Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 659

In Li Chengcheng\'s room, the temperature is obviously much higher than that outside. The sonorous and powerful sound of beating iron echoes in her ears. Mo Jiao walks in front of Li Luoyang and drives a light familiar road to the carriage. Looking at the completed carriage, Mo Jiao is ecstatic and goes straight in.

Li Chengzhen came to Li Luoyang and said nothing with a smile.

"Honest uncle, I have worked hard for you these days." in order to make Mo Jiao become the helper of his own perfume production, Li Luoyang specially asked Li Lao to finish the manufacture of the carriage by working overtime, so that Mo Jiao could receive his goods ahead of time.

"It\'s all right. I\'m idle anyway."

Looking at the parts in the stove, Li Luoyang knew that Li Chengzhen seemed to be driving Mo Yuntian\'s carriage. Li Luoyang smiled and said, "there are three more cars next. You don\'t have to rush to build them."


Li Chengcheng nodded his head, then turned to the workbench and continued his work.

Mo Jiao\'s cheers came from the carriage. Li Luoyang could imagine Mo Jiao\'s excitement at this time: "come down first."

Mo Jiao leaned out half her head and shouted, "why? This carriage is mine from now on. I haven\'t played enough!" at this time, if there were a traction horse, Mo Jiao would have been wandering around Luoyang in her own carriage.

Looking at Mo Jiao, who refused to get off the bus for a long time, Li Luoyang leisurely lay on Li Chengcheng\'s rocking chair: "I\'m going to discuss with you about upgrading your carriage from medium to high configuration? Since you don\'t need it, take your time."

As soon as Li Luoyang\'s voice fell for a second, Mo Jiao rushed out of the carriage at a very fast speed and came to Li Luoyang in an instant. Looking at Li Luoyang sitting leisurely in the rocking chair, Mo Jiao asked, "are you serious? Do you really want to promote my medium configuration carriage to high configuration!"

"Well, I just need you to pay a little something, and I\'ll upgrade your carriage."

Mo Jiao stared at the slightly raised corners of Li Luoyang\'s mouth, subconsciously grabbed her collar with both hands, and stepped back two steps: "you, what do you want?"

Li Luoyang gave Mo Jiao a direct look: "what\'s in your mind? I\'m not interested in men and women."

Mo Jiao bit her teeth and grabbed Li Luoyang\'s collar: "who do you say is a man?"

"I, I, say I can do it myself!" after Mo Jiao let go, Li Luoyang said with a smile: "in fact, it\'s very simple. Recently, I need a hand to help me produce some things. The quantity is not large. I only need a hundred bottles. Obviously, I want to find someone with strong ability to help me. I immediately thought of the only strong woman in the six doors, Lord mo."

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s smiling face, Mo Jiao frowned and asked, "help? Produce things? Need a hundred bottles? What do you want me to produce for you?" in Mo Jiao\'s opinion, what Li Luoyang needs to produce now is nothing more than wine or iron ware, or the latest developed dishes. Thinking of this, Mo Jiao thought to herself:

"If I can help him produce one hundred bottles of wine, maybe I can get the formula. No one will drink for the next six doors. If it is a herbal medicine, it will be better. Anyway, dad has always wanted the secret of herb in Luoyang, but if it is iron, I can not turn his arm around him. If he does not develop the perfume, I promise, after all, it is a high horse drawn carriage. 。”

However, Li Luoyang\'s next words made Mo Jiao silent: "I want you to help me produce one hundred bottles of rose fragrance perfume. I will give you the recipe, but only if you allow yourself to see it, you can only produce it by yourself. If the secret recipe is leaked, the consequences may be more serious than you think. Don\'t forget, your six doors should be very clear. This is Sima Yingming\'s business. The other side is Mrs. Bai. The business is screwed up. Blame it, no one can run. "

"Perfume!" Mo Jiao looked at Li Luoyang with her cheek. It was the last thing she wanted to face.

Watching shilly Shally Mo Jiao, Li Luoyang knew she had no interest in perfume. "You can think about it. It only takes you one month to complete the manufacture of 100 bottles, and I will upgrade your carriage to high-end configuration. You know that the price gap between medium and high-end configuration is at least more than 30000 Liang, which means that you can get more than 30000 liang of silver after working for one month. How many years do you think it will take you to complete this figure?"

"But I know nothing about that thing. Besides, I don\'t like to touch those." Mo Jiao seemed a little embarrassed.

Li Luoyang did not expect Mo Jiao to be so repelled by perfume, and in the face of the temptation of a high horse drawn carriage, he hesitated so much: "well, let me give you a day\'s time to think about it. If you promise, you can go to jade, and let her provide you with raw materials and secret recipe. If you refuse, you will not have happened this matter. Tomorrow, pulling the horse to take the carriage away is enough."

Li Luoyang rose and went straight to the door. Mojiao did not detain her. At this time, she really fell into hesitation. If she changed to produce other things, Mo Jiao would not hesitate to promise, but she could not face up to the perfume, and it was related to Mrs. Bai\'s and Sima Yingming\'s intentions. She was worried that she could not bear the smell of perfume, and the other side was more worried about her own production. Perfume will lead to a complete failure of business, and a defective product will be held accountable.

The second day, early in the morning, Li Luoyang came to Yu\'s room early and knocked on the door. Yu Er was mixing perfume at his desk: "Luoyang elder brother, you are here."

"Did Mo Jiao look for you?"

Yu\'er nodded and said with a smile, "she came before dawn. According to your instructions, she gave her the proportion of rose deployment, secret recipe and raw materials, and also stressed that she must complete the production in person for the concealment of the secret recipe."

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "it seems that she still can not withstand the temptation of high fix. Now, the output of three hundred bottles of perfume has been settled. You are mainly responsible for eighty bottles of rose and twenty bottles of roses. Remember, rose perfume must not make any mistakes, or our lives will be lost."

"Well, jade knows that these rose fragrances are all the great figures in the palace."

"Hahaha, when Xiao Si is with you, I most hope he can learn your wisdom. That boy is one track mind. Since Mo Jiao has promised, I should tell Uncle honest that Mo Jiao\'s carriage will be promoted to a high-level configuration in this month. Continue. I\'ll go to Uncle honest first."

Leaving yu\'er\'s room, Li Luoyang\'s heart finally fell to the ground. He was worried about 300 bottles before. Now with the addition of Wu Xinyi and Mo Jiao, I believe the first order will not be a problem. However, Li Luoyang has other ideas. The first batch of orders are over, but what about the subsequent orders? Have you always asked Wu Xinyi and Mo Jiao to help? Obviously, in the two person\'s identity, this is not a long-term solution. Li Luoyang needs a team, a team that specializes in producing perfume for the palace.