Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 573

Wu Nian was already at a loss at this time. The emergence of a traitor in her family had exceeded her expectations. Now the traitor is likely to be Wu Qi. Although Wu Qi\'s martial arts were ridiculed by his people at home, he was taken care of by Wu Mojun, who taught him the most exquisite array of the Wu family, so that he could not be turned into a "slave" like other Wu children with poor martial arts.

The whole Wu family treated him well. Even if some people complained and thought they had lost fairness, but Wu Mojun\'s position was there, and no one really hated Wu Qi. Wu Qi also did well in the Wu family these years, so everyone gradually forgot his stain.

But unexpectedly, Wu Qi joined forces with outsiders to poison the only water source of the Wu family, which almost made the Wu family doomed. Wu nianshi wondered why Wu Qi did this?

Looking at Wu Nian, who was silent and frowning, Li Luoyang knew what she was thinking: "Wu Qi and Xinyi are the same generation. You watched them grow up. Some of them are inevitable in everyone\'s growth. Xinyi was smart since childhood and was treated as a treasure by your family. Wu Qi\'s martial arts are not good. Relying on Wu Mojun to avoid being eliminated, he was excluded and ridiculed by the Wu family. This treatment gap is easy to make Wu Qi feel unbalanced."


"Of course, he will be jealous of Xinyi and hate the Wu family who laugh at him. These are undoubtedly the shadows in his heart. As long as someone has a little skill, he will turn against each other. He will be happy to help outsiders calculate the Wu family and take revenge."

Wu Nian shook her head and still refused to believe everything: "no, no, although Wu Qi\'s martial arts are not good, he respects his teachers and knows humility. When he was a child, he often took care of Xinyi. There is no smell of envy at all. The ridicule of the Wu family to him has long disappeared in the order of the owner. He can\'t keep hating until now."

"You underestimated the power of hatred, because he was still young at that time and had no ability and way to retaliate against the Wu family. Now he has grown up and become the head of your Wu family guard. He has the first layer of protection resources of your Wu family. Naturally, he has the strength to retaliate. He is like an explosive barrel. He only needs a little Mars to explode, and the two outsiders are Mars."

“.” Wu Nian stood where he was and rarely dealt with the outside world. Naturally, the Wu family did not have a clear understanding of the intrigues and intrigues outside. It was normal for these betrayals and calculations to be placed in the outside world. Moreover, it was still such a chaotic era. This is why Li Luoyang was careful when he came to this era. Sometimes you don\'t cause trouble, but things come to you.

For the "simplicity" of the Wu family Li Luoyang was also helpless. In their early years, the Wu family chose to close the world and live in seclusion in Baiyun Mountain, blocking all contacts with the outside world. They lived a life of self-sufficiency. The younger generation of the family grew up all year round and naturally had a new round of rotation. However, the concept of the Wu family began to become a matter of course. They thought that the outside world was the same as the Wu family, there was no dispute or plot, and their families lived in harmony, However, all this goes against the way of survival in the rubble.

The law of the jungle is used in any age, not to mention the age when all Heroes rise together. Although Li Luoyang admires the courage of the Wu family to live in seclusion without fame, wealth and power, in the long run, the Wu family will only gradually become a derailed family. Even if you have strong martial arts, you will probably die in the outside world if you are calculated by villains. Li Luoyang is wondering why the Wu family lives in seclusion In Baiyun Mountain, with the strength of the Wu family, it is also a rich family in the outside world.

"You, what are you going to do?" Wu Nian looked up at Li Luoyang.

"You ask me? Isn\'t this your Wu family\'s business? I\'m only responsible for finding out the real murderer. As for the handling, it should be your Wu family."

"According to the rules of the Wu family, traitors have only one way to die."

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "don\'t worry, it won\'t happen."

"Why? Do you think the Wu family will be lenient to traitors?"

"That\'s not true. With you two elders Wu, Wu Qi should be all right. Tiger poison doesn\'t eat children? Even if you want to punish Wu Qi, elder Wu will stand up and protect it. At that time, the Wu family will be embarrassed. The Wu family will plead for mercy and naturally leave Wu Qi\'s life."

Li Luoyang seems to have written a script in his heart. Wu Mojun can teach Wu Qi such a sophisticated array, which is enough to see his love for his children. However, the Wu family did not stop elder Wu\'s move, which also shows elder Wu\'s status at home.

"Li Luoyang, what kind of devil are you? The Wu family has been trying hard to find the murderer for a while, and nothing has been found. It took you only two days to find out the truth and get rid of the poisons in the water. You have also found the traitor in the family we never imagined. If it weren\'t for you, it\'s estimated that we would never find Wu Qi\'s rebellion in our life." Wu Nian stared at Li Luoyang like a monster.

Li Luoyang smiled and pointed to his temple: "sometimes what we need is not force, but here. Do you believe that although your martial arts are much better than me, I have countless opportunities to kill you in the two days we went to the water source investigation."

Wu Nian was trying to refute something, but suddenly realized that Li Luoyang\'s words were so true. He was unprepared to stay with Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang did have many opportunities to kill her.

Li Luoyang smiled: "before you are strong enough to deal with all kinds of villains, if you want to learn to protect yourself, the outside world is not as naive as you think."

An expert is most afraid of what he is most afraid of. He is most afraid of using poison. Assassination and poison can often become the quickest way to kill. Extremely obscure villain conspiracy is also an extremely difficult means to defend. Unless you are strong enough not to be afraid of these, please keep a high degree of vigilance, because no one knows how many people around you want to die.

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, Wu Nian couldn\'t help nodding his head. From not waiting to see before, he is now as serious as a student. The transformation of their relationship took only two days. It\'s not that Li Luoyang has any magic, but that everything he said makes Wu Nian unable to refute.

"Well, it\'s getting late. There\'s still a distance from the Wu family. We should be there before dark. Let\'s go."

Looking at Li Luoyang walking in front, his teenage back still looks young, but Wu Nian knows that this guy must be a top figure in the Wu family. At this time, Wu Nian suddenly thought of something: "this, this is lost in the willow forest. He is taking me back to the Wu family? He has remembered the right way?"

Li Luoyang walked lightly to the Wu family. He had gone through it once. Naturally, he recognized the way back