Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 579

In the courtyard, Li Luoyang and Wu talked happily, and Li Luoyang always had a question in his heart. What on earth did Wu bring himself here for? Wu obviously knows his current situation. Wu Qi is going to kill people when the Wu family leader goes out. At this time, Wu\'s appearance is undoubtedly helping himself. But so far, they only talk about wine, which makes Li Luoyang wonder what Wu really wants to do.

Wu\'s eyes looked up and down at Li Luoyang. The more he looked at Wu, the more satisfied he was. Li Luoyang was mature and stable at a young age, flexible and knew etiquette. It was like his mother-in-law looking at her uncle. The more she looked, the more she liked it: "I don\'t know how Xinyi is?"

"Xinyi is all right. Before, because of the famine in Taiyuan, Xinyi missed you. She specially asked me to come to the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain to see the situation, but I didn\'t know it."

"I didn\'t expect to be suspected of poisoning, did I?"

Li Luoyang smiled helplessly. He didn\'t expect his kind help. In the end, he became a poison suspect. I knew it was so. Li Luoyang would never come to the Wu family. It\'s a big deal to go back and tell Wu Xinyi that everything is all right. It\'s better than dying here.

Wu smiled and said slowly, "childe Li, the Wu family has been around for many years and has been living in seclusion here. Several generations of the family are trapped in prison. Can you imagine the pain? However, the Wu family has the mission of the Wu family. Although the Wu family who knows the truth has been living in seclusion, some people can\'t stop yearning for the outside world. Wu Qi is one of them."

Li Luoyang looked at Wu in surprise. Wu Nian didn\'t tell Wu the results of their investigation. The meaning of Wu\'s words seemed to be very clear.

Wu stood up and continued: "I have watched the young and middle-aged of this family grow up and know them very well. When Wu Qi was a child, he showed a strong longing for the outside world. If elder Wu could not suppress Wu Qi\'s curiosity, he would have left the Wu family at this time, and Wu Qi\'s longing for the outside world inherited his father perfectly."

"You mean elder Wu?"

"Well, Wu Mojun made a big mistake when he was young and almost died by the Wu family. At that time, if my husband hadn\'t begged hard, the elders would have killed him."

"What did he do at that time? Made the Wu family so angry?"

"At that time, he killed a village guard in order to leave the Wu family."

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that Wu Qi\'s Lao Tzu was so cruel and cruel that he could lay hands on his family.

Wu continued: "At the request of my husband, the elders left Wu Mojun\'s life, and Wu Mojun also promised never to leave Baiyun Mountain. He has done well over the years and became an elder of the Wu family. But for his children, Wu Qi, Wu Mojun is helpless. Wu Qi\'s natural martial arts qualification is not good. In order to prevent Wu Qi from becoming an eliminated person, Wu Mojun taught Wu Qi privately Qi Linglong array asked him to take charge of the guarding work of the Wu family. The husband and other elders knew very well about Wu Mojun\'s behavior, but they didn\'t expose it because of Wu Mojun\'s face. However, we also saw Wu Mojun\'s love for Wu Qi. We were worried that one day the young Wu Qi would make serious mistakes like his father, and Wu Mojun would protect him. "

Li Luoyang nodded. However, he learned from Wu\'s mouth that the Wu family had other elders besides Wu Mojun, but he came to the Wu family for a few days. Li Luoyang didn\'t see any elders except Wu Mojun, which made Li Luoyang wonder whether they were not in Baiyun Mountain or in a more secret place in Baiyun Mountain.

Li Luoyang put down his doubts. For him, the first problem is to deal with the immediate matter: "listen to you, you know the truth of poisoning?" Wu has always mentioned Wu Qi. Li Luoyang believes that this is not a coincidence. Wu must know something.

"I\'m just aware of it. The husband\'s generation certainly doesn\'t have the ability to poison in this family. Even if Wu Mojun once had such a history, I believe that after so many years, he has no previous impulse to the outside world, and no one in Xinyi\'s generation wants to leave Baiyun Mountain more than Wu Qi."

Li Luoyang smiled and asked, "so from the beginning, you have suspected Wu Qi."

"Just doubt."

"Since Wu Qi is suspected, why not investigate carefully and even interrogate him."

"It\'s not as simple as you think. It involves family issues, and we don\'t want to force Wu Qi to a dead end after investigating the truth. At that time, no one can guarantee that Wu Mojun won\'t turn against the Wu family for his son. No one wants to see it."

The most taboo of the Wu family in seclusion is betrayal and internal disputes. The Wu family is worried that once Wu Qi is pushed to the forefront of the storm, Wu Mojun will eventually break with the Wu family for his son, and most of the guards of the Wu family are under Wu Qi. If they all stand on Wu Qi\'s side, the Wu family will usher in a large-scale rebellion, which is not the result the Wu family wants.

Li Luoyang frowned and said seriously: "If I don\'t get your meaning wrong, can I explain it like this: you knew from the beginning that the poisoning was caused by Wu Qi and outsiders, but you watched us wronged by Wu Qi, and senior Wu Tian also asked me to investigate the matter to prove my innocence? I don\'t know what your intention is, or do you Wu like to play people like monkeys!"

Li Luoyang was holding his breath. It was obvious that both Wu Tian and Wu family knew the truth of the matter, but why did they not come forward to clarify the matter, but let themselves investigate the poisoner and prove their innocence? This feeling was more like being played by others. Although Li Luoyang knew that his strength could not compete with the Wu family, But pride does not allow others to tease him.

Looking at some angry Li Luoyang, Wu smiled: "there are some things you shouldn\'t know in terms of your current strength. Anyway, please remember, the reason why we do this is not only for the good of the Wu family, but also for you."

"For me? How can your Wu family involve me?"

Wu smiled and didn\'t pour the wine from Li Luoyang: "when you have enough strength, I believe you will know the truth. Don\'t be anxious. If you want to be quick, you won\'t reach it. Now knowing it will hurt you."


"Childe Li, it\'s still a bar. It\'s useless to say more."

Li Luoyang knew that even if he asked, Wu could not tell him the truth. However, Li Luoyang agreed with Wu\'s words. The sooner he learned some truth, the worse it would be for him. He believed that Wu did not harm his heart. Otherwise, Wu had countless opportunities to kill Li Luoyang, at least so far, Li Luoyang did not feel any discomfort brought to him by the wine.

After drinking the wine cup, they talked again. At this time, Li Luoyang was not worried that he would be hurt, because Wu would be prepared since he knew the truth. Therefore, Li Luoyang was much more relaxed than before.