Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 670

Opening his ignorant eyes, Li Luoyang kneaded the back of his head with pain and sat up. When he looked intently, he was in a dilapidated house, which was full of firewood. It should be a firewood house. Li Luoyang pushed Xiao Si, who was still unconscious around him. Xiao Si woke up: "this, where is this?"

"I think it should be the firewood house in Liangshanpo stronghold." Li Luoyang got up and looked out of the window. It was dark and no one was seen. He tried to open the door. It was obviously locked.

"Master, why on earth did they bring us here?"

Li Luoyang sat on the ground, frowning: "I don\'t know. If you want our lives, you can start long ago. What do you want to do with us? For money? This obviously doesn\'t conform to the rules of Liangshan people. Is it wrong to act for heaven? I\'m not the one who set up ten evils!"

Li Luoyang thought for a long time, but he didn\'t think why he was brought here. Until the next morning, the firewood houses were opened. Wu Yong and Wu Er came to Li Luoyang together. Looking at Li Luoyang sitting on the ground, Wu Yong said to Wu Er reproachfully: "Wu Song, I warned you many times to treat guests better. It\'s your intention to leave Luoyang brothers in the firewood house."

Wu Er bowed and said slowly, "the military division didn\'t return last night. I was worried that the boy would escape, so I decided to detain him here without permission."

Wu Yong quickly helped Li Luoyang up and said slowly with a smile, "brother Luoyang, we meet again. I want you to cooperate for Wu er. He\'s a rough man. Don\'t blame him."

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Yong, who was singing the double reed with Wu er. The corners of his mouth rose slightly and said, "guest? Brother? When did I become your Liangshan brother?" Li Luoyang cursed in his heart: "I\'ve heard that I was forced to go to Liangshan, and please go to Liangshan?"

Wu Yong smiled and shook his feather fan. He said quietly, "I\'ve been very sincere in asking Wu Erhe and monk to invite you. If it were someone else, it\'s estimated that their method would not be so polite." Wu Yong\'s words obviously told Li Luoyang that Wu Erhe and monk Hua were polite to him. If it were other Liangshan brothers, it\'s estimated that they would have stunned Li Luoyang first.

"Forget it, I\'m not the one who cares, but I don\'t understand. Why did you invite me to Liangshan as a guest? It\'s not just to see me?"

Wu Yong took Li Luoyang out of the firewood house. The sunny Liangshan Mountain was really presented to Li Luoyang for the first time. A mountain stronghold was built near the mountain. It was magnificent. A flag was hung on the huge stronghold door. Even if Li Luoyang didn\'t look, he knew it said to walk on behalf of heaven.

The Shanzhai is not small in scale, and it is located in the dangerous forest. The magnificent Shanzhai gives people a sense of security. Li Luoyang understands that it is the geographical environment here that Liangshanpo can finally successfully fight the imperial court for a long time.

Entering the stronghold gate, Li Luoyang was taken to the side room. Instead of following Wu Yong to the parliament hall in Liangshan as Li Luoyang imagined, Wu Yong sat at the tea table, looked at the little four behind Li Luoyang, and then said to Li Luoyang, "who is this?"

"My apprentice Xiao Si."

"Oh, I didn\'t expect that the Luoyang brothers took up apprenticeship teaching at a young age. What skills did the fourth brother learn under the Luoyang gate? Brewing?"

Xiao Si whispered, "I just learned how to be a man with my master. I didn\'t learn skills." Xiao Si is not stupid. He won\'t tell others that he learned herbs developed by Li Luoyang. What\'s more, if these good people in the green forest know the curative effect of herbs, they will start to rob the secret recipe, so Xiao Si has this explanation.

"Learn to be a man? Hahaha, it\'s good. It\'s more difficult to be a man than to do things. If you want to learn a skill, it\'s natural to learn how to be a man first. Only in this way can you satisfy your master."

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Yong reluctantly: "are you asking me to do these boring things? If it\'s all right, bother the military division to send someone to send me back. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with in Luoyang City."

Wu fan the feather fan, drink tea, think for a moment and then say, "brother Luoyang, in fact, things are very simple. All the brothers in the mountain are very interested in the wine you brewed. This time, you are invited to make some good wine for us. Of course, we won\'t let the Luoyang brothers come in vain. Liangshanpo will certainly give the Luoyang brothers a satisfactory reward before leaving."

"Please let me make wine? Why don\'t you go directly to Wenjun Yazhu to buy it?"

"To be ashamed, the six doors in Luoyang have been staring at us. Although the brothers of Liangshan park can enter Luoyang City, they can not avoid the eyeliner of the six doors. For the sake of insurance, I let the brothers still have little access to Luoyang city."

Listening to Wu Yong\'s words, Li Luoyang smiled: "Martial Master Wu Yong doesn\'t seem to be going to tell the truth? Even if your Liangshan brothers are targeted by the six doors, it doesn\'t mean they think you are suspected of committing a crime. At present, it\'s just for observing you. The reason why you invited me to make wine here is not that you\'re worried that the Liangshan brothers will be targeted after entering Luoyang City, but that you can\'t afford it."

Li Luoyang knows that Liangshanpo is different from other mountain strongholds. Other Lvlin mountain strongholds are truly rapacious and can do everything. They rob other people\'s property everywhere. All of them are fatter and fatter. However, Liangshanpo has never done such a thing and has no history of robbing property. Naturally, there will not be many silver coins in the stronghold. Five hundred and twenty-one bottles of immortal drunk or yaochi Yulu are not them Can afford it.

Wu Yong said slowly without changing his face, "let\'s laugh at the Luoyang brothers. To tell you the truth, we Liangshanpo never do things that don\'t matter. Naturally, we won\'t sit on countless properties like other bandit strongholds."

The little four on one side asked suspiciously, "how do you live? The cottage looks big and there should be many people. What do you eat if you don\'t rob or steal?"

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Yong with a smile. Xiao Si\'s question was also Li Luoyang\'s curiosity. He didn\'t stop Xiao Si\'s rude question. He also wanted to listen to Wu Yong\'s explanation.

Wu Yong smiled: "There is a restaurant at the foot of the mountain. There is still some silver in the business there. There are green mountains and green waters around Liangshanpo. Naturally, there are rich sources of food. Sometimes the brothers in the mountain will fight some game and sell it in the city. Although the price is not high, it is also some income. Coupled with the fragmented business, Liangshanpo has no problem maintaining the vitality of his brothers. It\'s just difficult to drink good wine It\'s like going to heaven. "

With a smile on his face, Li Luoyang asked in a low voice, "do you know if the military master wants me to brew a few cylinders of good wine, or do you want me to leave the formula?" Li Luoyang doesn\'t believe that after he brews a few cylinders of immortals, the people here will let him go. If he finishes drinking, he will kidnap himself once, so Li Luoyang thinks that the other party is most likely to want his own formula for immortals to get drunk.

"Hahaha, Luoyang brothers are really quick. To tell the truth, we really want to get the formula of immortal intoxication, but we also know that it is your secret. If you fight to protect the secret of the formula, we won\'t help, so we\'ll take the second place. As long as you brew ten cylinders of good wine."

"Ten cylinders!"