Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 660

All the trivial matters have been handled. At this time, what Li Luoyang wants to deal with most is the sales of herbal medicine. Since he developed herbal medicine in Taiyuan mansion and successfully experimented with Mo Lu, Li Luoyang has always wanted to open a store to sell herbal medicine centered on Luoyang City.

With Li Luoyang\'s strength and relationship in the city and sufficient financial support, he can open his first drugstore in Luoyang City. However, according to Li Luoyang\'s practice, he doesn\'t want to expand the target of Wenjun Yazhu to other businesses.

Now someone in Luoyang City has secretly targeted the liquor industry. If Li Luoyang wants to open a drugstore in Luoyang City, he also needs the consent of two aspects. First, it is the Luoyang Yamen. The drug business related to this relationship needs to be registered in the Yamen no matter what era. Second, it is the largest drug dealer in Luoyang City: Zhang Linrui.

Zhang Linrui has almost mastered the supply of all drugs in Luoyang City, and is also the leader of the drug industry in Luoyang City. Although Li Luoyang\'s herbal medicine doesn\'t need his supply at all, at least he should report to the people on the road first, and then the soldiers can open the store.

Under Sima Yingming\'s introduction, Li Luoyang met Zhang Linrui for the first time in Wenjun Yazhu. Zhang Linrui, who was in his prime, revealed a sense of war all over, just like a general on the battlefield, which exceeded Li Luoyang\'s expectation. According to his imagination, Zhang Linrui should be an old man with a commercial atmosphere all over his body. However, the real Zhang Linrui is very different, Li Luoyang not only didn\'t see a trace of merchant feeling in Zhang Linrui, but also vaguely felt whether Zhang Linrui had been on the battlefield to kill the enemy.

In Sima Yingming\'s courtyard, as soon as the three sat down, Zhang Linrui smiled boldly: "hahaha, I finally saw Luoyang brothers today."

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "brother Zhang knows me?"

Sima Yingming also laughed: "brother Zhang Linrui is a famous wine addict in Luoyang. He is happy without wine. As soon as your immortal drunk came out, he is the biggest consumer of Wenjun Yazhu."

Li Luoyang nodded and said slowly, "brother Zhang, if you really like it, I\'ll send someone to send you a jar of yaochi jade dew tomorrow."

Zhang Linrui shook his hand and said, "I can bear five hundred and twenty-one bottles."

Li Luoyang knows that Zhang Linrui just doesn\'t want to take advantage of himself. It\'s a terrible thing to owe people in business. As Zhang Linrui himself said, whether it\'s yaochi Yulu or immortal drunk, the price of 500 Liang is really not a big deal for him. After all, he is a supplier of almost all pharmacies in Luoyang City, and his daily income is also a lot of money.

"I don\'t know why Lord Sima invited me here today. Is it to make friends with Luoyang brothers?" Zhang Linrui is a businessman and seldom meets Sima Yingming. This time Sima Yingming took the initiative to find him and invited him to visit the house. Zhang Linrui naturally knew that the situation was not so simple, so he asked Sima Yingming directly.

Sima Yingming is a little embarrassed. After all, he also knows that he doesn\'t have much relationship with Zhang Linrui. He is only a nodding acquaintance at ordinary times. If it weren\'t for Li Luoyang\'s request, Sima Yingming knows that he won\'t have any connection with Zhang Linrui in his life.

Li Luoyang also saw Sima Yingming\'s embarrassment. He smiled and said to Zhang Linrui, "brother Zhang, I asked the Lord to invite you this time."

"Oh? I don\'t know what brother Luoyang wants from me?" Zhang Linrui took a sip of his tea cup and looked at Li Luoyang lightly. When he met Li Luoyang this time, Zhang Linrui never thought that the person who brewed immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu was a yellow haired boy, which was much more than he imagined. In his opinion, Li Luoyang, let alone brewing good wine at his age, probably doesn\'t know what wine is, but it is the people who don\'t know wine in Zhang Linrui\'s eyes that brewed the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu that fascinated him.

"In fact, things are not complicated. I now open a drugstore in Luoyang City." Li Luoyang\'s observation of the two generations\' experience has already seen that Zhang Linrui is a straightforward person, and he doesn\'t have to beat around the bush. It\'s boring, so Li Luoyang directly said the reason for inviting Zhang Linrui.

Zhang Linrui frowned and looked at Li Luoyang: "open a drugstore? Do you know how many drugstores there are in Luoyang City? How many are there in competition?"

"Also ask."

"There are a total of 130 pharmacies in Luoyang City, of which large pharmacies account for half. This scale has saturated the pharmaceutical industry. If you open another one now, it is just a waste of investment." there are more than 100 large and small pharmacies in Luoyang City. The pharmaceutical market has been saturated, and even some smaller pharmacies are struggling to support it, The investment of Li Luoyang still makes Zhang Linrui think Li Luoyang is too young.

Li Luoyang smiled: "unexpectedly, brother Zhang is still very concerned about his back. He is worried about my investment failure and reminds me, but I have thought of opening my own drugstore."

"I\'m not reminding you. I just want to give you some advice. If you insist on opening it, it\'s your own business. Why should I discuss it with you? Boss Li wants me to supply goods to your drugstore? I\'m a businessman. As long as the price is appropriate, I will cooperate with whoever it is. Besides, I have no grievance with boss Li. Don\'t worry that I will deliberately press the goods Things are not given to your shop. "

"Brother Zhang misunderstood me. I invited you today just to let you know that I want to open a shop. Please also ask brother Zhang to manage in the industry. I\'m worried that my rash opening a shop will affect the income of other shopkeepers. That\'s why the Lord invited you to meet today."

"I see. It\'s easy to say. I\'m familiar with all the stores in Luoyang. I\'ll inform them at that time. I know your intention. I\'m worried that they will cooperate with you. After all, your immortal drunk raw materials are targeted by other restaurants."

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "hahaha, I didn\'t expect brother Zhang to be interested in these news in addition to the pharmaceutical industry."

"That\'s natural. Any news is a business opportunity. Boss Li can rest assured that there is no monopoly on raw materials in Luoyang. After all, the goods in my hand are naturally provided to all pharmacies, including the store you\'re about to open."

Li Luoyang got up with a teacup and smiled, "I\'m relieved to have brother Zhang\'s words, but I don\'t want to take the goods from brother Zhang."

Zhang Linrui looked at Li Luoyang with an iron blue face: "brother Luoyang, what do you mean? Is it difficult for you to take the goods in other people\'s hands? It\'s bad for the rules of the pharmaceutical industry in Luoyang!" Zhang Linrui seemed a little angry. Li Luoyang\'s behavior was nothing more than provocation. He made an appointment with himself to negotiate the opening of a drugstore, but he didn\'t love the goods in his own hands, You may have to cooperate with suppliers outside Luoyang City. Isn\'t that Zhang Linrui\'s face.

Sima Yingming also felt a little embarrassed, so he got up and said with a smile: "Hello, you two. I\'ll prepare good wine and talk while drinking."