Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 669

It took Li Luoyang a week to re forge the parts, and finally all the parts were finished. Due to the long-time forging, Li Luoyang even felt that his arm muscles were strengthened, and his skin became bronze. He looked like a person and was in high spirits.

Standing in the factory yard, looking at the high matching carriage completed by the assembly, Li Luoyang smiled and said to her little four, "go, try the test car!" Li Luoyang naturally wanted to feel his own labor. Before Mogao had not finished the perfume production, the high horse carriage was still something of Li Luoyang.

Xiao Si also couldn\'t bear the excitement, brought four traction horses, quickly pressed the reins and jumped into the groom\'s position, feeling the soft stool and comfortable horse driving position. Xiao Si felt a different feeling in an instant. Even the groom\'s position was carefully decorated and transformed, enough to see that the interior of the carriage must be more amazing.

Li Luoyang entered the car with a smile. The huge space was enough to accommodate eight people. After Li Luoyang\'s simple operation, a long metal table appeared in front of Li Luoyang, with an iron pot placed on it. The iron pot was made by Li Luoyang according to the shape of modern world hot pot, plus the charcoal originally stored in the carriage, Li Luoyang started the noon hot pot dinner directly in the carriage.

Li Luoyang smiled and said to Xiao Si, "go out and have a look at the stability."

"Haole!" Xiao Si raised the reins and the four horses drove fast. Li Luoyang in the car didn\'t feel any shaking, and even the soup in the hot pot didn\'t overflow. Li Luoyang was very satisfied with the effect.

The carriage went farther and farther. Xiao Si raised the reins excitedly. Li Luoyang\'s voice came from the car: "OK, OK, find a place to stop, and you can come in and have a rest."

Xiao Si stopped the carriage in a mountain forest, turned into the car and looked at the hot pot in front of Li Luoyang in surprise: "what is this?"

"Just eat, talk so much?" Li Luoyang picked up a piece of beef and put it in Xiao Si\'s bowl. Xiao Si took a sip with doubts, and then exclaimed, "I, I\'ve never eaten such delicious beef. Master, what are you?"

"It\'s called hot pot. I just thought of the way to eat. The most important thing to eat hot pot is to match it with beer." Li Luoyang suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "by the way, why don\'t I brew some beer? Even if it won\'t be accepted by many people, it\'s at least in line with my own taste."

While eating, Xiao Si continued to ask, "master, what is beer?"

"It\'s just a low alcohol wine. After I brew it successfully, I\'ll let you try it."

At this time, a rough and crazy voice suddenly sounded outside the car: "try it for me at that time!"

Li Luoyang and Xiao Si rushed out of the car immediately. Before they rushed out of the door, the carriage immediately started. Inertia made them fall into the carriage. Li Luoyang knew that someone was driving the horse at the position of the groom: "who!"

The other party didn\'t answer. Li Luoyang immediately touched the belt behind him. Only then did he find that he had just come out to test the performance of the carriage. He didn\'t carry weapons at all, and didn\'t even bring money. Li Luoyang had to go to the door and open the door. Li Luoyang was surprised to find a burly man sitting in the driving position. What attracted Li Luoyang\'s attention most was the man\'s bright head, The man in cloth didn\'t look back at all. He knew that Li Luoyang couldn\'t hurt himself, because there was another man around him staring at Li Luoyang with a smile and ready to do it at any time.

"It\'s you!" Li Luoyang recognized the bald man around him at a glance. It was Wu er who had been in contact before. Wu Song, who kidnapped Li Luoyang for Wu Yong\'s safety last time. Li Luoyang didn\'t expect to meet him here. However, what worries Li Luoyang more at this time is the bald head around Wu er. If Li Luoyang guesses correctly, that guy should be the flower monk in Liangshan.

"Hahaha, I haven\'t seen you for a while. Your boy is becoming more and more manly." Li Luoyang, who has bronze skin and strong muscles, said Wu er with a smile.

"Where do you want to take me?"

"It\'s all right. I\'ll show you around. Let alone, your carriage seems different." Wu Er patted the seat of the groom and smiled slowly. Without saying a word, the flower monk directly picked up the gourd and poured wine into his mouth, which had a natural and unrestrained taste.

One Wu Er is enough for Li Luoyang. Now there is a flower monk. Li Luoyang knows that if the other party wants his life, it\'s only a matter of minutes. However, they didn\'t do it. Li Luoyang temporarily relaxed a lot, but he doesn\'t know where he will be taken. Coupled with the threat of Wu Er, Li Luoyang had to return to the carriage temporarily.

"Master, who are they?"

"Some Greenwood people, do you know them?"

"I\'ve had contact before."

Little four leaned against the carriage wall and asked in a low voice, "is it your enemy?"

Li Luoyang nodded helplessly: "it\'s true. Remember, no matter what you meet, don\'t act rashly. We can\'t deal with these people."

Little four nodded hard.

"If you have the chance to run desperately, you can count one by one. Go back and find a way to inform the people of the six gates." Li Luoyang has made the worst plan. If the other party wants to attack himself, he will not be slaughtered. As long as he can return to Luoyang City, he is not afraid of ten martial arts. After all, the six gates in Luoyang City are not vegetarian, In addition, they are also investigating Wu er\'s gang. Naturally, they can help Li Luoyang out of the encirclement. But so far, no one knows Li Luoyang\'s crisis at this time.

I don\'t know how long it took. The carriage came down slowly. Wu Er opened the door and said, "come out and want to stay inside?"

Li Luoyang and Xiao Si came out of the car slowly. As soon as they got out of the door, Li Luoyang noticed that the carriage stopped by a reed lake. Looking at the scene in front of them, Li Luoyang was surprised and thought to himself: "Reed lake, this guy won\'t take me to Liangshan!"

Li Luoyang knows that if he wants to enter Liangshan, he has to cross reeds first. There are nine peaks on the mountain road. Li Luoyang doesn\'t know why Wu Er wants to take him to Liangshan. He knows very well that once he enters the stronghold, it will be difficult for him to leave. Maybe he will have a place in Liangshan from now on. From then on, he will become an opponent of the imperial court. He thinks about the final outcome of Liangshan heroes, Li Luoyang\'s back cooled: "I, I won\'t go!"

Wu Er smiled and asked in a low voice, "no? Where are you not going?"

"I mean, I won\'t follow you! I want to go back to Luoyang!" Li Luoyang turned and looked at Xiao Si. They were about to turn and escape, but they were knocked down by monk Hua with one punch. Li Luoyang and Xiao Si suddenly fell into a black coma.

Wu Er carries Li Luoyang and Hua monk carries Xiao Si. They stand by the lake whistling. In the reeds not far away, a raft comes slowly. They get on the raft and soon disappear in the reeds again.