Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 578

"Childe Li, I don\'t know where to go so late?"

A sweet voice came from behind Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang immediately turned around when he was shocked. However, he was surprised to find a beautiful middle-aged woman standing in front of him. Li Luoyang was familiar with her delicate facial features. A closer look showed that she was somewhat similar to Wu Xinyi. Li Luoyang immediately recognized that the woman in front of her must be Wu Xinyi\'s mother and Wu Tian\'s wife.

Wu Nian, who had been observing Li Luoyang and others, immediately came to Wu: "sister-in-law, you."

Wu grabbed Wu Nian\'s ear and said slowly, "you girl, let the prisoner go without permission, but you broke the rules of the Wu family."

"I know I\'m wrong, but" Wu Nianzheng wants to explain something, but when he thinks that Wu never cares about the political affairs of the Wu family, even if he tells Wu the truth, Wu has no right to decide.

Wu turned his head and looked at Li Luoyang with a Cixi smile on his face. If he was not sober, Li Luoyang almost thought that Guanyin Bodhisattva had appeared. That kind smile seemed to make ferocious people put a butcher\'s knife. Li Luoyang secretly sighed: "there is such a big gap between Wu Xinyi and him? One is like a demon king, and the other is like universal beings."

"Three are CHILDES. Don\'t be alarmed. Come home with me. My husband is not here, but I can be the leader of the Wu family."

Wu Nian was surprised by Wu\'s words. For so many years, Wu Nian had never seen Wu say that he could be the master in the Wu family. Now Wu stood up for an outsider, which surprised Wu Nian.

Li Luoyang bowed slightly and saluted: "thank you for your invitation. Obedience is better than respect."

Wu smiled at the corners of his mouth and turned to Wu Tian\'s house. He was speechless all the way and didn\'t attract the attention of others in the parliament hall. When he came to Wu Tian\'s house, Wu smiled and said to Wu Nian, "sister, I\'ll talk to childe Li Luoyang alone. You take care of the other two CHILDES here."

Wu Nian nodded cleverly: "well." Li Guo and Xiao Si were arranged in the living room. Wu Nian could only wait for Wu and Li Luoyang together. The three drank tea and chatted.

In the backyard of Wu Tian\'s house, the red peach blossoms are blooming. There is also a stream in the courtyard. This stream is introduced into Wu Tian\'s house from the water source. The courtyard is cool and elegant. The fence made of bamboo is full of seasonal flowers and plants. It can be seen that it has been carefully cultivated.

Following Wu Shi to the courtyard, Li Luoyang sat on a stone bench with various cakes in front of him. Wu Shi said slowly with a smile, "try them. These are snacks made of edible flowers and plants nearby. I hope they can meet Li childe\'s taste."

Li Luoyang wasn\'t polite. He didn\'t eat much in his stomach these days. Even if he did, it was hard to swallow miscellaneous grains, which was very different from the treatment he enjoyed in Luoyang. Without hesitation, he picked up a cake and put it into his mouth. The sweet sweetness made Li Luoyang sigh: "delicious! It\'s much better than the snacks in those big restaurants."

It was not Li Luoyang\'s flattering praise. He was really attracted by the delicious cakes after two generations of experience.

"Just be satisfied, childe Li."

Wu picked up the exquisite wine bottle on the stone table, and then filled a glass for Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang immediately politely took over the glass. Although the wine aroma was mellow, it was much worse than his immortal\'s drunkenness, but the unique aroma contained in the wine surprised Li Luoyang: "this is."

"This is the wine I brewed. It\'s called beautiful wine. Please taste it, childe Li."

Li Luoyang lightly touched the wine in the cup with the tip of his tongue, and then took a sip. He was skilled in tasting the wine. Looking at Li Luoyang\'s action, Wu nodded and smiled and said, "young master Li is really a person who knows wine. You can experience the taste of these two wines only after you smell them."

Two tastes refer to the slight sweetness at the tip of the tongue, taste its spicy, take a small sip after smelling, and add the wine aroma in the nose when smelling the taste, so as to taste the difference of wine. Li Luoyang, as a wine maker, doesn\'t know the mystery. People who know wine naturally know how to taste wine. Those who wolf down just buy wine and get drunk. It\'s difficult to understand the essence of wine.

In the face of Wu\'s praise, Li Luoyang said modestly: "I\'m not talented. I just learned a little by ear. I don\'t dare to make a fool of myself in front of my wife."

"So what?"

"I wonder if I can forgive you for telling the truth, madam."

Wu Shi covered his mouth and smiled: "let you evaluate yourself as the truth. I\'m not a person with a small belly. It\'s also my honor to discuss the refined brewing technology with wine friends. Childe Li instructed me to admit it. However, if the answer is not what you asked, I can\'t guarantee what will happen next."

Li Luoyang smiled and then put down his glass: "it\'s a beautiful wine made by madam. The wine tastes mellow and authentic. It\'s naturally a top-grade wine, but this wine can only be tasted carefully. It\'s really rare for madam to make wine with sweet roses and peach blossom fragrance. If I\'m right, the dew is added to the wine, so I don\'t feel spicy when drinking, but the burning feeling of the tip of the tongue is not inferior to other spirits."

Wu nodded again and again. At the same time, he was very surprised: "this childe Li is only about 17 years old, but he is not a good wine man, but he is the first person to taste the taste of wine outside his husband. This mentality is really rare. He may really be able to do it in the future."

"Since childe Li has a good evaluation of this wine, why are you worried that I will blame you?"

Li Luoyang continued with a smile: "Although the wine is good, it lacks charm. For me, beauty wine is more suitable for women. Men want to drink strong and fast. It doesn\'t hurt. But it\'s tasteless after drinking. However, the advantage of this wine is that it is suitable for dignitaries, not markets, such as the Imperial Palace. This wine is enough to be loved by everyone, but it\'s not as good as burning a knife in the world."

Li Luoyang picked up his wine glass and took another sip: "but madam and senior Wu Tian lived here in seclusion with the Wu family, so they didn\'t fall into the world. It\'s OK to taste fine products here."

"Childe Li means that beauty wine is not suitable for secular circulation?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly: "madam is no longer in the secular world, why care about whether this wine can satisfy the world? In this hidden world, brew your mind like wine and taste it for your loved ones. Why care about the opinions of the world?"

"It seems that childe Li has maturity in line with his age."

"In troubled times, who didn\'t understand the principles of the world early?"

"Then I wonder if childe Li thinks that this beauty is drunk with immortals. Who is better and who is worse?"

"Madam, you\'re embarrassing me. One is to taste carefully, and the other is to fall into the world. There are different differences between the two, which can\'t be discussed at the same time."

Wu smiled and said, "then childe Li thinks whether I still have room for improvement."

Li Luoyang thought for a moment and then replied, "wine has thousands of States and each has thousands of good qualities. If you really want to improve this beauty brew, it is actually simple. A little honey and glutinous rice can not only make the beauty brew more pure, but also make it sweet."

Listening to Li Luoyang\'s mind, Wu nodded again and again: "good, good. This is a way!"