns.

When Xiao Si was about to turn around and leave, Wu Yong said with a smile, "no, Luoyang brothers, don\'t be so troublesome. We have all the raw materials for immortals to get drunk."

Li Luoyang frowned and pressed Wu Yong: "are you ready? Hehe, it\'s impossible. Do you know how many raw materials the immortal has drunk?"

Wu Yong shook the feather fan and whispered, "nine kinds."

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Yong in surprise. There were indeed nine kinds of raw materials in the immortal\'s drunkenness. Even Xiao Si didn\'t know the secret: "I don\'t know how Wu Yong\'s military master came to this conclusion?"

"In fact, it\'s very simple. Some time ago, almost all restaurants in Luoyang were purchasing these raw materials. I calculated that they purchased a total of nine kinds of raw materials. After these businessmen monopolized all the raw materials, the immortal drunk of your Wenjun Yazhu began to supply in limited quantities, indicating that your raw materials are not enough to support mass production, so I speculate that the raw materials jointly monopolized by those restaurants It\'s the raw material for immortals to get drunk. "

Wu Yong stood up with a feather fan and continued: "The nine kinds of raw materials were originally secret, but those restaurants joined forces and gathered several of the best winemakers in Luoyang to taste your immortal drunk all night, and conducted experiments, and finally got the immortal drunk raw materials. However, although we or those restaurant owners know the types of raw materials, we can\'t know the proportion of raw materials and the order in which they are put, if one by one Through deliberation and experiment, you can\'t draw a conclusion for ten years, so no one knows the formula except you. "

Li Luoyang smiled proudly: "yes, even if you know that there are nine kinds of raw materials, you can\'t copy the immortal drunk. However, as a smart person, you should know that there is no so-called secret recipe at all. If you want to say the secret recipe, the secret recipe is here." Li Luoyang pointed to his head.

Wu Yong smiled and said, "that\'s why I gave up robbing your secret recipe. Smart people like you don\'t need to leave a secret recipe at all. Unless you hand it in willingly, or write a secret recipe for your own life, no one will ever know it."

"For my own life, maybe I will really hand over the secret recipe." Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile. However, Wu Yong flashed a sly smile on his face: "really? Are Luoyang brothers afraid of death?"

"Who is not afraid of death? I believe you know so much about me. Naturally, you also know about my family. My mother is in the Lin family. Saving my mother is my lifelong wish. I won\'t lose my life until I complete this wish."

Wu Yong said with a smile: "Hahaha, I really didn\'t expect Luoyang brothers to have such a true temperament. Before, I thought you were full of backbone and wouldn\'t hand over the secret recipe because of your own life, but I ignored your obsession that you must live for your mother. But don\'t worry, Liangshan brothers are not dirty people. Naturally, they won\'t threaten you to hand over the secret recipe with your life. Even now I know that you cherish your life like gold, Well, Luoyang brothers, let\'s have a rest here for the time being. I\'ll ask someone to bring the raw materials. There\'s a word I want to remind you. It\'s best to stay in this room and don\'t walk around. Not all Liangshanpo are good people. "

Wu Yong left with a laugh. Xiao Si came to the door for the first time. After watching Wu Yong go away from the gap in the door, he asked suspiciously, "master, how did you say that just now?"

"What do you say?"

"Why did you tell him you were afraid of death? Aren\'t you worried that they will threaten you with their lives to hand over the secret recipe?" Xiao Si doesn\'t know why Li Luoyang is doing this. If the other party really wants to get the secret recipe, according to Li Luoyang, he is afraid of death. Once someone threatens his life, Li Luoyang will not hesitate to hand over the secret recipe. Doesn\'t this mean trying to get the secret recipe for the other party?

Li Luoyang took a sip of his tea cup and said slowly, "don\'t worry, Liangshanpo is not one of those dirty people. He won\'t do such dirty things."

"Didn\'t master just hear the meaning of Wu Yong\'s words?"

"What do you mean?" Li Luoyang smiled at Xiao Si.

"He told us to stay in this house and don\'t walk around. He also said that Liangshanpo is not all good people. This is not to remind us that there are evil people here. Those good people may not attack you, and those evil people have no protection." Xiao Si was worried that the unruly people in Liangshanpo would attack Li Luoyang.

"Don\'t worry, with Wu Yong\'s military division, they won\'t disobey Wu Yong\'s orders."

"Wu Yong is just a military master. Those people really listen to him?"

Li Luoyang said with a smile, "don\'t you know that there is a ranking in Liangshanpo, and Wu Yong ranks third, which is called Tianji star and Zhiduoxing Wu Yong."

Xiao Si shook his head and whispered, "I don\'t know."

At this time, Li Luoyang suddenly realized something. In this era, Liangshanpo has not fought against the imperial court, and only about half of the 108 brothers have come. They have not yet formed the forces valued by the Lin imperial court. Naturally, few people know their ranking or even nickname.

Xiao Si looked at Li Luoyang, who was deep in thought, and asked suspiciously, "master, how do you know this? Wu Yong ranked third and the top two?"

Li Luoyang returned to his senses and whispered, "these are all my hearsay. Liangshan brothers value love and righteousness, so they call their top brothers brothers brothers. The higher the ranking, the more power they have. Wu Yong ranks third. He is the military division of Liangshanpo. The whole Liangshanpo should obey his orders. With him, no one will do anything to me."

Suddenly, a shadow flashed in Li Luoyang\'s mind. It was the only person with the greatest variables in Liangshanpo. He did things almost according to his nature and often brought trouble to Liangshanpo. If Li Luoyang was really worried, he was worried that the person would suddenly appear and coerce himself to hand over the secret recipe.

Thinking of the man\'s strength and temper, Li Luoyang unconsciously swallowed his saliva: "Xiao Si, guard the door. No one can come in except Wu Yong."

Little four nodded hard: "well, I see."

Sitting on the stool, Li Luoyang looked at the deserted corridor outside the window. He didn\'t even see a person passing by here. After calculation, Li Luoyang knew that his position at this time was only the outermost room in the gate of the stronghold, and he couldn\'t see the structure of the central position of the stronghold. However, he didn\'t intend to know more. Anyway, he left after making wine and couldn\'t stay here.