Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 665

At this time, in the Council Hall of the Luoyang City Merchants\' Federation, more than a dozen businessmen were looking at the old man in the main position. The old man had a white beard and a slightly curved back, which did not affect his sense of oppression. More than a dozen businessmen dared not breathe under the attention of the old man.

A fat businessman swallowed his saliva, then looked at the old man and said in a low voice: "Ge Lao, this matter is burning. What do you say? You asked us to collectively forcibly purchase the raw materials drunk by immortals, but now Wenjun Yazhu has quit yaochi Yulu, which tastes better than drunk by Immortals. However, this kind of wine doesn\'t seem to need grain raw materials."

The old man named Ge narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the businessman and said calmly, "you are irresponsible. At the beginning, you collectively found me and asked me to help you deal with Wenjun Yazhu. I just suggested that you could save your business by cutting off their immortal drunk raw materials. But you didn\'t do it according to my requirements."

More than a dozen businessmen looked at each other and finally focused on the fat businessman: "boss Zhang, you communicated with Mr. Ge. At the beginning, you told us that Mr. Ge asked us to unite and quickly purchase brewing raw materials. Now it seems that Mr. GE has other arrangements, but you didn\'t inform us?"

"Yes, Mr. Ge just made it clear that we didn\'t follow his plan. The orders we received were all conveyed from your boss Zhang."

Facing the accusations of more than a dozen people, the fat boss Zhang was already sweating on his face and kept wiping the sweat on his face with a handkerchief.

Ge Lao on one side whistled and teased the birds in the cage around him. Then he smiled and said, "it seems that boss Zhang is acute. It may also be that the sudden rise of Wenjun Yazhu has the greatest harm to your restaurant."

Boss Zhang swallowed his saliva, then nodded helplessly and said: "As we all know, my restaurant and Wenjun Yazhu are on the same street. Since they launched immortal drunkenness, the business of my restaurant has dropped sharply day by day. Up to now, there are few customers. Even the old customers I have accumulated for many years have gone to Wenjun Yazhu to enjoy it. If it goes on like this, I will lose my old capital."

Ge Lao turned to look at boss Zhang and asked kindly with a smile: "so you just casually convey my plan? Let other partners monopolize brewing raw materials in the shortest time, resulting in each household hoarding a large amount of useless raw materials!"

Boss Zhang bowed his head and continued to wipe the sweat on his face and forehead.

Ge Lao slowly stood up and looked at a dozen businessmen: "Before, I asked boss Zhang to inform you that you should follow the steps step by step and not let the other party notice that you are deliberately targeting, which can slightly restrict the sales and output of Wenjun Yazhu. He privately tampered with my plan and let you monopolize the raw materials in the fastest time. This led Wenjun Yazhu to find the abnormality at the first time, so he made great efforts to brew new varieties of wine and drink And it has been a success. "

After listening to ge Lao\'s words, more than a dozen businessmen present glared at boss Zhang angrily. At this time, the firewood rooms of more than a dozen restaurants were filled with wine making raw materials. Although their respective restaurants can also brew wine, most of the raw materials can not be handled according to their strength and scale. The businessmen didn\'t want to spend a lot of money to buy raw materials that will eventually become rotten and useless, so they looked for them Go to the merchants\' Union and discuss what to do next.

Ge Lao walked slowly behind boss Zhang and put his hands gently on boss Zhang\'s shoulder: "Dear bosses, our merchant Federation only unites you to fight against our enemies. Boss Ouyang before Wenjun Yazhu was also a member of us, but later, with the rise of Wenjun Yazhu, she seemed to rarely come here. Obviously, she no longer needed the protection and help of the merchant Federation. Therefore, when you proposed to target Wenjun Yazhu, we didn\'t There are objections. However, who would have expected that some of you are eager to attack and do things very different from the plan, which has damaged the name of our merchant Federation. It\'s not good to put heavy pressure on you now. "

Ge Lao slightly bent down and said in boss Zhang\'s ear, "boss Zhang, do you think so?"

Boss Zhang nodded hurriedly: "yes, it\'s my fault. I shouldn\'t be anxious. Please, please give me another chance!"

"It\'s not easy to do. If you offend me and Ge becomes a person, it\'s OK. But now you\'ve cheated more than a dozen of our partners. If you don\'t give you some punishment, it\'s estimated that the bosses present won\'t be calm."

Hearing Ge Lao\'s words, boss Zhang immediately turned pale. He quickly turned and knelt on the ground: "Ge Lao, I dare not next time, I dare not next time."

"Boss Zhang, you should have known the rules here since the first day you joined the merchant Federation. If it hadn\'t been for us, your restaurant would have collapsed. You\'ve been carefree there for so many years. You\'re also an old man here. How can you be so depressed this time? Hey. Let\'s start again in the next life. I\'ll take good care of you."

Just after that, Ge Cheng\'s right hand became a claw and directly locked boss Zhang\'s throat. His fat body was directly mentioned in the air, which is enough to see that GE Cheng\'s strength has already been great, and even much better than Zhou Dong. If Zhou Dong was replaced, he could only fly boss Zhang at most, and he couldn\'t strangle such a heavy boss Zhang in the air.


The fat body fell heavily to the ground. Ge Lao squatted in front of boss Zhang\'s body with rosy eyes and regret: "if you knew so, why did you have to tamper with my orders? It\'s not your turn to give orders here. Come on!"

The workers of the two businessmen\'s Federation came to Mr. Ge expressionless. Then they turned and left with boss Zhang\'s body. Mr. Ge sat back in his position and continued to play with the bird in the cage: "boss Zhang has gone. I believe you don\'t want to end up with him?"

More than a dozen businessmen quickly nodded: "well, we all listened to Mr. GE\'s arrangement. Boss Zhang deserved it. Without your help, we people have had so much oil and water there over the years. This guy actually saved our restaurant in order to clean up Wenjun\'s elegant building as soon as possible, but we were badly hurt."

"That\'s right. Ge killed well. If it weren\'t for him, we would have died early. If it weren\'t for him, we could slowly sign Wenjun\'s elegant building according to GE\'s plan, so that they wouldn\'t notice anything. In the end, we wouldn\'t be able to make any yaochi jade dew to deal with it. It\'s a special size, it\'s almost!"

Ge Lao looked up at a dozen businessmen with a smile: "Ge Cheng, I\'d like to thank you for your understanding. The reason why I let boss Zhang go first is to let everyone present understand that since we joined the merchant Federation, please abide by the rules. We can bring benefits to you. Naturally, I can\'t bear to see someone betray the merchant Federation. I\'m also very sad about boss Zhang\'s death."