Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 667

"Elder Ge." the man in black covered his face, and a silver bell like voice sounded in the veil.

Ge Cheng stood upright. Even though he couldn\'t stand up because of his age, GE was trying to straighten his back: "Miss, I don\'t know that you came in person this time. Didn\'t the messenger say that he just asked me to do a good job of receiving the people above?"

"Am I not from above?"

"No, no, no, that\'s not what I mean."

The man in black took out a pill and put it in front of Mr. Ge. Looking at the red pill in front of him, Mr. Ge had an unprecedented greed and desire on his face. He seemed unable to control his hands. Reaching out was like grabbing the pill and putting it into his mouth. However, as soon as his hand touched the pill, a sword with black light almost killed his finger. Mr. Ge quickly took back his hand and said slowly: "Yes, I\'m sorry, I can\'t control it."

"Elder Ge, this is your antidote this year. I hope you can do well. Luoyang\'s income is good this year, so let me bring you the antidote in advance, but don\'t be happy too early. I learned that there is a man named Li Luoyang in the city, right?"

Ge Cheng immediately nodded and said, "yes, I have reported the information of Li Luoyang."

"I know that he is the son of Lin Luoshui. The top didn\'t pay attention to the hairy boy before he built the elegant building of Wenjun in Luoyang City. However, I heard another thing. Li Luoyang has a brother named Li Guo, and his master is Zhou Dong. You sent someone to give the news of Li Luoyang in Luoyang City to Zhou Dong. Zhou Dong took Li Guo to look for Li Luoyang, right?"

"Well, yes, I just took Mo Yuntian\'s money and brought the news of Li Luoyang in Luoyang to Zhou Dong. Miss, is there a problem?"

"I don\'t care if you make money, but do you know that after learning the news of Li Luoyang, Li Guo and Zhou Dong followed suit and inquired about the news that Li Luoyang was in Taiyuan at that time, so they rushed to Taiyuan."

"Taiyuan? I know that before the famine in Taiyuan, six doors were responsible for disaster relief and investigation in Taiyuan, and six of them recruited Li Luoyang to accompany them."

The man in black stood up and held the pill on the table in his hand: "do you know that the famine in Taiyuan is the masterpiece of Taiyuan merchants\' joint distribution! As long as the famine is spreading for a period of time, Taiyuan distribution of the merchants\' Federation will completely grasp the economic lifeline of Taiyuan."

Old Ge looked at the man in black in surprise: "young lady, I don\'t know about Taiyuan\'s plan. Is it related to Li Luoyang?"

"As far as we know, Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao of liumen saved niugao\'s grain transportation brigade in Taiyuan. At that time, Manichaeism planned to use the plan to attract the believers. We were also worried that the arrival of disaster relief food from the imperial court would have an indelible impact on our plan. We didn\'t expect that we had not done it yet. Manichaeism took the lead in attacking the grain transportation brigade, but they were about to win At that time, Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao appeared. With their strength, it was impossible to save official grain and Niu Gao. Unexpectedly, when Li Luoyang was about to die, Li Guo appeared. He not only saved Li Luoyang, but also the whole grain transportation team! "

Ge Lao was sweating and silent.

The man in black whispered angrily, "if you hadn\'t told Zhou Dong the news of Li Luoyang, how could they get to Li Luoyang in time! One more thing I want to tell you, Gao Ming, a joint distributor of Taiyuan businessmen, was arrested. According to our investigation, he was caught in Li Luoyang\'s trap. Do you know what it means?"

Ge swallowed his saliva, lifted up his sleeves and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "I know, I didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang could find the existence of Gaoming brother at a young age and take Gaoming. I couldn\'t have brought the news of Li Luoyang to Zhou Dong if I knew here."

"Hum! You know? There\'s no regret medicine in the world. I think you\'ve made contributions to the merchant Federation for so many years and you\'re an elder. We won\'t investigate this matter, but I\'m here to give you orders."

Ge Lao immediately stepped back two steps, and then knelt on one knee: "please make it clear, miss."

"First, you can find out Li Luoyang\'s strength, his network and everyone around him, including Lin Luoshui. Second, you can get the secret recipe of immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu. These two kinds of wine have been widely spread at this time. They want to make these fine wines our own products. Third, kill Li Luoyang at all costs. If you are afraid of the Lin family, kill Lin Luoshui It\'s too late. "

Ge Lao raised his head in surprise and looked at the man in Black: "Miss, kill Lin Luoshui? That\'s what offends the whole Lin family."

"Hum, many people in the Lin family would have wanted Lin Luoshui\'s life. If Zhou Xiangong hadn\'t existed, the Lin family would have done something to Lin Luoshui who eloped with outsiders. Since they didn\'t dare, we might as well be a favor and help them solve this shameful woman. I believe that once Lin Luoshui dies, Li Luoyang\'s resources here will fall apart."

Ge nodded and said without hesitation: "Yes, the reason why Li Luoyang became popular in Luoyang city is not only because he was drunk, but also because of the good relationship between liumen and Lin Luoshui. It is precisely because of Lin Luoshui that the dignitaries in the city rarely provoke Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang has the opportunity to open a shop in Luoyang City. As long as Lin Luoshui dies, Li Luoyang will have nothing."

"We are businessmen! Businessmen should do what businessmen should do. If Lin Luoshui didn\'t exist, his immortal drunk secret recipe of Li Luoyang would have been robbed?"

"Well, of course! Who doesn\'t want to get the secret recipe of immortal Zui and yaochi Yulu, but so far, no one dares to attack him, and naturally no one can get the secret recipe. If you find a chance to kill Lin Luoshui and then look for Li Luoyang, a child walking in the bandit\'s nest with yellow gold, there will only be one end."

After nodding, the man in black threw the red pill in his hand to ge Lao, and then said slowly: "I heard your meeting with those businessmen just now. Your analysis is good. Don\'t move Li Luoyang for the time being. Wait until you find out his products. This may be an opportunity for our businessmen\'s Federation to expand again. Therefore, according to your own plan, first observe and find out the cooperative products between him and Sima Yingming, and then report to the top. Then We\'ll decide what to do next. "

"I see! Miss, don\'t go until you rest here for a night?"

"No, I still have something to deal with in Taiyuan. I\'ll leave it to you. Before I leave, I\'ll remind you a little more. Don\'t underestimate Li Luoyang. This guy is not simple."

"Yes, I must remember."

When he sent the man in black away, Ge didn\'t hesitate to put the red pill into his mouth. He chewed it and said fiercely: "a small Chinese martial artist dares to talk to me like this! If he hadn\'t been restrained by Mi Chang San, how could I have been controlled for so many years! Damn it!"