Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 666

In the parliament hall, no one felt sorry for boss Zhang\'s death. Everyone present thought it was his fault. Without him tampering with Ge Lao\'s plan, businessmen could not have invested a lot of money in brewing raw materials at this time.

According to ge Lao\'s plan, these merchants only need to increase their control over raw materials a little, so that they can master the fundamentals of brewing raw materials in Luoyang City when Wenjun Yazhu is unaware of it, so that Wenjun Yazhu has no preparation time. It is because the merchants listened to boss Zhang\'s plan and launched a crazy monopoly at the first time, As a result, Ouyang Wenjun soon realized their intention, which gave him time to make Li Luoyang respond in advance.

With the advent of jade dew in yaochi, the raw materials accumulated in the firewood houses of businessmen completely rotted the market.

After some flattery, the parliament hall was quiet again. Everyone looked at GE Cheng and was waiting for him. Ge Cheng teased his love bird and said with a smile: "since boss Zhang has taken a step first, our merchant Federation will naturally take good care of his family."

Hearing Mr. GE\'s words, everyone present had a cold back. Similar things had happened before. A businessman made decisions without obeying the instructions of the merchant Federation. Finally, a boss died in Mr. GE\'s hands. However, Mr. Ge promised to take good care of his family. After a period of time, the boss\'s family disappeared for no reason, As if the world had evaporated, the businessmen present at this time knew that the consequences of boss Zhang\'s family were likely to be the same. They didn\'t know where they would eventually be sent, and perhaps they would meet boss Zhang directly.

Ge Lao scanned the parliament hall with his eyes, then smiled and said, "what\'s the matter with each of you? Your face is so ugly?"

A dozen businessmen shook their heads almost at the same time and said with a smile, "no, it\'s all right."

"Since boss Zhang has left, his business naturally needs someone to take care of. Well, tomorrow I will post a notice to sell boss Zhang\'s restaurant and distribute the money to everyone as compensation for the failure of this plan. Although it\'s not much, it\'s also a small explanation for everyone."

"Thank you, Ge Lao."

Ge Lao raised his hand and said slowly, "it\'s all a family. There\'s no need to be so polite. I know what you\'re thinking. Wenjun Yazhu doesn\'t get rid of it all day. Our life is difficult. I advise you not to start with Wenjun Yazhu in a short time."

A dozen businessmen looked at GE Lao suspiciously. One of them asked, "why, Ge Lao? Is it because of Li Luoyang?"

"Hum, you all know his identity before. He is the son of Lin Luoshui of the Lin family and a friend of Mo Yuntian of the six doors. Under such circumstances, you want to start with Wenjun Yazhu. I advised you?"

The merchants looked around at each other, then shook their heads and said, "No."

"As Li Luoyang\'s former identity, let alone his hotel, anyone in Luoyang should weigh it even if he moves his finger. This time, I advise you not to move for a while. Naturally, there are our reasons. I understand that a big man came to Luoyang a few days ago, probably the family member of Sima Yingming in the palace."

Hearing what GE Lao said, the businessmen present were surprised and opened their mouths: "no, no, she\'s coming? Why didn\'t you find any trouble?"

"Yes, with the status of more than a dozen of us in Luoyang City, we can\'t find any clues. We really didn\'t know there was such a thing without Ge Lao\'s guidance."

"Well, who is back? I heard she can\'t go back to Luoyang? Is it the emperor\'s arrangement that she comes here?"

Listening to the discussion, Mr. Ge smiled and said: "Do not guess at all. She seems to have been in royal life this time in Luoyang. For what order, no one knows, but according to my only eye liner buried in Sima Ying\'s Ming House, the secret not only received Li Luoyang, but also talked with Li\'s mother in Luoyang. Sima was preparing some kind of cargo for this period, which seemed to be ready to be sent to the palace, and the goods he had prepared for it. , all by Li Luoyang. "

"No! So Li Luoyang and Sima Yingming are cooperating with the imperial court now? If so, we really can\'t move him. If you blame him, we can\'t cut off ten heads."

Ge Lao\'s face was still smiling. He didn\'t seem nervous and didn\'t panic at all: "take it easy. This is just my analysis. Besides, even if Li Luoyang cooperates with the imperial court, if Li Luoyang provides products and Sima Yingming sends them to the palace, it will be more beneficial to us."

More than a dozen businessmen looked at Mr. Ge suspiciously: "Mr. Ge, it\'s good for us? No, why don\'t I see any benefits?"

Ge Lao said calmly: "Think about it. The goods in Sima Yingming\'s elastic palace come from Li Luoyang. On the surface, Li Luoyang seems to have a cooperative relationship with the imperial court, but don\'t forget that Sima Yingming is the one who deals with the imperial court. There\'s nothing about Li Luoyang at all. If we can find out what Li Luoyang produces, find a way to get his secret recipe, and then kill Li Luoyang secretly, then we\'ll talk to him The opportunity for cooperation between the imperial court will eventually fall into whose hands? "

Hearing what GE said, more than a dozen businessmen showed a sly smile. One of them whispered, "in this way, even if Sima Yingming is unwilling to cooperate with us at that time, it won\'t help, because if he can\'t take out the goods required by the imperial court, he will die. So we know that we have mastered the secret recipe of Li Luoyang and kill him. This business is ours."

"Yes, that\'s cooperation with the imperial court. There\'s no more stable source of business than this."

"Maybe we can establish relations with the imperial court, and the appointment will prosper in the future. It\'s Mr. GE\'s opinion."

"Ge Lao, this plan is really good, but I\'m worried"

Before the merchant finished his doubts, GE said, "you\'re worried about secretly killing Li Luoyang."

"Well, after all, there are the Lin family and six doors behind him."

Ge replied slowly, "that\'s why I told you not to do anything to him during this time. Once you find the right opportunity, I will send someone to entertain Li Luoyang. Then you will prepare for the follow-up work."

"Everything is arranged by GE Lao."

At this time, a man dressed in black and wearing a hat appeared in the parliament hall. After looking at it, Mr. Ge said to more than a dozen businessmen present: "that\'s all for today. Remember my words, I don\'t want to see the second boss Zhang appear. If someone shoots at Li Luoyang or Wenjun Yazhu during this time, don\'t blame me for not sparing him."

"Yes, yes." a dozen businessmen quickly got up and left the parliament hall, fearing that a slow step would annoy Ge Lao.

After more than a dozen businessmen left, the man in black came directly to ge Lao. Ge Cheng actually licked, chatted and laughed, then gave way to the main seat in the parliament hall and stood motionless beside the man in black.