Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 664

With Lin Xu\'s departure, the congratulatory People gradually came. Xiao Hui and tiger skin came to Li Luoyang with the sincerity of the six doors. Li Luoyang greeted them with a smile. Looking at the entourage behind them carrying large and small boxes, Li Luoyang was covered with black lines. Looking at the appearance of the box, Li Luoyang could guess that the congratulatory gifts of the six doors should be the same as Lin Xu.

As Li Luoyang expected, after Xiaohui and tiger skin opened the box, a wide range of medicinal stones appeared in front of Li Luoyang. Xiaohui whispered to Li Luoyang proudly, "master, these are good goods collected in the six doors. Usually, only the pharmacists in the six doors of Luoyang can get these."

Xiaohui naturally thinks that the medicine stones brought today are very valuable. After all, these high medicine stones are of sufficient value anywhere. However, Xiaohui and tiger skin want to get it. At this time, there are a pile of high medicine stones on the second floor of the drugstore, some of which are even more precious than those of six doors.

"High medicine stone, ha ha, let your people carry it up to the second floor." Li Luoyang said with a smile.

The tiger skin took people to the second floor. As soon as he got to the second floor, the tiger skin looked at the mountain of wooden boxes in front of him. After quietly opening them, he quickly withdrew. Xiaohui, who had no knowledge of it, was bragging around Li Luoyang: "Shifu, these medicine stones of the six gates are all given by the imperial court. This is not comparable to the goods sold outside. There are not many people in Luoyang City who can produce such goods."

One side of the tiger skin awkwardly pulled Xiaohui\'s clothes. Xiaohui turned and looked at the tiger skin: "what\'s the matter?"

"Don\'t boast. The high medicine stones sent by others on the second floor have piled up like a mountain. I looked at them briefly. They are no worse than ours, and some are even much more expensive than ours." Tiger skin didn\'t expect such a situation. Mo Yuntian took a mouthful of old blood to take these medicine stones as a gift. If Mo Yuntian knew that Li Luoyang had a lot of them, Mo Yuntian would be angry to death.

After all, in Mo Yuntian\'s eyes, the medicine stones in the six gates are very valuable. Even the powerful people in Luoyang may not have them. It should be the most eye-catching that he can take so many as the opening gift of Li Luoyang drugstore. But unexpectedly, Li Luoyang not only has more medicine stones, but even in Li Luoyang\'s heart, the medicine stones are not so important to him.

Xiao Hui turned to look at Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang was sitting leisurely in a rocking chair, drinking tea. Xiao Hui smiled awkwardly and said, "master, the medicine stone upstairs is also a gift from others?"

"Well, what\'s the matter?"

"No, it\'s nothing. I\'m just curious who else has such a pen except our six doors. Is it Sima Yingming? Or your mother?" apart from the six doors in Luoyang, only Sima Yingming or the Lin family can take out such medicine stones.

"The Lord is still in the future. My mother won\'t be foolish enough to give me medicine stones, but she knows that my drugstore sells herbs. Medicine stones are like chicken ribs to me."

Li Luoyang\'s words made Xiao Hui and the tiger skin prick on their faces and turn red in an instant. They also know that Li Luoyang has developed herbal medicine. Naturally, this drugstore is also selling herbal medicine. The medicine stone sent by liumen is like chicken ribs, just as Li Luoyang said.

Looking at their embarrassment, Li Luoyang said slowly, "those medicine stones upstairs are gifts from Lin Xu just now. He doesn\'t know that I only sell herbs here, but some people clearly know that they send chicken ribs. Stealing chicken can\'t erode rice." Li Luoyang mercilessly teases Xiao Hui and tiger skin. In his opinion, all friends who can come to congratulate him when he opens a shop are friends. Some of them inevitably intend to make friends with Li Luoyang. Since it is profitable to please Li Luoyang, the gift naturally takes away his sincerity.

Although the congratulatory gifts of six doors are valuable, they don\'t consider the actual situation at all. Everyone in six doors knows that Li Luoyang\'s drugstore only sells herbs. Isn\'t giving these medicine stones a blow to Li Luoyang\'s face? Or is it that the congratulatory gifts of six doors are not sincere at all.

In the face of Li Luoyang\'s ridicule, Xiao Hui said reluctantly, "master, we are all big men and not so careful. Moreover, these medicine stones are indeed the most precious things in the six doors."

"I know Lord Mo\'s good intentions. These things have been treasured by him for many years. It\'s not easy for Lord Mo to give generously. Well, as a reward, go to Wenjun Yazhu and take some bottles of yaochi jade dew back when you leave, so as to avoid Lord Mo\'s heartache for these drugs."

With Li Luoyang\'s words, Xiao Hui and tiger skin laughed. Then Xiao Hui mysteriously put his mouth to Li Luoyang\'s ear and whispered, "master, according to your instructions, I have spread the curative effect and price of herbal medicine in the six doors. I believe people in the six doors will come to buy it soon."

Li Luoyang told Xiao Hui to publicize in the six gates before. After all, Li\'s herbal shop only sells Jinchuang medicine so far. Li Luoyang has also thought for a long time. What kind of people in Luoyang City need this Jinchuang medicine most is undoubtedly those engaged in dangerous work. In Luoyang city with such good public security, only people in the six gates need these Jinchuang medicine in performing their tasks, so Li Luo Yang then arranged Xiao Hui as a propagandist to publicize in the six doors.

"Well done, yes, how\'s Mo Jiao doing?" asked about Mojiao\'s situation. Li Luoyang naturally wanted to know how the production of Mo Jiao\'s perfume was going on.

"What? Master, do you miss the eldest lady?"

"Get out."

Xiao Hui quickly smiled and said, "the eldest lady has not stepped out of the door these days. She has locked herself in the house alone, but I saw what she was doing when I brought her dinner."

"What are you doing?" Li Luoyang looked at Xiao Hui obliquely.

The little gray murmur said, "what is the big lady doing? Master knows clearly that if she is not master\'s consent or master\'s plan, how can the great lady deal with perfume?"

"Your kid is getting smarter. Yes, Mo Jiao is helping me produce a batch of perfume at this time. I ask you about her situation, just want to know how the progress is." since Li Luoyang has not discovered that little gray has been discovered, after all, this is not a crime, there is no need to hide it.

I thought she thought about it, and then said, "I see that she is diligent, but most of them are failed perfume. It smells awful, but there are some successful products, but not many."

"At the beginning, it\'s like this. When she gets used to the proportion, she can catch up with it in a month."

Xiao Hui looked at the tiger skin. Then they bowed to Li Luoyang and said, "since there\'s nothing wrong here, let\'s go first and congratulate Li\'s herbal medicine store on its booming business again."

Li Luoyang also politely got up and saluted: "you two go slowly. Don\'t forget to bring the salute back."

"That\'s natural. Thank you."

Li Luoyang knew that even if he didn\'t remind them, the two guys wouldn\'t forget to go to Wenjun\'s elegant building. After all, the two people are also alcoholics. They don\'t know how much wine they can leave back to the six doors for Mo Yuntian to enjoy.