Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 574

At the entrance of the Wu family village, Wu Qi has been guarding at the entrance of the village since Li Luoyang and Wu Nian left. He is not worried about what Li Luoyang will find. After all, in his opinion, the Wu family has dispatched so many manpower and has not found a clue. Can you find a teenager? However, the guards around him didn\'t think of any trouble. They kept asking Wu Qi anxiously:

"Elder brother, do you think Li Luoyang and Wu Nian will find our evidence?" these guards are all under the control of Wu Qi. After Wu Qi\'s temptation and confusion, the guards have already moved to leave the Wu family. Therefore, when Wu Qi took two strangers to the source of the water source, they also turned a blind eye, and Wu Qi successfully went to the source.

Wu Qi also knew that his plan could not be realized if he did not bribe the guards of the Wu family, and he also needed followers. He simply brought his men to his side: "Don\'t talk nonsense. Wu Tian and my father have investigated in person. They haven\'t found any evidence. Can Li Luoyang and Wu Nian find it? Besides, I\'ve done it perfectly. They can\'t find anything."

Wu Qi\'s self-confidence is not wrong. Li Luoyang is only a teenager, and how can he be compared with the owner of the Wu family? But Wu Qi knows that this hairy boy has two generations of experience. If you want to be really old, Li Luoyang is several years older than Wu Tian.

"Do you think the boy dares to come back?" A guard stood beside Wu Qi with a long gun in his hand. His expression was full of tension and panic. After all, before that, they had never thought of betraying the Wu family. They couldn\'t afford the consequences. However, with the support of Wu Qi and the cooperation of outsiders, they naturally had great courage. In their view, no one would know their actions as long as they didn\'t tell Wu Qi.

"Come back? Hehe, come back and die? The boy must be trying to escape."

"With Wu Nian following, he can run?"

"Hum, Wu Nian\'s martial arts are strong, but there are foxes there. I think the boy is glib and full of intrigues. If Wu Nian is careless, he will really let the boy escape, but I\'m glad to see the boy run."

The guard asked suspiciously, "why?"

"You\'re stupid. Once he runs away, our affair will never be revealed. Besides, who is Wu Nian? She has such strong self-esteem that she is dissatisfied with the world\'s search when people run away from him? Once she finds it, the boy will be completely abandoned."

"Yes, brother is right. The boy escaped successfully. He not only carried the pot for us, but also offended Wu Nian. There will be no good life in the future."

"How are the two people who came with that boy now?"

"According to your instructions, give less food and water, but both of them seem to stick to it."

Wu Qi said softly, "hum, hold on? I think how long they can hold on. As long as Wu Nian comes back, they will die. At that time, the owner will think they are the poisons. Ha ha, perfect, perfect!"

"That\'s a big brother\'s clever plan. By the way, big brother, when can we leave Baiyun Mountain?"

"Don\'t worry. Although the owner got some food from the outside, the food at home still won\'t last long. The water poison hasn\'t been found for a day. The final result of the Wu family must move away from Baiyun Mountain. Before long, we can go to the outside world. Don\'t worry. I\'ve taken care of everything outside. As long as we leave Baiyun Mountain, the world is so big, we\'re natural and unrestrained."

The guard smiled and said, "brother, you must take your little brothers with you at that time."

"Of course."

"By the way, brother, what are your two friends from?" several guards were very curious. Wu Qi had friends outside. Everyone knew that Wu Qi\'s martial arts were not bad. They only went out once, or went out to perform tasks with Wu Nian. They found friends at one opportunity, which surprised the guards.

"My friend\'s background is naturally not small, and the secret can\'t be revealed." Wu Qi pretends to be mysterious. In fact, Wu Qi doesn\'t know the two people, but the other party promises to help him retaliate against the Wu family, and even move away from Baiyun Mountain to the Wu family. Wu Qi, who has been longing for the outside world, is finally moved.

As Li Luoyang guessed, Wu Qi always wanted to leave the Wu family, but he was worried that he would encounter danger in the outside world with his own strength. Therefore, when the other party proposed that the Wu family could move out of Baiyun Mountain, Wu Qi agreed without hesitation. In this way, he had the backing of the Wu family and could protect his life in the outside world.

"Elder brother, you keep it a secret from us," the guards said with a smile.

"It\'s bad for you to know more about some things. Just remember that after leaving Baiyun Mountain, follow me Wu Qi to ensure that you are popular and spicy, and I\'ll invite you to drink the immortal drunk in Luoyang." Wu Qi doesn\'t know where the immortal drunk is that he can consume. If he stays in the Wu family all his life and doesn\'t have any silver income, can he pay a bottle of 500 liang of immortal drunk?

"Immortal drunk?"

"That\'s a good wine. We can\'t compare with the beautiful wine of the Wu family." Wu Qi drooled as he recalled, with greed on his face.

Looking at Wu Qi\'s intoxicated appearance and the doorkeeper licking his lips, he looked forward to the outside world. After eating porridge and vegetables in the Wu family all his life, the number of meat dishes is also very few. Although Wu Tian sometimes invites everyone to drink beauty wine, who doesn\'t want big fish and meat with good wine, especially listening to Wu Qi\'s story that there are colorful restaurants in the outside world, which makes the passionate young guards more hungry and thirsty.

"Elder brother, after we caught Li Luoyang, was the wine smell coming from the parliament hall drunk?" when Wu Qi and Wu Mojun collected the wine from Li Luoyang\'s luggage in the parliament hall, the wine smell had already overflowed the parliament hall. How could the guards outside know? I kept it in my mind, so I asked Wu Qi.

"Well, that\'s immortal drunkenness. That guy can hide it from others and me. After I tasted it, I knew he must be from Luoyang, otherwise only Luoyang can produce wine in his luggage."

Looking at the gatekeeper, Qi Qi raised his hand and wiped the saliva on his mouth. Just smelling the smell before, they were already salivating. The aroma of wine even couldn\'t disperse in his nose for a long time: "brother, remember, let\'s have a taste if we have a chance."

"It\'s simple. Don\'t worry."

Wu Qi stretched out and walked to the village: "you continue to guard here. I should go back and have a rest."

"Brother, please walk slowly."

"Remember, if Wu Nian comes back, let me know at the first time." in Wu Qi\'s imagination, Wu Nian must be the only one when he comes back, so he didn\'t even mention Li Luoyang\'s name, because he expected that Li Luoyang could not come back, either he had escaped smoothly or died under Wu Nian\'s sword.