Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 576

At this time, everyone in Taiyuan has become a pot of porridge. In fact, Mo Jiao is the only one who is flustered. It is because of her temper that the whole old man Zhu\'s home is in chaos.

Mo Jiao rushed out of the bedroom and went straight to Wang GUI: "no news yet?"

"I\'ve arranged for all the soldiers who couldn\'t be mobilized, and I haven\'t found the whereabouts of Childe Li nearby." Wang GUI swallowed his saliva. These days, he has seen Mo Jiao\'s temper. The whole liumen base almost had to be demolished by her. Wang GUI knows that if old man Zhu and Zhou Dong were not in charge, it would be a ruin for Mo Jiao\'s temper.

Li Luoyang has been away for seven days. How can Mo Jiao and others not be chaotic? With the advent of the first rain, the famine in Taiyuan is temporarily over. Mo Jiao and others are doing the follow-up work of disaster relief at this time. They settle some hungry people back to the farmland. As long as the work is over, they will return to Luoyang, but Li Luoyang has not returned yet. Mo Jiao began to worry about his safety.

Although she knows that Li Guo exists around Li Luoyang, after all, Li Guo\'s strength is limited, and there is no way to resist when she meets real experts. Now the situation in Taiyuan is the most critical time. Once all disaster relief work is completed, the people will naturally feel the favor of the imperial court and strengthen their loyalty to the imperial court, Mo Jiao and others don\'t care that Manichaeism can disturb people\'s hearts and win over the congregation again, so the follow-up work of six doors is handled with extra care, for fear that a link will go wrong and make the hungry people angry again.

After a few days of busyness, Mo Jiao began to think day and night about the safety of Li Luoyang, how to explain to her father after returning to Luoyang, and the dignitaries waiting for immortals to get drunk in Luoyang. Although Mo Jiao was not afraid, she did not dare to offend. If Li Luoyang really died outside Taiyuan, Mo Jiao firmly believed that she would be dealt with by Mo Yuntian when she returned.

More importantly, Mo Jiao knows what will happen to Lin Luoshui if something happens to Li Luoyang. Don\'t forget that Li Guo, another son of Lin Luoshui, is going out with Li Luoyang this time.

"General Niu Gao, what about you?"

Mo Jiao turned her head and looked at the ox cover. Her eyes were full of expectations.

"No news. I\'ve sent spies to the nearby villa. I haven\'t found any trace of Childe Li, nor have I seen childe Li."

"Where will he go if he doesn\'t go to the nearby villa?" Mo Jiao has arranged for people to search all the places where Li Luoyang may go. No one has seen Li Luoyang. He seems to have suddenly evaporated from the world.

With doubts, Mo Jiao came to the stone table in the courtyard. Zhu old man and Zhou Dong were drinking tea and playing chess. There was no expression on their faces. They didn\'t seem to worry about Li Luoyang and others who hadn\'t returned for seven days.

"Master Zhou, don\'t you care about your apprentice at all?" Mo Jiao asked, sitting aside.

Zhou Dong raised and went down. After settling the pieces, he said slowly, "what\'s your worry?"

"Although Li Guo\'s martial arts are exquisite, there are not a few people better than him in the world. You are so confident that they have been out for so long and have not met danger?"

Niu Gao and Wang GUI hurried to Zhou Dong\'s back. Li Luoyang didn\'t weigh much in their hearts, but Li Guo was important. They didn\'t want anything to happen to Li Guo. Such a rare talent died in troubled times before entering the military camp. They also wanted Zhou Dong to look for Li Luoyang and others.

Wang GUI stood upright behind Zhou Dong: "master Zhou, Li Guo is your disciple. I must have told you where they are going before going out? Please tell me, we can also go to find childe Li and others. The work in Taiyuan will be over in a few days. If childe Li hasn\'t come back by then, it\'s hard for adults Mo and others to explain."

Niu Gao nodded again and again: "yes, master Zhou, no matter what you say, you have something to do with our barracks." Niu Gao suddenly realized that his words can\'t be said. In his opinion, Zhou Dong once instructed Lin Chong, who was once the leader of the forbidden army. Zhou Dong naturally has something to do with the barracks, but Lin Chong is now a member of Liangshan and is at odds with the imperial court, Obviously, it is almost impossible to take advantage of this.

"I prefer them to deal with some things by themselves. Whether it\'s Li Luoyang or Li Guo, they need to temper themselves. I don\'t know where they go. It\'s no use worrying. Those who should come back will naturally come back. If they can\'t come back, it\'s normal to die in troubled times." Zhou Dong\'s heart is not as light as he said. He has been in troubled times for so long, and he has been such an apprentice, If something really happened, he wouldn\'t feel well, but he lived a long time and saw through. Now there\'s no way to panic. No one knows where the two brothers Li Luoyang have gone.

Zhou Dong turned to look at Mo Jiao: "I should ask you about this. Didn\'t Li Luoyang look for you before he left? Without your consent, can Li Luoyang and Li Guo leave the base of the six gates together?"

"He did come to me. At that time, he just said that he was walking around nearby, thinking of his physical and mental fatigue during the disaster relief period. Going out for a walk was just a distraction, and he said that he was in Taiyuan mansion. I didn\'t know he was like evaporation." Mo Jiao also blamed herself. She shouldn\'t have agreed to Li Luoyang\'s request so easily.

Mo Jiao sighed and said slowly, "he said he wanted to investigate the real culprits of the famine in Taiyuan and who burned the granary. He also said that the people with six doors attracted too much attention, so the fewer people there were, the more secret they acted. I never thought of it."

I wish the old man stared at the chessboard with a smile: "it\'s not your fault. Brother Luoyang has good oral skills and is more than enough to deal with you. His words are reasonable. If you want to find out the murderer, the identity of six doors is really too ostentatious. Since you have promised him, you should believe in his ability. Don\'t worry, it will be fine."

"But it\'s been seven days, and there\'s no news from Thaksin. I\'m afraid he\'s found the murderer, but he\'s not the opponent of the other party." Mo Jiao\'s worry is not unreasonable. How can people who dare to burn the Imperial Granary be idle people.

Mo Fu stood behind Mo Jiao and shook his head helplessly: "it\'s no use worrying now, miss. I advise you to calm down and send someone to find me again. I\'m afraid it will hurt childe Li and them."


"Don\'t forget put up a pageantry. They are now investigating the arson seriously," he said. "If you are so vigilant, you will find that Li and his sons are in danger. Once we are aware of the danger, we will be waiting for them. We believe that Li is the son of their power."

After listening to Mo Fu\'s words, Zhou Dong laughed wildly: "ha ha, little mo Jiao, you really should learn Mo Fu. Don\'t worry about everything. Sometimes it\'s better to calm down and analyze the situation."

The old man also smiled and said, "Mofu is really more experienced than you in this regard."

"Hum! That\'s because you\'re not in a hurry." Mo Jiao said with her hands on her hips.

Zhou Dong and old man Zhu said in unison: "don\'t worry? The immortals are drunk. Why don\'t we worry!"