Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 577

After Wu family village in Baiyun Mountain, Li Luoyang and others in the iron cage sat leisurely. After Li Luoyang\'s narration, Li Guo and Xiao Si had no worry at all. All they had left was to wait for the truth to come out.

The dark night sky was dotted with stars, and the pollution-free day made Li Luoyang linger. Since he was busy with business in this world, he had not looked up at the sky for a long time. Looking at the bright night sky like the Milky way, Li Luoyang secretly lamented the amazement of the beautiful scenery.

Wu Nian came to the iron cage with rice: "Hey, hey, eat."

Looking at Wu Nian\'s arrival, Li Luoyang immediately whispered, "how\'s things going?"

"My brother is not in the Wu family," Wu Nian replied in a low voice. After they returned to the Wu family, Wu Nian went to Wu Tian\'s home for the first time, and then learned that Wu Tian was out.

"Not at home? Where have you been?"

"It\'s said to go out to find food. Although the food of the Wu family is enough for a period of time, more needs to be prepared." Wu Nian is helpless. Originally, he and Li Luoyang have dealt with the poisons in the water source. Who expected that Wu Tian was worried about the interruption of the food of the Wu family and collected food in advance.

"How long will it take to return?" Li Luoyang was a little worried. He was really worried that Mo Jiao would be angry.

"I\'m not sure, but I\'ve arranged for people to go out all night to look for my brother. I believe there will be results soon. The rain and famine near Taiyuan last night have been controlled, so my brother wants to get a batch of food before the situation stabilizes. Otherwise, when the situation stabilizes, going out to look for food will easily attract the attention of the government."

Now the situation is not completely stable. Naturally, the government has no leisure time to pay attention to Baiyun Mountain. If everything returns to normal, the government will pay attention to the Wu family team transporting a large number of grain into the mountain. Therefore, Wu Tian naturally wants to find food for the family in the end of the chaos.

"Is there no one in your family who can decide except elder Wu Tian?"

"Yes or no, elder Wu."

"He\'s the master? Huh, if he knows the truth, maybe he will help his son to frame us up, and you will not tell him the truth?" Li Luoyang worried that Wu Nian would be foolish and attacked, and told Wu Mo Jun after Wu Tian\'s departure. After all, Wu\'s Wu family was reduced, or Wu Mojun has the final say.

"I\'m not so stupid. Although I believe in elder Wu\'s behavior, it\'s his son after all. It\'s inevitable that he will be selfish, so I didn\'t tell him the truth."

"You have a little brain."

"Li Luoyang, what shall we do now?"

"What else can I do? Wait."


Looking at Wu Nian\'s worried appearance, Li Luoyang realized that something was wrong: "what\'s the matter?"

"Just now Wu Qi went to Wu Mojun and asked the family to hold a meeting to discuss how to execute you."

"What?" Li Luoyang cried in surprise. He didn\'t expect that Wu Qi wanted to break the boat. When Wu Tian was not at home, he took advantage of his relationship with Wu Mojun to start first. At this time, Wu Mojun, who was in the dark, would not let Li Luoyang poison people. Wu Qi added fuel and vinegar to the description on the plane. The Wu family had begun to discuss the execution of Li Luoyang and others.

"Wu Qi insisted at the meeting that you did not find evidence to prove your innocence. According to your previous commitment, you should stay in the Wu family forever."

"What have you has to say for us?" Wu read the truth. Li Luoyang thought Wu Nian should come forward. He could think about it. Wu Tian was temporarily leaving Wu. The whole Wu family was actually the one who has the final say of Wu Mojun and Wu Qi. Wu Nian had to tell the truth at this time, maybe Wu Jiahui was in a more chaotic situation.

No one can guarantee that Wu Mojun, who knows the truth, will have a family uprising for his son.

After thinking about the consequences, before Wu Nian answered, Li Luoyang waved his sleeve and said, "it\'s all right. Letting you tell the truth is tantamount to letting the Wu family risk division."

Wu Nian lowered her head and stopped talking. At this time, she thanked Li Luoyang for her understanding.

Li Guo frowned and said slowly: "Wu Qi is really a sinister and cunning man. He planned to kill us and force the crime of poisoning on us when elder Wu Tian left home."

"Master, what shall we do now?" Xiao Si looked at Li Luoyang and asked.

"It depends on the situation after their family meeting." Li Luoyang turned to Wu Nian and said, "you won\'t let us go, will you?" in Li Luoyang\'s view, Wu Nian is kind-hearted, but she is the Wu family after all. Letting Li Luoyang and others go is tantamount to openly opposing the family elders. If you don\'t let go, Li Luoyang will die here in the end.

Li Luoyang, in a dilemma, said with a smile, "things are already at this stage. It seems that our three brothers are doomed." Wu went out and Wu Mojun at home has the final say, unless Wu can put Li Luoyang three people. Otherwise, the last result is only the death of the body. This is not only Li Luoyang\'s opinion, but Li Xiao Xiao even thought Wu Nian.

Suddenly, Wu Nian stood up slowly and threw the cage key into Li Luoyang\'s hand: "go, the farther the better, leave Baiyun Mountain, and they won\'t chase you anymore."

Facing the sudden iron prison key, Li Luoyang asked in surprise, "you let us go, and you?"

"Me? Even if elder Wu wants to blame me, he has no right to punish me. If he wants to punish me, he has to wait until the owner comes back. Then I have a chance to tell my brother the truth and return you to innocence. If you get innocence, it\'s good for me to let you go. I just hope you can escape smoothly from the pursuit of the Wu family."

Wu Nian has a plan in mind. Even if Li Luoyang and others are released from the Wu family, Wu Mojun has no right to deal with her. At most, Wu Nian is just imprisoned and treated after Wu Tian returns. As long as he can meet Wu Tian, Wu Nian has full confidence to tell Wu Tian the truth. At that time, Li Luoyang\'s innocence will be proved, She won\'t have anything in the end, but she\'s worried that with the martial arts of Li Luoyang, it\'s difficult to retreat from the Wu family.

Wu Nian took out a piece of luggage from behind and threw it outside the iron door: "these are your weapons and your belongings. I just stole them from Wu Qi\'s house. Take these and go. Guard the parliament hall at the door now. You should be able to go. There will be no time later."

Looking at Wu Nian with a serious face, Li Luoyang smiled: "thank you." he opened the iron cage and picked up his luggage. Li Luoyang did not hesitate to take Li Guo Xiao Si to the entrance of the village. He knew that Wu Nian\'s method was the only feasible so far. Although Li Luoyang knew that he would be suspected of the murderer if he escaped in this way, it was better than being slaughtered in the iron cage.

The three stooped and crept around the Wu family village, avoiding the Wu family\'s vision in the bamboo house, using the dark night as a cover, and began to approach the village gate