Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 658

Li Luoyang rode a small gray horse and Mo Jiao soon came to the factory. The air was filled with the fragrance of yaochi Yulu. A large number of yaochi Yulu were waiting for sales. At this time, Mo Jiao couldn\'t wait to go to Li Chengcheng\'s room. After a few steps, she saw yu\'er and Xiao Si sitting under the tree, smiling and whispering.

Li Luoyang went straight over until he came to them. Yu\'er and Xiao Si didn\'t seem to have a gap. They seemed to have only each other in their eyes and turned a blind eye to everything around them.

"Hello," Li Luoyang said helplessly.

Yu\'er and Xiao Si were like frightened birds. The whole person bounced up from the ground. Yu\'er\'s face was red and his ears were almost red and purple: "Luo, Luoyang, why are you here?"

Little four bowed his head and asked awkwardly, "master, you don\'t notice."

Looking at their faces, Li Luoyang smiled and said, "what? Now I\'m going back to the factory to report to you? What are you doing here?"

Yu said nervously at his clothes. "I am studying herbs and perfume," he whispered.

"Yes." Xiao Si nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the two refused to truthfully recruit, Li Luoyang suddenly said with a dignified and serious face: "it seems that you have almost cooperated together. Why don\'t I rearrange your partner."

Xiao Si quickly looked up at Li Luoyang. His eyes were full of the taste of request: "teacher, master, no, it\'s good for me to study with yu\'er."

"Well, we cooperate well. If we change people, it will take a long, long time to get used to it." yu\'er also helped.

Mo Jiao stood beside Li Luoyang and looked at them with a smile. Although she had never been in love, Mo Jiao\'s experience was not shallow. Naturally, she also saw that the relationship between the two seemed to have developed further: "you two are together? I really didn\'t expect it. Yu\'er, don\'t you always like Li Luoyang? Why are you with Xiao Si?"

Yu\'er quickly explained, "I, I just thank Luoyang. I also know the gap between myself and him. I\'ve never liked Luoyang. It\'s all the nonsense of sister Wenjun." the more she explained, the redder her face became, for fear that the little four on one side would misunderstand.

"Well, don\'t be so nervous. If you two love each other, why hide? Worry that Li Luoyang will eat you?" looking at the good play in front of her, Mo Jiao even forgot about the carriage. She has forgotten what she hurried here for.

Xiao Si looked up firmly at Li Luoyang. After swallowing his saliva, he grabbed yu\'er\'s hand and said to Li Luoyang, "teacher, master, I want to be with yu\'er and hope you can make it." in Xiao Si\'s opinion, he is learning arts with Li Luoyang. In this period, it is often not allowed to have children\'s private affairs, not only Xiao Si thinks so, People in this era all have this view, so Xiao Si and yu\'er have been hiding. They are worried that Li Luoyang will not allow them to be together, but now Xiao Si knows that he can\'t hide it. He musters up the courage to admit in front of Li Luoyang that he knows that he is likely to break the master apprentice relationship with Li Luoyang.

Before Li Luoyang spoke, yu\'er said, "brother Luoyang, don\'t blame Xiao Si. I pestered him. He still has a long way to go and has a lot of things to learn from you." yu\'er was a little worried. She didn\'t expect Xiao Si to admit their relationship in front of Li Luoyang. She didn\'t want to see Xiao Si because she delayed her future, Almost everyone can see that Li Luoyang\'s mind and strength will be unlimited in the future. As his apprentice, he will naturally become a dragon and Phoenix among people. Therefore, yu\'er is worried that the recognition of Xiao Si will make Li Luoyang abandon Xiao Si like other masters in this era.

Mo Jiao frowned, took Li Luoyang and whispered, "why don\'t you just help them? It\'s not easy to see them both. Xiao Si is also a good boy. It\'s courage to admit this relationship in front of you."

Li Luoyang looked at yu\'er and Mo Jiao suspiciously and tried to persuade them: "why don\'t they succeed? Do I want to beat mandarin ducks with a stick?"

Mo Jiao shook her head and said, "we are worried that you will break the relationship with Xiao Si because of this."

Li Luoyang was even more confused: "talking about a friend, I\'m going to break the relationship between teachers and disciples? Am I drinking too much or eating too much? I wish them too late. Why do I break the relationship?"

Xiao siyu\'er and Mo Jiao looked at Li Luoyang in surprise. Mo Jiao asked, "you, are you sincere?"

"Of course!" at this time, Li Luoyang suddenly thought of something. He remembered that the pedantic feudal concept of this era caused Xiao Si and yu\'er\'s timidity, so the three people in front of him were surprised at their decision. Li Luoyang continued with a smile: "Don\'t compare being a teacher with those secular people. Under my door, everything is simple and free. Don\'t be bound. As long as you don\'t commit crimes and violate the law, being a teacher supports it!"

Li Luoyang\'s words almost moved Xiao Si and yu\'er to tears, while Mo Jiao was surprised. She whispered to herself, "freedom, freedom, this is Li Luoyang\'s way to be a teacher?"

In this era, the relationship between teachers and apprentices is not so simple on the surface. In fact, the relationship between teachers and apprentices is more like a constraint or even a slave like restriction. Apprentices should not only obey the master\'s words, but also serve the master all their life. Love relationships are not allowed in their peers. However, there are no constraints here in Li Luoyang, which is beyond Mo Jiao\'s mind After all, different ideas lead to different results.

Li Luoyang, who comes from an equal world, has an open mind. His ideas are naturally different from this era and naturally become an alternative in the eyes of people in this era.

"OK, OK, you should not be foolish enough to stand up and go back to study herbs and perfume, and not be tired with the collocation of men and women. I believe you will perform better in the future, even for each other." Li Luoyang smiled at Xiao Si and Yu Er.

Xiao Si nodded hard. He didn\'t know how to thank Li Luoyang. He just silently strengthened his confidence in Li Luoyang. Yu\'er finally smiled. Her relaxed smile made her look natural and beautiful. They didn\'t worry anymore and walked to the room hand in hand.

After the two left, Li Luoyang smiled and said to Mo Jiao: "choose a good day and let them marry."

Mo Jiao smiled and said slowly, "you\'re really interesting. Other masters never allow their disciples to fall in love with others on the way to study. You\'re happy to see them together."

"They are all my friends. Of course I hope they can take care of each other. Why not?" Li Luoyang smiled smartly. The real freedom in the laughter impressed Mo Jiao. She was more interested in Li Luoyang, even though she was extremely curious about Li Luoyang at this time.